Disclaimer: I don't own anything!

Sue Sylvester scowled meaningfully as she watched Will and Finn's reaction to Rachel's predicament. She knew what had to be done.

"Hey Fantasia, I need to speak to you" Sue yelled over the grumbling teenagers.

"Oh hell no. I've put up with a lot of terrible nicknames, but I am not putting up with that" Mercedes sassed, angrily as Sam and Tina shushed her soothingly.

"What? You don't like the name?" Sue inquired, genuinely perplexed

"No! She's a hot damn mess! Just look at her life choices" Mercedes replied,murderously.

"and she's sweaty as hell too" Artie chipped in, as helpful as ever.

"YES and she's sweaty. I don't want that attached to me!"

"Alright then, how about Gladys?" Sue offered, thoughtfully

Mercedes muttered an extremely reluctant agreement.

"she had some good songs though" Mike mumbled so quietly that only Joe heard him.

"Okay! since that's all settled, I need you to gather all the girls and meet me in the living room in 10 minutes. We're having an emergency meeting"

"Can I come?" Kurt called out as she stalked off

"Duh, I said the girls" Sue answered back,not even turning around.

"okay Ladies, after seeing how things unfolded since Rachel's infection. And yes, she is infected so deal with it. Anyway, I've decided to take charge of the situation. We need some sort of plan. We can't just hole up in this house until we all starve to death or end up having our very own version of the Hunger Games."

The sound of amused and surprised murmurs met Sue's announcement.

"Ugh, What is it now?"

"We're just shocked that you even know what that is" Quinn, spoke up in her slow sultry way.

"Yes, I've read the Hunger Games. And I wasn't that impressed. The only good thing I got out of it was the idea of having Teenaged bum fights. Now quit interrupting me! I'm now the head honcho, as is my rightful place. If you don't like it, just think of your other options.

You got Will Shuester, the useless wonder, once again choosing one person over the needs of many. Or Emma Pillsbury. And what the hell is she going to do? Spray Clorox into the zombies eyes and then run away? A good start but no follow through."

"ok so you have a point there. but what about the boys? They can protect us and do all the gross killing stuff" Sugar piped in, taking Woman kind back 60 years.

"Those clowns? You'd leave your life in the hands of them? Lets see… we've got

the hippie"

"She means Joe" Santana helpfully interpreted.

"the mismatched penguin"


"the baked potato"


"the dethroned king of the badasses"


" the belligerent garbage can kicking idiot"

"oooh I know this one. Its Finn!" Brittany chirped excitedly.

Sue rolled her eyes impatiently while continuing her who's who list,

"the cripple"


"and an abysmal stripper. The worst part is that he's the best shot we've got from that choice of rejects"

"what about Mike?" Tina interrupted, feeling like she should stand up for Mike because he's been forgotten again.

"yeah. No" Sue deadpanned.

"Fine! so what do you propose?" Quinn quickly said, sensing Tina's righteous rage brewing.

"I propose I start a new version of the Cheerios. Except even more badass. And a lot more violent. Those jerks you love so much, need to be protected. and I think you girls, have it in you to do so." Sue stated, sagely.

Santana stood up from her seat on the couch, and moved to Sue's side,

"she had me at violent"

"She had me at jerks" Quinn agreed, raising her hand, scooting closer.

"I like the guys new nicknames" Brittany remarked as airily as ever, taking her place at Santana's side.

"Blaine looks a bit hopeless, doesn't he?" Kurt asked,wistfully

"Anyone not joining will be getting my foot up their ass" Mercedes professed wisely. Causing the rest of the girls to quickly flank Sue in a show of unity and cowardice at the seriousness of Mercedes threat.

Meanwhile in the upstairs bedroom…

"Rach?...are you okay?" Finn asked in a pleading way. He edged closer to where she laid under several sheets on the bed.

No sound came from her outside of the rhythmic heavy panting breaths Rachel had begun doing once he had tucked her into bed.

Half of Finn really wanted to run back downstairs to the safety of the basement but he knew it would make him look like a total douche canoe if he did that.

While the other half wanted to protect Rachel from whatever it was she was fighting from within.

Finn might not have been the smartest guy in the world but he knew when something was wrong with his girlfriend. She had a green tinge for pete's sake!

Also she kinda smelled gross.

And Rachel never smelled gross. She always smelled like flowers and her numerous face creams.

Never like this. Not even when she had a bad case of food poisoning this one time and she tried to hide it from him when he came over to visit unannounced. But he could totes smell the sick coming from her pores.

But this new scent was of something rotting. It was of unmistakable death. And it broke Finn's heart. So he slipped into the welcoming arms of Denial.

He slid under the sheets, spooning her from behind, holding her so very close. "Wow you're super cold. Don't worry, I'll keep you warm."

Rachel continued being unresponsive as he hugged her tightly to him. Finn brushed a dark tangled tendril that covered her ear, looking sadly at his girlfriend's profile

" I won't leave you,Rach. No matter what. We're going to get married remember? So you have to get better for me. Okay baby?

The harsh, painstaking breathing stopped. She was so still. So limp in his arms. Finn inhaled sharply, his brows furrowing. "R-Rachel?" He whispered ever so softly.

Rachel suddenly stiffened. A low moaning started from deep inside her body.

Her eyes flashed open. milky white coated her normally brown irises.