Title: The Last Game They Played.

Disclaimer: I don't own Fullmetal Alchemist or The Hunger Games. If I did I'm pretty sure I would be rich and famous, which sadly I'm not.

Summary: Fuhrer Bradley decides to host a joint Hunger Games with Panem, with the promise that it will be the most interesting game in history. But in this game, where only one can survive, how will the Elrics fare when they refuse to kill? Being in the arena is, after all, very different from being abandoned on a desert island, they'll need all their experience and courage to make it out of this deadly place alive.

A/N: Al has a body. Kinda like an alternate ending for the first series (though the homunculi die in the style of Brotherhood for simplicity's sake)

Warning: Character Death (Sorry it's needed!), probably some swearing

Rated T (for hopefully obvious reasons.)

Author: SuperSpecialAwesome

Chapter One – The Hunger Games

The sky was dark and foreboding as a cold wind whipped through Central threatening to topple over a few small produce stands. The clouds shifted in the gloomy sky, ready to let water rain down on the area. The tension that filled the air was almost tangible as a crowd gathered despite the weather outside Central HQ, others who weren't so brave as to challenge the weather assembled around their TVs, ready for the Fuhrer's announcement. The atmosphere in Colonel Roy Mustang's office was just as tense as that outside as he and his subordinates, including the Elric brothers, gathered around a small TV waiting to hear what the Fuhrer had to say.

Everything grew still as the Fuhrer King Bradley walked out onto a stage. Bradley looked at a man off to the side who nodded, signalling that this was indeed being broadcasted live throughout the country. A smile spread on Bradley's face as he turned his attention back to the crowd, and cameras.

"I'm proud to announce that we will be hosting the next Hunger Games in our prestigious country, many of you are probably wondering what the Hunger Games are. Let me enlighten you. The Hunger Games is a competition where 24 tributes are chosen, half that number female, the other half male. This year though half will be Amestrian, half of which will then be from each sex, the other half of the 24 will be from the home land of these games. A far off country called Panem. The tributes are children from the age of 12 to 18 and they will be sent into an arena to determine the strongest." He said with a smile.

In Mustang's office there was a snort sound and all eyes locked on Edward. Mustang raised an eyebrow.

"Something wrong, Fullmetal?" he said.

Ed stood up straight from where he was leant against the wall. "It's just this 'to determine the strongest' stuff, it sounds more like they're going to be using the kids to get a message across to the parents. I doubt they plan on more than one child making it out alive, and even then I doubt they plan on them being from this country." Edward said.

Someone clapped from the doorway. Everyone's attention shifted from Ed to the door, Edward spinning on his heels to face the person clapping.

"Very perceptive, kid, then again they don't call you a child prodigy for nothing." The person said, moving to lean against the doorframe.

Mustang and Ed's eyes narrowed, their hands moving into a ready position to use alchemy, Hawkeye's hand moved to her gun on reflex, everyone else shifted uneasily.

"What do you want, Kimblee?" Mustang ordered standing up, keeping his fingers in a snapping position.

"Not a very hospitable bunch, are you?" Kimblee said with a smirk. Upon receiving only glares he added, "I came to tell you that even though the Fullmetal boy is part of the military his name will be going in the… lucky dip…" he looked at Ed with a twisted grin then shifted his gaze to Alphonse, who was sat on one of the couches trying to pretend he wasn't there, "as will that of his newly returned to flesh and blood brother."

As soon as the words left Kimblee's mouth Edward was stood in front of Al trying to use his body to shield him from view.

"No!" Ed shouted, shaking his head furiously, "No, he is not taking part in your sick game!" As he spoke he walked towards Kimblee, an automail fist raised, "My little brother is not going to be part of your demented form of entertainment! If you dare to put his name into the draw for tributes I will come after you and become your living nightmare! If he gets picked to be part of your idiotic form of something fun to watch I will have a very fun time deconstructing you and reconstructing you as a piece of side walk I can spit on every time I enter the building!" By this point Ed was gripping the front of Kimblee's shirt with his metal fist raised, ready to strike.

"Fullmetal, enough!" Mustang ordered, walking around his desk and towards Edward and Kimblee.

Ed turned to face the colonel, looking just about ready to bite his head off.

"Brother, calm down." Al said gently, a soft frown on his face.

Ed let out a loud huff before releasing Kimblee and stomping over to his brother, his hands clenched into tight fists and a frown firmly placed on his face.

With a chuckle Kimblee turned and left, shouting over his shoulder as he went, "Well I've delivered my message so I'll be seeing you. Oh, and I was told to tell you to enjoy the games, I hear they're going to be a real killer of a show."

A loud bang made nearly everyone in the room jump, turning they saw Ed with his automail fist stuck in the wall.

"Hope you can pay for the damage to my wall, Fullmetal." Mustang said, going back to sitting at his desk.

Ed ignored him and stormed out of the room, slamming every door he passed. With a sigh Al raced after his brother, apologising to anyone Ed shouted at or bumped into. Everyone stood in shocked silence, not knowing what to say or do, until a thump sound came from their superior's desk. Turning they found Mustang with his head on the desk, his hands gripping the edge of said desk really tightly.

"Sir?" Hawkeye asked, stepping closer to the alchemist.

A chuckle came from the black haired man as he shot into an upright position, his signature smirk gracing his lips. "Well things just got more interesting around here, to say the least." He said, leaning forward to lean against his hand with his elbow propped against the desk. "Back to work," he ordered.

His men nodded before rushing back to finish they're paperwork, Hawkeye didn't move however, she stayed beside Mustang's desk.

With a raised eyebrow Mustang asked, "Something wrong, Lieutenant?"

Hawkeye shook her head. "No, sir."

"Then get back to work." He said his tone softer than that of an order.

"Yes, sir." Hawkeye replied with a salute before moving back to her desk. As she sat down and continued with her paperwork she couldn't quite keep the worry from her usually calm face.

If anyone at that moment had looked at Mustang they would have seen, beside a slight bruise starting to form on his forehead, that he had an equally worried expression as he sat starring at his paperwork. With a sigh he picked up a pen and got to work filling in the dreaded forms.

As for Ed and Al, they were now both sat on the steps outside the building; Ed sat in a position where he could stop the harsh wind from hitting his brother though the resulting side-effect wasn't a pleasant one. His ports were killing him, not that he would let it show or Al would force him back into the building and Ed just couldn't think while trapped inside the four walls of the military.

A sigh escaped Ed's lips as he brought his legs up to his chest and wrapped his arms around his shins, resting his forehead against his knees.

"Brother?" Al's voice broke through Ed's thoughts.

Without moving to look at Al he answered "Mmm?"

"It'll be ok." Al said, laying a hand on Ed's shoulder, "We've survived things a lot worse than some stupid game, even if we do get picked I'm sure we'll be fine." Ed shifted into an upright position, keeping his arms wrapped around his legs.

"But if we went in I… I wouldn't be able to kill anyone…" Ed said, his golden blond bangs shielding his face from view.

"Neither would I, Brother." Al said with a slight frown. "What if Winry got picked?" He added in a whisper.

That thought hadn't even crossed Ed's mind but now it had his mind was racing, as was his heart. He leapt to his feet and sprinted back into the building, his mind a whirlwind of confused thoughts and feelings. He chewed his lip as he tried to focus on finding his way through the now busy HQ while trying to avoid colliding with anyone. Without stopping he burst into the Fuhrer's office, causing the door to hit the wall and bounce off.

"Sir!" he shouted, doubling over to catch his breath.

"What do I owe this pleasure, Fullmetal?" Bradley said with a smile, ignoring Ed's breathless state and his now dented door and wall.

Ed straightened up slowly, his eyes focused on the ever calm Fuhrer. "I have a few questions about the games."

Bradley's visible eye got an evil glint for a second, not that Ed noticed. "Questions? Of course, ask away." Bradley said sitting back in his chair, making a small gesture that Ed should take a seat in front of his desk.

Hesitantly Edward sat down, his teeth grinding into his bottom lip. "How many people survive the game?" he asked.

Bradley answered with his smile still in place, "Only the strongest."

Ed's hands clinched into tight firsts, the nails on his human hand digging into his palm. He took a deep breath, trying to keep himself from punching the smile off of the Fuhrer's face. "I thought so…" He said quietly through gritted teeth. "I'd like to make a deal."

"What kind of deal?" Bradley asked.

Ed bit down on his bottom lip while trying to find the best way to phrase his deal. "If either Winry or Alphonse's names get pulled out I want you to pick me instead, I'll take their place." He said, his eyes narrowed slightly.

"There is one slight problem with your deal, Fullmetal, only a girl can replace a girl." As soon as the words left Bradley's mouth his phone rang, "One second," he said before answering it.

Ed nervously chewed on his lip while he waited for Bradley to finish on the phone.

"Then again with your hair down you could pass as a girl, with the proper training that is." Bradley said after putting the phone down.

Ed's eyes lit up with hope, his fists loosened. Upon seeing this Bradley asked, "But tell me, why should I take you up on your deal, Fullmetal, what's in it for me?"

Ed's brow furrowed as his eyes narrowed and his fists tightened. "A better show." He replied stiffly.

A smile lit up on Bradley's face.

"Very well, I'll go through with this deal of yours, but on the chance that Miss Rockbell is picked what shall your alias be? We can't have a girl being called Edward now, can we?"

Ed mentally facepalmed, he'd completely forgotten that little detail. He bit his lower lip as he thought. "Trisha." He finally said.

Bradley nodded, making a note of it. "And cover story? Just in case someone figures out it is you."

Ed resumed his biting of his lip as he thought; ignoring the slight metallic taste that soon filled his mouth.

"Why not say you pretended to be a boy to help you get into the military?" A voice said from the doorway, turning Ed saw Mustang stood there with a smirk.

"What a good idea, Colonel Mustang." Bradley said, smiling as he wrote it down, "Now is that all you wished to talk about, Fullmetal?"

Ed nodded as he rose from the chair, his teeth digging into his now bleeding lower lip. Mustang stood out of the way as Ed passed before saluting to the Fuhrer and then following after the young alchemist. As he walked Ed chewed on his lip, his mind running through all the possible outcomes of the future.

"Stop that." Mustang commanded, glancing down at him.

"Huh?" Ed said, looking up at the colonel.

"Stop biting your lip, it's already bleeding." Mustang said.

Touching two un-gloved fingers to his bottom lip Ed discovered Mustang was right; he'd been biting it so much he'd broken the skin. Seeing the pained look in Ed's eyes, that had nothing to do with his lip, Mustang laid a hand on the small blond's shoulder.

"The reaping's on Friday, two days from now, if you do get picked you better not die." Glancing down Mustang saw Ed's raised eyebrow, "I don't want the paperwork." He said with a smirk.

Ed rolled his eyes, "If I do get picked I don't plan on dying, Colonel Bastard, I wouldn't do that to Al. I wouldn't die on him," he said, his hands clinched into fists and his eyes a blaze with determination.

"Good to know, Fullmetal." Mustang said, walking past Ed.

Suddenly Ed realised something, "Hey, how did you know I was speaking to the Fuhrer?" he shouted at Mustang's back, as the Colonel was about to enter his office.

"Alphonse told me you ran off while discussing the game and seeing as you weren't here beating up my office I figured you'd be there. Though I thought you'd be shouting at Bradley rather than destroying your own lip. Go get that sorted out, that's an order." Mustang said, with a glance over his shoulder.

Ed licked his lower lip, wincing when his tongue ran over the cut there. He rubbed his sleeve across his mouth as he walked into the room, trying to wipe the blood off his chin and lip but only succeeding in smearing it and making the lip bleed worse. All eyes in the room were on him but Ed ignored them and walked over to his brother who was sat on one of the couches at the side of the room.

"Edward, the Colonel said to get your lip sorted." Hawkeye said, walking over to the brothers.

"It's fine." Ed said, not turning to look at her.

"Brother." Al said, frowning sadly, "It's bleeding all down your chin."

"I said its fine, Al." Ed said, turning away from him. Hawkeye laid a hand on Ed's shoulder.

"I think it's best to get it looked at, Edward." She said, squeezing Ed's shoulder gently but firmly.

With a sigh Ed let her lead him over to her desk where she forced him to sit down. Then Hawkeye tilted Ed chin up so she could get a better look at his lip. Pulling a cloth out she gently dabbed at the blood.

"It doesn't look too bad; it should heal on its own, as long as you refrain from biting it." Hawkeye said in a stern tone as she finished cleaning the blood. Ed nodded before jumping up from the chair. Hawkeye held back a sigh as Ed grabbed his brother's hand and ran from the room.

"Boys will be boys." Mustang said from next to her, causing her to jump. "Sorry to startle you, Lieutenant." He added with a smirk.

Hawkeye raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean by that, sir? 'Boys will be boys'?" she said.

Mustang walked back to his desk, Hawkeye following him. He sat down with his elbows resting on the desk. "No matter what authority tells them to do they will always want to do the opposite, telling Fullmetal not to do something stupid will always result in some reckless problem occurring with him at its centre." Mustang said.

"Sir, I still don't quite understand what you're trying to say." Hawkeye said.

"We can't tell people like Fullmetal to do something and expect them to do it. In Edward's case, you'd have to lead him to what you want him to do indirectly, pull the strings from behind the stage in other words, and if he goes into this game. Pulling his strings is exactly what Bradley will be doing." Mustang replied. "But if I know those boys, their strings won't be pulled easily. They will resist, they will try and do as they please. Oh, these games could be very interesting indeed, especially if Fullmetal is to play a part in them." A smirk tugged as his lips, though the cockiness didn't reach his eyes. His black eyes held concern, concern for his young subordinate, not that he would openly let that show.

Said young subordinate was stood outside, Al right beside him, the grey sky finally letting the rain fall down. Giggles escaped Al as the cold rain touched his skin.

"It feels kinda like pins and needles, Brother." Al said with a grin.

Ed nodded, not able to keep the smile off his lips at his baby brother's happiness. "Yeah, just be careful you don't get a cold." He said.

Al nodded as he held up a hand to catch the rain. "I've missed this so much, but now I can eat and sleep and feel. Thank you, Brother, it is all because of you." Al said happily.

Ed nodded slowly, his gaze falling from his brother to the floor. Al was right, everything that had happened to them was his fault, and now that he'd gotten his brother's body back there was a chance that he could lose his brother entirely. No that won't happen, he will protect Al from having to face the games, he will stop the military from taking his only family away, he will look after his little brother so he doesn't have to suffer anymore.

Suddenly he was tackled to the wet ground by Al knocking the wind out of him while also achieving to knock him out of his train of thought.

"Al?" Ed said, trying to get up from under Al, who was pinning him down.

"Let's spar!" Al said, smiling.

"Sure, why not." Ed replied with a smile, glad of the distraction, he managed to kick Alphonse off of himself. Springing to his feet he lunged at Al, his normal fist raised. Quickly Al dodged before sweep kicking Ed. Who managed to land on his hand and do a cartwheel upright. Before Ed had a chance to do anything Al rushed forward with his fist raised successfully striking Ed across the cheek, knocking him to the floor. Ed sprang to his feet quickly moving to do a jump kick, which Al agilely dodged, before darting forward with his fist raised. With a smirk Ed jumped and flipped over him. Receiving a kick to the back as soon as his feet touched the ground. Stumbling he fell forward and did a roll to get back onto his feet before leaping towards Al with a fist raised. Al caught the fist and flipped Ed who pulled his little brother down with him.

Laughing they laid on the ground next to each other, their chests raising and falling in time with each other's. Al smiled, happy that he had managed to cheer his brother up. As they lay there they were unaware of the two people watching their every move from inside HQ.

"They'll make perfect tributes, don't you agree?" One person said with a smile, his guest stood beside him at the window of the office.

The other man, who smelt very strongly of roses, nodded. "Very much so."

"If these boys are placed in the game I can assure you, President Snow, that this will be the most entertaining one yet." The first man said.

The second man, Snow, smiled a cruel smile. "I'll hold you to your word, Fuhrer Bradley." He said, "Now, tell me what you have planned so far."

"Very well." Bradley said, with an incline of his head, "Perhaps over tea?" Snow nodded before seating himself in front of the desk while Bradley sat behind it.

The Fuhrer's sectary walked in carrying a tray laden with tea. Placing it on the table she turned and left, giving the Fuhrer a smile as she closed the door behind her.

The sky turned dark as the two men discussed what would be happening.

The moon took over from the sun as the boys, who were now soaked to the bone, headed inside to their room.

The day ended as Mustang left his office tired and anxious about the coming Friday.

One thought passed through everyone's heads that night as they went about their lives, One day down till the reaping, two more to go.