"Did you love Annie right away, Finnick?" I ask.

"No." A long time passes before he adds, "She crept up on me."'Mockingjay

Hello Fanfictioners! Thank you if you are reading this story! For those of you who have read my story Children of the Victors- I had to think about it, but most likely I will be doing a few different stories first like a Johanna Mason story, maybe a post Mockingjay epilogue and THEN probably a 'Grandchildren of the Victors' (working title- I may change it, hehe not sure yet though).

I do not own the Hunger Games.


Finnick Odair.

I kind of hoped the people who were reaped wouldn't be pretty. Not to make fun of them or anything like that. I just didn't want them to become like me.

I didn't want them to be a whore. The Capitol playtoy.

I didn't want them to have to slip away in the middle of the night to avoid the curious glances from their families. Well, if they had a family. Maybe Snow would have them killed like he did to my mother.

"Welcome District 4!" Justine Glass's (the escort of District 4) voice shrilled "Happy 70th Hunger Games! And may the odds ever be in your favour!"

"As always, it's ladies first!" She placed a hand delicately in the glass bowl of the girl's names.

I held my breath- this child most likely might die.

"Annie Cresta!"

Her name hung in the air. I heard the last name before. Nathan Cresta was in jail for killing a man and stealing. Nobody would volunteer for her.

She slowly walked out of the sixteen year old section. Annie was a pretty thing .With the tan skin and sea green eyes that came from our District, but her hair was a different story, brown, wild, wavy and dripping wet. Probably will cost her a few sponsors. But her dress, showed that she was fairly rich. Strapless, silky, green and showed off her curves that she defiantly had. But slightly frayed. I could see the sponsors lining up now. I wonder where she got it. Did she steal it? I waved that thought off, just because her dad was a criminal doesn't mean she was.

Her eyes were large glassy orbs, not showing any fear. They reminded me of the ocean.

"Any volunteers?"

Nothing, the only sound I could hear was the man weeping.

Justine walked besides the boys bowl and put a perfectly manicured hand in. "Maxem Watterson."

A large muscular boy came out from the eighteen year old section. He was grinning and flexing his muscles, Maxem looked like the type of boy who would have volunteered anyways. The wind whipped his sandy blonde hair around while he walked onto the stage.

"Alright! Shake hands!" Justine ordered.

They shook hands and Maxem went close into Annie's space, whispering something into her ear. He walked away and followed Justine into the building. Annie shuddered.

Annie Cresta.

"Have fun."

That's what he said to me. It was almost like he wanted to kill people. The thought of taking someone's life made me want to vomit onto the stage. I bet the Capitol would just love that. Why was Max acting different? We knew each other, he seemed very nice. But now he seemed like a machine, turning off his human side, or maybe he got hit with a rock very hard.

I almost cried on stage, almost. Hearing my grandpa's cries were almost unbearable. But I had to stay strong, even though I was heading towards my death.

Moments after the Peacekeepers pushed me into a room my grandpa appeared and threw his arms around me "It'll be okay Annie!" He sniffed "You can w-win!"

We sat down on the couch "Grandpa… I don't think I can."

Grandpa pushed his circled glass up his nose "NO! You can do this, listen to Mags."

Would she be coming? She seemed so old. Mags is one of the oldest victors alive in District 4, out of all the female winners, they make poor Mags go. "What-?"

"Don't you remember how she won?" Grandpa looked around hasty as if someone was watching us. Probably someone was.

I shook my head, Mags won in the second Hunger Games I think, and even if I did see the tape, I probably wouldn't remember, I don't make a habit of memorizing each victors Games.

"How did she-?" Before I could finish the sentence Peacekeepers came in lugging a man in a heap of rags.


Peacekeepers actually let him say goodbye? Prisoners were forced to come watch reapings, in a long line in the back, surrounded by more Peacekeepers. They took grandpa while he started to sob "NO! NO! Annie! Come back! I love you!"

The Peacekeepers took him away, but I could still hear his sobs.

Dad rubbed his wrists, well… tried to, he was wearing handcuffs. The silence was unbearable, this was precious time, I could have still been with Grandpa, it's not like anyone else would come and see me, I didn't have much friends.

He reached into his pockets "Take this, please." It was a tattered fray robe, why would they Peacekeepers let him keep that? He could hurt himself with that, if he was suicidal… well the Peacekeeper's didn't care, probably would be happy he died.

I didn't say anything put I took it "What is this for?" I finally asked.

"Your district token, you can turn it into a bracelet, by tying knots." He explained.

Knots. I can tie knots. Grandpa said there great. I nodded numbly "Okay."

And with that, the Peacekeepers came and went with the last family member I might ever see or hear.


I don't know if Annie's Games were actually on the 70th, but Finnick won the 65th, so it seemed fitting.