I know, it's been way too long. I didn't lose interest, life just got in the way. Check my profile for more details.
Theme Eighteen: Rainbow
He slammed his foot into the puddle, splashing violently near his face. It didn't make a difference anyway; it had been raining for hours and he was completely soaked.
There were no buses running this early in the morning, at least not until around six. They had gotten back late on a case in Chicago and everyone had taken off before he had gotten a chance to ask for a ride. He was upset that no one had bothered to ask since he didn't have a vehicle of his own, but he assumed everyone was so tired that they all just forgot. No one barely even said anything to each other once they returned.
He had left around five or so, but his apartment was about a half hour away on foot. He could have been there already if his feet didn't start growing heavy due to the buildup of water in his socks and shoes. A little bit longer and he could actually catch the bus. But then his walking in the rain all this time would have been a wasted effort. He was almost home anyway.
He sat on a bench feeling defeated for a moment. What a dumb idea, he might as well have just stayed at the BAU office and slept there. He was so tired, there had been no logical thinking process when he stepped outside the first time. Or an umbrella. He could have at least invested in that.
Suddenly, could swear the water falling above him had ceased. Although he was so wet already, he could have just been imagining it.
But a voice instantly brought him out of his demeanor.
"What in the world are you doing sleeping here?"
He glanced up in confusion. Sleeping? Did he actually doze off?
But the person speaking to him surprised him more. "H-Hotch?"
Sure enough, his boss was standing over him with an umbrella to shield the younger man from the precipitation. Hotch was now getting wet, but the rain was only a light sprinkle at this point.
"Reid, you didn't think to ask any of us to take you home?" Hotch asked sternly. "Or wait for me?"
Spencer tried to shove the umbrella back toward Hotch, but the older man wouldn't let up. Which was silly, because an umbrella wouldn't help Spencer now. "I don't know," he wasn't even sure how to respond.
Hotch sighed before holding out his hand. "C'mon, I'll drive you home." Spencer blinked for a moment before slowly taking his boss's hand. His face felt warm, but that could also just be the signs of him catching a fever.
There was a small break in the clouds, welcoming the early morning sun behind them. Spencer glanced forward at a rainbow forming in the distance. He held on tightly to Hotch's hand, afraid the wetness would cause him to slip out of his grip, and smiled.