Mercedes sat on the bus coming home from Nationals half dozing off, half daydreaming as Sam sat next to her, snoring lightly.

Coming in First Place had them all feeling excited and elated, but exhaustion won out and everyone was either asleep or half asleep on the trip back home to Lima.

The feeling of her phone vibrating with a new message,jerked Mercedes out of her dreamlike state. looking down at her Droid screen she saw, she had a 2 new voicemails from home.

She smiled because she couldn't wait to tell her parents about their win. Maybe she could even convince them to let her throw a bbq for the glee club. Grinning at her brilliant idea, she put the phone to her ear to listen to the first message.

New Message 9:52am:

"Mercedes baby? its mom. I'm so glad I got your voicemail because I need you to listen to every word I say. This isn't a joke. I promise you. Honey, you can't come home. You can't come back to Lima! STAY CALM. and just listen! You remember all those terrible zombie movies your brother always made us watch with him? and I'd always complain about his obsession? Well I'm glad he had it. whooo I'm babbling aren't I? okay *audible sigh* Baby, you're Dad's been bitten. He was trying to get into his car when he thought someone was trying to jack him so he fought back and almost escaped but he got bit. He came straight home to me. and I wrapped his wound. we both just thought it was a crazy crackhead but, then he took a turn for the worst. I got worried and called for an ambulance but the line was busy.

Baby, your Daddy is dead. *stifled sob* He bit me, and I remembered what those movies said and aimed for the head."

End Message.

Hot tears streamed down Mercedes' agony filled face as she listened to her Mother's sweet voice. Without even realizing it,her hand found Sam's, grasping it tightly in her new found grief. Sam slept on,turning in his seat,shifting closer to comfort her, subconciously.

New message at 9:54am

"Damn thing cut me off. *watery laugh* Sweetiepie, please don't cry. I know you're scared and will probably try to go into denial, but theres no time for that right now. I need you to breathe deep and listen to me. I called your brother and he knows. I called Sam's parents and told them to find some place safe. maybe the CDC building? his mother said she'd call him. I also called Tina's mom and Kurt's parents. Carol said she and Burt were in Washington and would take it from there. Do not come home to Lima, Mercedes. Go to your Uncle Lucius' place by the lake. You know where. You can be strong about this,baby. I know you can. You have Sam. You gotta keep him safe. I love you,baby. Your Daddy loves you too."

End Message. You have no more messages. To save this message press-

Mercedes pressed the correct button with shakey fingers. and let out a no longer silent sob.

"Mercedes? you okay?" Sam murmured sleepily, rubbing his eyes. He sat up and took stock of her tears and anguish. " Baby, what is it? what's wrong?"

"Sa-Sam, my mom! dad!.. oh God!" gulping sobs prevented her from continuing as Sam gathered her in his arms, bewildered by her words.

"your phone, check your phone." She croaked out, tears streaming endlessly down her face.

Sam looked at her confused but did as she asked. 3 missed calls and 1 voicemail from his Dad's cellphone number.

"Listen to it,Sam" She said softly,trying to find the strength her mom so confidently boasted that she posessed.

She nearly fell over from the jerky motion of the moving bus, as she tried to stand up but she had to do this. Her mother told her to be strong and dammit, she was going to make her mama proud.

Sam silently gripped her hand as he listened to his messages,shock written all over his face.

"Guys? You need to get up. Everyone, check your voicemails or call your parents. RIGHT NOW" She called out loudly. Various grumbles and groans were heard throughout the bus.

"Mercedes? what is this all about? We're all trying to get a little rest before we get home.." Will Shuester questioned irritably,as he made his way over to her.

"Mr Shue, my mom just called me. Please listen to her message" Mercedes answered somberly, handing her phone over. " Please just listen"

Will eyed her skeptically but did as she asked, shooting a glance over to where Emma sat, watching them curiously.

"This is a joke right?" Will said after listening, passing the phone back to her. a small,unsure smile played on his features.

There was similar shared sentiments from the rest of the group. Some were replaying the messages while others were trying to call out.

"No, Mr Shue. apparently it isn't. Dad said Washington is on Red alert. Outbreaks are being reported all over the country. He said not to go into Lima. To stay out of the cities. He said Mercedes knows where we should all go" Kurt announced loudly, silencing everyone in one fell swoop.

"My mom said the same thing" Tina called out.
"Mine too" Santana said. Britney, Mike and Sugar nodded in agreement.

The glee club's eyes all fell upon the chocolate-y Diva,seeking answers.

"My Uncle Lucius' lake house. Its very secluded. Coach, take the I-94, I'll tell you when the turnoff is." Mercedes said, her eyes never leaving the picture on her phone. It was of her parents right before she left for Nationals. Her lips quivered,but she refused to let anymore tears fall.

"What's going on,Aretha? Will? why are we taking this detour?" Sue demanded.

"Its The Zombie Apocalypse, Coach and Lima is ground zero." Sam answered, standing up beside Mercedes.