A/N So, this is my first fic. Let me know if it's terrible and you that hate it or if you maybe enjoyed it? reviews are always nice. This is AU.

"Santana? Are you even listening to me?" Rachel berry sighed impatiently as she repeatedly called her friends name. "Huh?" Santana asked suddenly aware that the whole room was now staring at her.

"Sorry, I was just day dreaming" the Latina shrugged apologetically.

"I'll say" Rachel muttered under her breath as she continued to type furiously on her laptop.

Santana loved Rachel, they had been best friends since freshman year when they were the only two girls writing for the school newspaper. She could be a bit of a pain a lot of the time, she had a tendency to take over most of the things they did and decided practically everything but, Santana never complained. She knew she was lucky to have Rachel as her friend because no matter what, she never judged her and having someone like that in high school wasn't so easy to find.

"What's wrong?" Santana asked curiously at the shorter brunette.

"It's this stupid article. I don't understand why we have to write about a group of superficial cheerleaders just because they got a new uniform!" Rachel shrieked as she shook her head. "Don't you think?" she asked the Latina with a serious tone.

"mhm, I guess so" was all Santana said with a shrug. Before Rachel could continue her rant the lunch bell rang and Santana took a long sigh of relief almost falling over as she grabbed her book bag and shut down the school's laptop. "Want to grab a soda?" was all she said before leaving the room with Rachel quickly on her heels and nodding.

Keeping her head down Santana tried to make it through the busy hallway of McKinley high school without someone sort of icy beverage slapping her in the face like a tonne of bricks. They were just steps from the cafeteria when two cheerleaders came towards the brunette's smirking with a hint of excitement in their eyes. Before Santana knew it she was covered in red slush.

"Nice glasses, Loser" the two cheerleaders shouted as they hi fived triumphantly and skipped down the hallway giggling. Santana bowed her head in embarrassment and bit her bottom lip fighting every urge she had not to cry.

"Come on San, let's get you cleaned up" Rachel smiled encouragingly as she took her best friend's hand and guided her towards the girl's bathroom but as soon as they entered Rachel internally kicked herself. A band of cheerio's stood towards the mirror applying more make up to their already perfect complexions.

"Well look what the cat dragged in." a beautiful blonde girl said confidently staring directly at the freezing Santana. Santana recognised her as Quinn Fabray. They were in gym together but most days Santana faked an injury or an illness to avoid any activity that involved any chance of objects being tossed at her. Rachek held Santana's hand tightly and brushed passed the girls to get at the sink to help clean off the Latina.

"Excuse me? Didn't your daddy's ever teach you manners, hobbit?" Quinn spat as she was pushed out of the way by Rachel and an unnervingly quiet Santana. Ignoring the stares that were being directed at her Rachel dampened a cloth that she kept in her book bag for situations like this and handed it to the taller girl so she could clean herself. Santana took her glasses off her face and began to clean the lenses when two other cheerio's took them and threw them across the floor. Bursting out laughing they each took a turn at kicking them along the tiles like a soccer ball in fits of giggles and screams. Rachel did her best to retrieve the glasses when the bathroom door slammed open and the girl Santana feared the most stood there tall and confident.

Her long blonde hair was tied back in a tight ponytail and she towered over most of the other girls in the room. "Hey, Britt." Quinn smiled as she spotted the head cheerleader eyeing the room and trying her best to pin together exactly what was going on.

"Everyone, OUT!" Brittany shouted and the room in almost an instant became empty aside from Brittany, Quinn, Rachel and a frightened Santana. It wasn't that Brittany had ever done anything to her besides a few slushies here and there but it was her position that scared her more than anything. The head cheerleader was someone most girls like her feared and avoided but right now she was stood face to face with her. "Quinn, don't you have practise to go to?" The tall blonde sighed clearly irritated. Quinn gulped and bowed her head in defeat. When the bathroom door was finally closed Brittany smiled in a sickly sweet way that turned Santana's stomach. "Ru Paul, get out of here I want to talk to her."

She demanded and Rachel failed to stand her ground by cowering away and whispering to Santana "See you in class, I'm sorry San" before she ran out of the room.

"Sorry about them" Brittany said with a small smile. "Girls will be girls, right?" she laughed trying to make out what just happened to be a regular okay thing.

"Yeah, or they'll just be bitches." The Latina replied in a strangely confident voice that almost sounded foreign to her. The blonde girl let out a dry laugh and shook her head but didn't speak again.

Santana moved across the bathroom and picked up her glasses. One of the lenses had a crack straight through it and when she placed them back on her face they made her vision worse. "Great." She sighed biting the inside of her cheek. Her mom was guaranteed to throw a fit when she got home when she showed yet another pair of broken glasses. Santana's mom was head cheerleader back when she was in school and hated the fact her little girl was sat at the bottom of the barrel. Santana knew how her mom felt so she rarely brought up her school day unless asked and even at that she would just shrug and say "Fine."

So when Santana placed her glasses into her side pocket defeated, she was about to walk out of the bathroom slushie in her hair or not but Brittany put her hand out and spoke again. "You're smart, right?" she asked. "You get A's a lot don't you?" This time the taller girl looked down slightly embarrassed but regained her annoyingly cocky attitude once again. "Well, I need help. I'm failing and I need a tutor." She said watching Santana's expression carefully. "Ms Simmons directed to me to you because she said you were, well, smart." Brittany smiled genuinely this time.

Shocked at what Brittany just asked Santana furrowed her eye brows. "I'll pass." Was all she said before she made a quick exit of the girl's room leaving a disappointed cheerleader staring at her back.

Why would she even consider helping the leader of the girls who for the past two years have made her life a living hell? They pushed her into lockers, they laughed at her, they threw her glasses around and they made it their job to make sure she got a slushie facial almost every day. There was no way she would do it, not a chance but then why she did she feel so bad for turning the girl down?