I've been hard at work editing and sorting out the PLOT for the SEQUEL! (More information at END).

THANK YOU SO MUCH to everyone who voted in the "How MPreg" Poll, you've been especially helpful to me and my thought process. (& I will continue to keep an eye on the votes if anyone still wants to take part). So I hope everyone is okay with where I'm about to take this story!


A bit of useless WT Trivia: For some reason I've been calling Wolfram's elite Corporal, Casper Amsel for as long as I can remember. Don't ask me why because I've completely forgotten! So his name is not canon but he is based on a character in the anime. He wears a Bielefeld uniform, is one of the four soldiers Wolfram usually has closest to him. Particularly, episode 2 in season 3 comes to mind if anyone wants a visual on him. He's been accused of being in love with Wolfram way back in season 1 by one of the other four soldiers. He has green hair and purple eyes. He's also very pretty, obviously.



I write like I watch anime. THERE IS NO REALISM HERE. The Smut will be like you would see in a Yaoi, Manga or Anime.

MEANING: both Yuri and Wolfram are completely clean, hairless, and boyishly beautiful. I write it like I see it. But I hope you like it.

Wolfram's Tears

The Interlude

TWO MONTHS LATER: Fourth Year Engagement, Anniversary!

Wolfram felt a lot better.

His injuries had been minimal considering the life threatening danger he had been in, honestly Wolfram had been sick of everyone's coddling by the second day.

Although it had been nice having Yuri so attentive towards him.

Wolfram may have played up his pain intolerance once or twice in order to goad the kindly double-black King into bestowing a kiss or four upon his ailing fiancé.

Infrequently, of course.

He didn't want to arouse suspicion.

His fiancé on the other hand, he absolutely did want to arouse.

And being restricted to bed rest for weeks on end, he had plenty of time to scheme and imagine little else.

The only other thought which permeated Wolfram's mind was the ever constant fear of Yuri's indifference, even while Yuri had been the opposite of indifferent for months now.

In fact he'd been the perfect example of a considerate partner with night time cuddles and tender make out intervals, all slyly beyond the comprehension of their overprotective older brothers.

And yet, the cloying fear of Yuri leaving, no matter how farfetched, of Yuri's attention being captured by another, choked him worse than the smoke which had sunk into his lungs.

The nightmares continued to haunt him and Yuri was no longer oblivious to Wolfram's inner turmoil. He questioned Wolfram every morning on his sleep and Wolfram was struggling to channel the little energy he had into his insincere assurances.

He was sick of his own lies.

He was tired of his own fears.

"Wolfram, please tell me what's wrong?" Yuri begged him after almost two months of patiently waiting for Wolfram to open up to him.

They were curled up together in the early morning. Yuri had dressed in his black uniform before climbing back under the covers with Wolfram for good morning kisses when he had seen the heavy shadows under Wolfram's shinning green eyes, and the young Maoh's worn thin patience had snapped.

Wolfram buried him head under Yuri's chin, avoiding his King's searching eyes.

"I worry, that's all. It's stupid." Wolfram mumbled, fiddling with Yuri's buttoned collar in an attempt to distract them both.

Yuri stilled his hands in his own.

"Please talk to me, Wolfram." He whispered, pulling the fire Mazoku to sit up with him, face to face. "Am I doing something wrong? Tell me and I'll try to do better. You know I'd do anything for you, right?"

Wolfram huffed, catching Yuri's hands and weaving their fingers together.

"I know." He whispered back, still not meeting Yuri's eyes.

Yuri used their entwined hands to tilt Wolfram's chin up, persistent.

Wolfram finally looked at him and Yuri rewarded him with a chaste kiss.

"Tell me."

"I just worry sometimes that I'm not enough for you, that there's someone better."

Yuri blinked at him in shock.

"I told you it was stupid." Wolfram growled and tried to pull away.

Yuri held him fast.

"It is stupid." Yuri told him and Wolfram glared at him. "I've travelled this world over and although I've lived in Japan for most of my life, I've seen a lot of places on Earth too and I have never met anyone like you, Wolfram."

Wolfram blushed and ducked his head allowing Yuri to enclose him in the circle of his arms once more.

"I love you, honey-chan. And nobody can ever compare." Yuri spoke with blinding sincerity.

Wolfram clung to Yuri tightly, hiding his red and damp face in his black jacket.

"Just tell me how I can prove it to you?" Yuri sighed.

Cautiously, Wolfram untangled himself just enough to peer coyly at the encouraging young man from beneath thick black lashes.

"I have been thinking…" he admitted, biting his bottom lip to keep his eagerness under wrap.

"What? What is it?" Yuri urged keenly.

Wolfram ran his fingers down the front of Yuri's black jacket, licking his lips hungrily when Yuri shivered, his pupils dilating, darkening and sharpening his eyes all at once.

Wolfram shivered in response.

"…I've been thinking about us…" He brushed a tease of a kiss to Yuri's panting mouth, "…going…" he nipped gently then pulled back to whisper, "…all the…"

Yuri gasped when Wolfram's month sucked on his jawline, his shaggy dark head falling back into Wolfram's cradling hands, his thin fingers threading and caressing through the thick bangs.

"…Way." Wolfram smirked, lifting his head to meet Yuri's disgruntled and frustrated gaze.

"Okay." Yuri said readily.

Wolfram gaped at him.

"Seriously?" He questioned with his eyebrows arched with obvious skepticism.

"Seriously." Yuri told him.

"…You do know what 'all the way' means, right?" Wolfram asked again.

Yuri rolled his eyes and shook his head with a pained laugh.

"Yes. I know what it means and I've been thinking about it too." He said.

"You have?"

Wolfram's eyes were so wide with incredulity they felt like they were in danger of falling right out of his head.

Yuri snorted and shot forward, pushing Wolfram flat on his back before Wolfram could take in a breath, smirking down at him as if he'd won a prize.

Wolfram's ability to breathe had been impaired before, but now, it was practically impossible.

"How many times do I have to tell you 'Yes' for you to believe me? You act as if wanting you is somehow odd. I've always thought you were the prettiest, most beautiful, angelic, cute and attractive male friend I'd ever had. And since you kissed me, I've added sexy onto my mental list of All Things Wolfram."

Wolfram felt too hot all of a sudden, squirming under Yuri's hovering body.

"That's bold talk for a wimp who won't even let his fiancé of four years wash his back." He grouched.

"Has it really been four years all ready?" Yuri asked curiously, chasing a thought in the dark behind his eyes.

"Four years today, actually." Wolfram snapped.

Of course, the wimp hadn't remembered.

Yuri was up and off the bed before Wolfram had seen him move.

"Hey! Wimp! Where are you going?" He demanded.

He wasn't ready for the morning kisses to be over!

"Sorry, Wolf. I just thought of something really important that I have to do today." Yuri hurriedly re-buttoned his jacket and ran his hands through his hair.

Completely undoing all of Wolfram's good work.

"More important than the little time we get to spend together?" Wolfram queried, hurt.

Fortunately, Yuri halted in his swift retreat out of the bedroom where Wolfram was still confined for half the day.

Gisela's orders, although he suspected Gwendal of enforcing the half-day rule, held prisoner because he couldn't be trusted not to visit the barracks at unsuspecting hours to check on his men's progress in his absence, under Corporal Casper Amsel's leadership.

Yuri comes back to bed with a cautious smile, kissing Wolfram apologetically.

Wolfram offered him his cheek and then tilted his head back, exposing his neck to his lover's lips because he was an understanding fiancé.

What? He was!

Yuri tentatively sucked on the skin at the arch of his throat, where his jaw curved into his jugular. Wolfram whined quietly, allowing Yuri's arms to lower him into the nest of blankets and pillows accumulated throughout Wolfram recuperation the last two months, Wolfram pulling his King by the hair where he wanted his mouth.

For a wimp, Yuri took pleasure in following Wolfram's lead.

Wolfram protested very verbally when Yuri pulled up to disentangle himself again.

"I'm sorry, Wolf! But I really have to do something before you make me forget again." Yuri continued placing light kisses all around Wolfram's pouting mouth even while he fought against Wolfram's strong hold.

"Can't we just spend the day together? It's our anniversary!"

However, when Yuri continued to fight him, Wolfram let go and folded his arms, and his legs under him.

"Fine! Do what you want. I don't care." He dismissed, turning his face dramatically to the side.

Yuri stood up with a sigh and an amused look, used to Wolfram's cabin fever indulgent behavior of late. Yuri had to remember his own duties meanwhile Wolfram provided him with the perfect distraction. And if Yuri had a few hours put aside a day to visit his bored bedmate, then no one had called him out on it.

"I'll tell Gwendal and Gunter I can only do a few hours of paperwork today." Yuri announced, and was rewarded with the sight of Wolfram's wary eyes.

Yuri kissed him one more time, being careful to keep his body back from tempting hands.

"I'm going to make time for us. And you want me to go do this, just trust me."

Wolfram kissed him chastely, his arms remaining crossed but his mouth was soft and forgiving.

"Make it worth my while?" he bargained.

Yuri grinned looking as wicked as he did when he thought he was being devious.

For a wimp.

"I plan to." He assured.


Conrad nodded to the guards stationed outside the Maoh's bedroom as he walked down the corridor towards them.

The additional protection was not for the Maoh himself, which was the only reason why Yuri hadn't insisted they weren't necessary.

Everyone had agreed keeping Wolfram from sneaking out of bed and down to the training grounds was very necessary.

Gwendal's elite have had a productive couple of months to say the least.

Conrad was secretly proud of Wolfram's level of skill in stealth and escape, his military training proving to be above reproach. Of course, Gwendal would feel the same if his men hadn't been made a mockery of the past two months.

He was about to knock on the door when he heard the low murmur of voices inside. The strained tone level was familiar and Conrad smiled secretly to himself as he slowly pried the door open to peer inside.

His Godson and little brother's amusing antics were his favorite pastime entertainment.

However, what he saw was not amusing to him, at all.

Seeing his innocent, pure-hearted Godson in a very intimate moment with his little brother was something he had told himself he was ready for, whenever they became ready.

But he hadn't thought they were ready.

Because he wasn't ready to see it.

He let the door swing shut on Yuri kissing Wolfram, over and over, quick and chastely, and sickly sweet while his gut knotted and his mind fogged.

He stumbled back and collided with another body.

"Woah, what's wrong? Is Yuri okay?" Shori was there.

The walls around him solidified as the dark hole in his mind cleared.

"Nothing." He reassured, his blank smile stretching his too tight lips. "Yuri is fine. I just realized that I have duties elsewhere today. Please, apologize to Yuri for me and tell him our run can wait another day."

"Yes. Of course, I…"

Conrad didn't stick around to hear the reply.

He was preoccupied.

He needed distance.

He didn't look back.


Yuri was just as excited as he was nervous.

He didn't know whether he really had the Blind Yuri, 'other' personality thing controlled yet, and this would be the ultimate test.

He was also wary about him and Wolfram moving too fast and before marriage especially.

He was desperately trying not to think about what Conrad would say if he found out.

Yuri was tearing himself apart again with his conflicting thoughts so had made the desperate decision to talk to Murata, which was why he was currently sitting in his personal office, completely alone with the smirking Great Sage by his own orders, and willfully hiding behind his constant mountain of paperwork.

Of course Murata had an idea, how to tick his passionate alter ego into allowing Yuri to remain conscious and in full control of his body.

To say Yuri was wary was a complete misnomer.

Murata told Yuri to trust him.

"Calm down, Shibuya. Wolfram expects you to be in charge, remember?" Murata said from his recline in his chair at the long council table taking up a large portion of the Maoh's Office.

"How can I forget? I don't know what he expects from me, I haven't done it before either!" He was panicking again.

He knew he was panicking again.

"It's really not that difficult. When you're attracted to someone, the act is instinctual. People here aren't as exposed to sex on a day to day basis as we are on Earth, so logically, you should know better than your cute archaic lover."

"What if I hurt, Wolfram? He's still recovering and I don't know what I'm even doing!" He persevered.

He needed more than Murata was offering.

He needed details. A diagram.


"Your fiancé is a soldier on duty again, even if it's half-days and with his Corporal still doing all the psychical labor. And from the rumors of all the trouble he's caused Gwendal's elite these past two months, I don't think he's the type who takes coddling very well, Shibuya. He's breathing normally now, just try not to make him gasp too deeply and he'll be fine."

Yuri glared at his smirking friend.

"You're laughing at me, aren't you? You know, I'm nervous enough as it is, you could be a better friend and give me helpful advice!" He yelled, throwing his hands up helplessly.

Murata leaned forward, folding his hands on the table with a more serious expression.

"You're right. I'm sorry, Shibuya. You're just so easy and, well, after tonight I'm never going to be able to tease you for being so innocent again, am I?" he reasoned.

Yuri rolled his eyes and pushed aside his paperwork, meeting his friend's eye head on.

"Good. I feel better all ready." He said as he slumped in his tall-backed chair.

But then Murata had to ruin it.

"Of course, after tonight I'll have plenty of new and exciting things to tease you about!" He crowed.

"Murata!" Yuri groaned.

Murata laughed but raised his palms up in surrender.

"I'm helping now, I swear! Just leave everything to me. You don't have a problem with bondage, right?" He asked swiftly.

Yuri could feel himself turning purple.

Murata had told Yuri to trust him.

There was just no way.

He was going to be a virgin forever!

"Please don't scare Wolfram off having sex with me by telling him about one of your wild kinks?" He begged.

Murata scoffed.

"Out of the two of you, I think cute Wolfram will be the one to bring up the subject of kinks in your relationship. Besides, you're the one who can't go through with this like a normal hot-blooded male, which is why you came to me for a short cut in the first place."

"You make it sound like I'm doing it on purpose." Yuri complained.

Murata gave him a tight smile, the light reflecting off his glasses as he stood up and walked over to stand in front of Yuri's thick breadth desk.

"You'll figure it out in your own time." He said cryptically and then reached into his trouser pocket and threw something down on the desk between them.

Yuri frowned down at the item and picked it up gingerly to stare in disbelief at what he is seeing.

Murata had given Yuri a condom.

"Here. Consider it a late birthday present." He said.

"My birthday was two months ago." Yuri said incredulously, while holding the loud pink foil packet as if it were a ticking time bomb.

"An anniversary present then." Murata grinned cruelly.

Yuri bit his lip.

It had been exactly four years and a day since he first arrived in Shin Mazoku.

He fiddled with the packet a moment longer before pocketing it in a clumsy rush.

Murata laughed at him, strolling casually around the desk and patted him on the back.

"Just so you know demons aren't susceptible to human diseases, so the condom is more symbolic than necessary, unless you're worried about pregnancy all ready?" Murata added with an arched eyebrow.

Yuri gave him a dry look.

"Ha ha."

He shook his head.

So much for not trusting him.


Wolfram had never felt more embarrassed.

He supposed he should feel honored to be given relationship advice by the Great Sage.

But being advised on how to… to open himself up with his fingers and… and the proper oils to use and… how to make it hurt less…

Yeah, he was mortified.

His Grace had blind-sided Wolfram when he was in the stables, brushing down his horse after his ride back from the few hours he was allowed on the training grounds.

Not really the time he wanted to have a very explicit conversation on "The Plan".

Which, if Wolfram had a say, would have been NEVER.

What was Yuri thinking?

Of course, Wolfram knew what the wimp was thinking because he had thought of nothing else for months.

For years.

He should just be happy Yuri was finally making a move.

Even if the Great Sage had to do most of the talking for him.

Okay, so the wimp was still a wimp.

Wolfram was hypersensitive and uncomfortable in the "lingerie" Miko-san had gifted them with for such an occasion as this and with no underwear as Murata had instructed of him, not that Wolfram thought the thin lace blue cotton was worth his modesty.

His ass was pre-stretched and liberally lubricated (after a long, late afternoon of bathing and grooming), Wolfram had never felt so stimulated his skin hot with embarrassment and excitement for the gentle care he had taken to keep himself "prepared".


Yuri had bathed and dressed in his pajamas more out of nervousness than following Murata's instruction.

All he knew about tonight was that he was going to lose his virginity to his fiancé, someone he loved and trusted above all others.

Yuri was sitting against the headboard fidgeting with the black silk scarf Murata had informed him was his blindfold for tonight.

Yuri felt guilty and pathetic how anxious he was to place the material over his eyes, yearning for the comfort of exemption. He was ashamed to admit to himself that he really was a wimp.

Yuri started when he heard the first ominous knock.


Wolfram was wrapped in his fluffy pink dressing gown, giving him some comfort, although he still felt shameless when he knocked on his and Yuri's bedroom door to signal his arrival, glad for Yuri's forethought of giving Gwendal's elite the night off.

And thus presenting Yuri with the very last opportunity to send him away.

After some tense silence, Wolfram heard Yuri clear his throat and call for him to "Come in!" sounding as awkward as Wolfram felt.

Wolfram slipped inside, locking the door resolutely behind him before turning to face his fate and caught his breath.

He saw Yuri sitting against the headboard of the bed they have slept side by side in every night for years, blindfolded and dressed in his usual blue pajamas.

Wolfram swallowed down his nerves. Knowing he had full control soothed him slightly, although he still doubted his own virgin prowess.

He walked over to his side of the bed, procrastinating and wondering how he was supposed to begin since his Grace had only reminded him of the basics which Wolfram had mostly figured out on his own.

He slipped his dressing gown off and laid it out neatly on his side of the bed as well as the extra towel he had brought from his bath for his hair.

Then, biting his bottom lip, he circled back around to where Yuri was visibly holding his breath and stared at the young Maoh while attempting to get a grip on himself.

They were engaged... and they were going to make love.

Seeing Yuri sweating and trembling with anxiety sparked Wolfram's determination to make this good for his fiancé, co-father of their daughter, Greta and any children they chose to have in the future.

Holding his own breath, Wolfram crawled onto the bed and straddled Yuri's legs, making sure to lift his scrap of clothing to pool high around his hips and the feet of his bent legs so his bottom pressed into Yuri's clothed half-hard groin, and Wolfram's own budding erection with balls drawn tight against his body made no contact with Yuri's quivering belly.

They both let out a twin gush of air when they finally, finally made contact.

Yuri laughed nervously, his hands twitching, limp at his sides.


Wolfram hesitated because he didn't want to scare Yuri.

Within his hesitation Yuri's right hand reached for him, finding his right thigh and the smooth skin there causing them both to freeze.

"...Yuri?" Wolfram responded quietly uncertain.

Yuri relaxed immediately, smiling with relief.

"Phew. You scared me, Wolfram. Not saying anything like that, I thought Murata might have been playing a vicious trick on me."

Wolfram smiled, his eyes heavy with love and adoration, not that Yuri could see it and knowing it made Wolfram feel powerful, mischievous.

Therefore he gave a tentative roll of his hips making them both gasp.

Yuri blushed and Wolfram smirked, leaning in to brush his lips to Yuri's slacked mouth, panting, "Wimp. It's just me... with just you."


Yuri gulped loudly, his throat clicking with dryness and Wolfram continued to grind sensually.

Yuri moaned as Wolfram gasped as he rolled his hips faster, firmer and Yuri's thighs twitched in the phantom of a thrust, sparking Wolfram to mewl quietly against Yuri's wet mouth, wanting.

Yuri felt too hot under the blindfold and his layers of clothing, his palms sweating and clenching with hesitance, until he cracked and grabbed at Wolfram hips finding soft fabric under his hands. He rubbed it between his fingers and Wolfram leaned back and jerked harder, gasping.

Exploring curiously it stopped abruptly at the tops of smooth and rhythmically flexing thighs, like a skirt and his trousers were becoming soaked with Wolfram's movement by more than just Yuri's pre-come.

Yuri groaned long and loudly as he wondered if it were possible a demon boy could get as wet as a regular girl and he almost didn't care, his only thought was of freeing his hard-on and feeling Wolfram's wetness on his skin.

"Wolf, please?" Yuri reached between them but Wolfram grabbed his hands suddenly and pushed them against the headboard either side of Yuri.

The action was hot in itself however Yuri craved more for the aching throb between his spreading legs.

"Let me." Wolfram whispered, kissing Yuri sweetly, chastely and from the first touch Yuri didn't want it to stop, chasing Wolfram's lips and deepening the kiss, making it wet and noisy.

Wolfram moaned, the vibration echoed in Yuri's throat before moving his hips back slightly, reaching between them and yanking Yuri's pajama pants down, slipping inside and gently tugging hard flesh free.

Yuri gasped and shuddered as Wolfram licked at his trembling lips and tugged Yuri once, twice.

Yuri grabbed Wolfram's wrist roughly to stop him from taking him over the edge.

He didn't want it to end here.

He wanted more, he wanted...


Wolfram kissed him roughly, licking deeply until they were both quaking from it.

Wolfram shifted forward, hand on Yuri's clothed shoulder for balance while his other hand guided Yuri's sensitive flesh far underneath him and against the wet heat of his hole.

Yuri grasped Wolfram's hips desperately to anchor himself, feeling like would float away if he didn't.

When Wolfram sank down his steel hard length he was left a broken shell of a man.

Never to be the same again.

Wolfram grunted and hissed as he determinedly took Yuri in one sharp slide even though it stole his breath and burned his heart to ashes.

They both froze for stretched seconds, gathering the pieces of themselves they could salvage, each destroyed by the other and ruined for anything other than this.

They were two halves of a the same whole now.

Yuri's thighs twitched first, his belly burning for relief and Wolfram wiggled with agonizing fervor, Yuri's skin soothing to the touch and inside.

They moved as one.

Fast, Wolfram was bouncing on Yuri and Yuri was chasing his movement desperately.

Their voices were mostly breath as they whimpered and mewled the secrets of their pleasure for only themselves to hear, in unison, together.

Yuri's hands glided over the silky soft fabric along Wolfram's ribs and chest, discovering the hot skin of his bare shoulders, blindly tracing the arch of the delicate neck back down, pulling the loose neckline and stretching it down over his biceps to touch the hard points of Wolfram's nipples.

Yuri spread his legs wider to gain his own leverage to help the motion of driving into Wolfram's body, gripping him in a dripping and clinging hold. Gosh, he felt just like Yuri used to image a girl would feel. But it felt right, like tiny tits in his palms and a wet sex upon him.

It was perfect and he had found it with Wolfram, whom he loved and needed more than he's ever thought he'd love or need anyone.

Yuri pulled Wolfram into a kiss by his damp hair with more tongue and breath than lips, and determinedly yanked his blindfold free.

He didn't need it anymore.

He could take responsibility for this feeling.

Blinking in the moonlight, Yuri finally saw him.

Wolfram was glowing, red with sweltering heat and shining with sweat, wrapped so rightly in Yuri's birthday present from Miko, bunched around his waist, the spaghetti straps stretched wide and sliding down his toned biceps with his rosy pink nipples at a point, and clearly visible.

The skirt was high on his blushing, gyrating hips, his bare thighs flexing spastically. Wolfram had his golden head thrown back, his back arched, his hands gripping Yuri's pant legs as he bounced feverishly, completely lost in his pleasure he hadn't realized Yuri's reclaimed sight.

Stunned was Yuri, completely enthralled by the sight and sensation overload.

Neither his mind nor his body could keep up.

For a moment he was looking down on the scene, not present in his body but just seconds ticked by before his pleasure pulled him back to his present.

Yuri roughly pushed the rest of Wolfram's skirt up to gawp at the angry red and weeping erection, soaking the swollen balls nestled cutely beneath.

The sight of Yuri's manhood slicking in and out behind them was hypnotizing.

Wolfram squeaked when he finally took notice of Yuri looking at him while he was shameless and exposed.

Wolfram tried to cover himself but Yuri stopped him.

"Wolfram. I love you." Yuri whispered on a shaky breath but he might as well have yelled it for how loud his declaration resounded in the moon spilled room.

Slowly, huge and luminous green eyes spilled over as they met black pools and held, hands intertwined, grasping tightly and skin coming together again and again.

Yuri's eyes drooped as Wolfram's rolled up to lean against his forehead as he sobbed.

Wolfram gasped and Yuri watched his erection erupted between their clenching bellies, undulating and surging with Yuri deep inside.

Yuri came in a shockwave.


Wolfram had shyly pulled off of Yuri in the aftermath and stretched out beside him.

Yuri slowly came down him his high, rediscovering himself on his back while they caught their breath, gradually recovering from the combined amazement of what just happened.

The magic they had achieved together.

Wolfram lazily reached for the still damp towel hanging half on the bed and weakly wiped himself off as his breathing began to even out. Afterward he offered it to Yuri without meeting his eyes.

Yuri was pleasantly buzzed and took the towel with a quiet "Thanks," before cleaning himself up a bit and rearranging his pajamas.

He lay in the silence for a moment until he decided getting to his feet to fetch them both some water from the pitcher was a good idea.

Wolfram was still sprawled out with his eyes closed when Yuri returned to the bed with a glass of water for him.

Yuri helped Wolfram drink gently, feeling the sleepy monster lift its head from under his breastbone and purr protectively as Wolfram drank with his perspiring green eyes shut tight before drifting into an immediate sleep.

Yuri carefully put Wolfram to bed, redressing him in his more conservative negligee with an echo of warmth throbbing in his belly upon seeing the bruises and fading blush on the soft pale skin, and brushed the drying tears from too hot cheeks with the rough pad of his thumb.

Yuri was surprised at his own boldness but he considered himself a man now, and a man took care of his lover.

It was a revelation… being allowed to desire Wolfram.

After all, the Losing -Virginity-As-Yuri-And-Not-Accidently-Summoning-His-Lusty-Alterego-plan had worked.

He reminded himself to thank Murata tomorrow, and maybe buy him something nice.

Or something humiliating, he reconsidered picturing the condom hidden deep within his bedside draw.

Yuri fell asleep with his body wrapped securely around Wolfram and he slept soundly, in a deep and dreamless doze throughout the rest of the night.

Finally, everything had really changed.

To Be Continued…



Story Summary: Yuri's passionate counterpart isn't too pleased about being tricked. He becomes a menace and unexpected rival in Yuri's new, heated love life so much so he gives himself a name all his own… Yoru isn't going to fade away without a fight… And Yuri still has a lot to learn… about himself, Wolfram and the entire demon race…

SEQUEL WARNINGS!: MPreg (Explicitly Mentioned); Demon Anatomy lessons; HEATS! As well as: Dissociative Identity Disorder; Lusty Alter Ego; Plenty of SMUT; Drama; Jealousy; Overprotectiveness; Established Relationship; Secret Sexual Relationship; & some more dubious consent (only because of Yoru/Yuri switches)…

The sequel will be on the same level of angst as this fic (so won't be overly dark) and will be full of a lot more smutty stuff. I'm working on the assumption that the more smut I write the better and more explicit the scenes become! And maybe next time, Yuri can say "good riddance" to his pesky new alter ego… mwahaha.




However, YF may not be the next YuuRam fic I post! I've been building on fic ideas and elaborate plot plans since I began WT, so it's more than likely I will be posting a few short/long one-shots for a while depending on my multitasking, but I'll be working on the sequel as I do, definitely.

So, lots more to expect from me in the future if you're interested!

Take A Look at my Profile Page to see what I'm up to around the clock! (hint* FanArt & potential stories info)...




CHECK OUT Wolfram's Tears on AO3(a link is on my profile page if you're interested) where you can see my WT Title Art in full, and even though it's not perfect I'm completely happy with how my first ever COMPLETED chaptered story turned out. (And there will be more to come within this series!)




& FINALLY To All My Wonderful Readers!: Thank you from the bottom of my heart for sticking it out with me up to this halfway point! And a Special Thank you to All those who reviewed (probably multiple times) and shared your thoughts and feelings with me! Please continue to do so, I'm always free to chat about YuRam and how bloody brilliant it is as a perfect pairing! Always keep them alive!


YuuRam 4Eva
