Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or Marvel. I'd like to work for the latter though...I've got some bitchin' ideas.

Evolution of a Hero


A week passed since the adventure in the Savage Land and everything was back to normal. Well, as normal as it was for the inhabitants of the Xavier institute anyway. There were a few changes; Naruto's new powers being one. According to Xavier, Naruto's abilities are a form of energy manipulation, but unlike the cellular relocation (teleport) his father used or the psionic chains from his mother's side of the family, Naruto's abilities focused solely on ions, both positive and negative. Another effect the X-Men discovered was Naruto's ability to absorb another source of energy and send it back. One such incident was a training session between him and Cyclops. Scott assured the blonde that he wasn't mad, but he didn't know how Naruto or Logan could handle dislocated limbs. Popping them back in hurt like a bitch!

Another change at the Xavier Mansion was Betsy Braddock's move in. Her mother, Elizabeth (who insisted being called such to differentiate between the two), met Naruto for the first time when dropping her daughter off for the last time.

When asked by her husband, Sir James Braddock, about the boy dating his 'little princess' in the states, Elizabeth informed him that Naruto was "without a doubt, one of the most handsome young men in the state" and "a kind boy that resembles what the Xavier Institute is about." Needless to say, James had insisted on inviting the boy over for a family dinner over the upcoming spring break.

Naruto nervously accepted when the message was passed to him. The day afterwards, Ororo found her adopted son researching etiquette and manners. Something she teased him about at the dinner table the evening prior to this morning.

"So Evan's big game is tonight?" Ororo asked as she chatted on her phone with her sister, Vivian, "Will I come? Of course. Can you get two tickets? ...You can? Fantastic. I'll see you tonight. Goodbye, Vivi."

As she hung up the phone, Naruto rounded the corner talking with Jean about an incident at the school, "Wait, wait...Fred Dukes, the new kid, kidnapped you for a date?"

"Yes, Naru," Jean sighed out. She was really regretting ever bringing this up with the ion-using teen.

"And then Rogue helped you guys?"


"But she still didn't join?"


Naruto hummed and interlaced his fingers behind his head, "You're way too diplomatic sometimes, Neechan."

Jean rounded a look on the boy, "So I was supposed to let him hurt Duncan? Or anyone else?"

"No, but you shouldn't have let Duncan get away with it either," the blonde said with a hint of annoyance, "Soon enough, your boyfriend is gonna pick a fight with the wrong person. If you're lucky, it'll be me."

"Uh-huh," Jean mused before smirking, "Do you want me to tell Storm or Betsy you're plotting on having more in-school fights?"

"Wha-Hey! Not fair! I'm not planning them, they just happen," Naruto whined as the older girl giggled and walked away. Pouting Naruto looked at his amused mother, "I'm not, I promise."

Ororo merely smiled and wrapped the blonde in a hug. They had talked about his fights in and out of school immediately after his recovery from the Savage Land. He brought forth every reason for each fight he involved himself in and even Charles admitted there was no self-gain to have been achieved when he explained his perspectives. While she still didn't like his violent tendencies, Ororo would lay off on the punishment so long as Naruto didn't start the fight. Physically anyway.

"I know, Naruto," The woman said as she rubbed her adopted son's head before planting a kiss on his forehead, much to his annoyance, "How would you like to meet Aunt Vivian?"

"Tonight? Uh, sure, I guess," Naruto replied as he stepped back and shifted uncomfortably. He still had insecurities when it came to meeting new people, a byproduct of his upbringing.

"Wonderful, I'll tell Charles that you won't be training tonight," the white-haired woman replied with a smile. The two went their separate ways and Naruto found himself heading for the Danger Room.

I swear, this must be my default destination, Naruto mused as he stopped outside of the room and changed into his gear. He ditched the headwear and his homeland's headband for a simple blue cloth with the X-Men insignia branded plate. He had also dropped the orange and black motif when he discovered his new abilities. Instead, now he seemed more like an member of the X-Men.

Navy blue fabric covered his body, three stripes of yellow on his thighs, and around his waist was a utility belt with the X buckle that the others used. His orange boots had been replaced with a similar pair only yellow and to finish it off he wore a blue Xavier Institute jacket that resembled the leather jacket Logan often wore.

"Like, wow, Naruto, you clean up well," Kitty said with a blush while Kurt wolf-whistled jokingly. The blonde grinned and nodded at the two. Seems as though they were going to train rather than work on that chem homework they had.

"I try," Naruto replied to Kitty's comment before looking at the roof, "Danger, initiate Shadowcat Level 2 program alongside Nightcrawler Level 3."

"Program initiated, prepared to activate. Voice identification and confirmation required."

Naruto grinned, "Codename: Ion."

"Confirmed. Initiation programs. Programs start in 5...4...3...2...Begin."

"Come on, Evan!" Naruto cheered as he watched his cousin play basketball. After training with Kitty and Kurt, he changed into jeans and a plain orange T-shirt along with dark sneakers. Ororo was dressed in casual wear and talking with her sister, who was ecstatic that she wasn't the only one with teenage son problems anymore. The small family kept an eye on the teen that currently had the ball.

Evan Daniels was around Naruto's height and had blonde hair with an interesting style (AN: WTF is it called?). Currently, the young man had the ball in his hands and was going to take a shot. Well, he did, but the teen blocking him jumped into Evan, knocking them both to the ground.

Dark spikes shot from the African-American's hands when he fell. The spikes rebounded off of the wall and towards the stands and bench. Naruto caught the spike heading for his aunt before Ororo could intervene. Vivian stared in awe at her nephew, making him sheepishly chuckle.

"Martial arts training, really helps with those reflexes," Naruto answered the unasked question. He looked at his adoptive mother, who nodded before they both looked at a visibly uncomfortable Evan.

After the game, Naruto and Ororo walked into the locker room, only to duck as a spike suddenly flew at their heads. Naruto looked at the white haired woman, "See, I told you it was a single-sex room."

"Oh be quiet," Ororo replied before smiling at Evan, "That was an impressive display out there, Evan."

"Auntie O!" The teen replied as he embraced his aunt in a hug. When they parted he looked at the blonde, "Who're you?"

"Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze," Naruto said with an extended hand. Evan gripped it and was pulled into a bro hug. After two seconds passed, the two stepped back and Naruto grinned, "O-Kaachan adopted me a few months ago. Nice to finally meet you, Cousin."

"Heh, welcome to the family, bro," Evan replied before rubbing the back of his neck, "Sorry about that thing, it just flew out..."

"Meh, it's cool," Naruto commented as he put his hands in his jean pockets, "Kind of wish I had that power. Would've been awesome back in the Nations."

"The Nations?" Evan asked with a raised brow, "What's that?"

"Long story short, my old home," the other blonde replied before looking at his adoptive mother, "So, you want to ask or should I?"

"Ask what?" Evan questioned as his brows furrowed. Ororo stepped forward.

"Evan," she started, "How long has this been going on?"

"How long has what been going on, Auntie O?" the teen asked with a frown. Naruto rolled his eyes and flared his power, causing his eyes to turn gold.

"Don't play dumb, Cuz," Naruto replied as Evan stared at his eyes, "How long have you been having problems with your mutation?"

"M-Mutation? Is that what's going on? But I thought," he started before looking at Ororo, "Did you come to see me just for that?"

"Evan, I didn't even know you were a mutant until tonight," the woman replied as she put a hand on his shoulder, "I doubt your mother knew until tonight. Now that I know, though, I want to help. Naruto and I live at Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters."

"I still say he should call it the Xavier Institute," Naruto grumbled as his power died out, "School nothing."

"Hush," Ororo said with a wave in his direction, "The School is a place where mutants like us can learn to harness and control our powers in order to co-exist with humanity peacefully."

"Tell that to Magneto," Naruto grumbled before a scent hit his nose. Sniffing, rage filled his eyes and Naruto's hands were suddenly surrounded by balls of energy, "Speaking of which, if you'll excuse me."

"Naruto, wait!" Ororo called as her adopted son ran out of the room. Looking at Evan, she bit her lip. Evan smiled at her, "Go on, Auntie O. I still gotta talk to Mom and Pop. I'll think about your offer."

"Thank you Evan," Ororo replied as she hugged him, "Just give me a call if you need help. Now, to stop your cousin from-." BOOM "FOUND YOU!"

Evan braced himself against the lockers as the ground shook. Ororo groaned and her eyes clouded over.

Unbeknownst to the three mutants and one mystery person within, the school was suddenly covered by a fog while a storm started up and cut off the civilians leaving from returning to the building.

"That boy..." Storm growled as she levitated to the door. Evan watched with a slacked jaw before grinning widely.

So long Mid-Town High, hello Xavier's School! The teen thought with a grin on his face as he raced after his aunt.

Naruto scowled as he grabbed the white haired teen dressed in a turquoise and silver outfit, "Who are you? Where's Magneto?"

"Why do you care? Who are you, huh?" the teen asked as he shoved the blonde away and dashed to the opposite side of the hall, where the remains of a group of lockers sat, "Catch me if you can, slowpoke!"

"It's on now, you little sh-!" "Naruto!" The teen in question looked back at his angry adoptive mother before looking back at where the other teen was. A growl escaped his throat as he realized the teen was gone.

Why did he smell like Magneto...Unless...Oh goddamn it! His fist suddenly went through the steel locker to his right. Taking a deep breath, Naruto calmed down and looked at his unimpressed mother.

"Grounded?" he asked as he pulled his hand out of the locker. Ororo nodded and crossed her arms. He looked at the locker and back at his mother. The process repeated itself once before he sighed and pinched his nose.

"I hate my life sometimes," Naruto muttered as he walked back towards her.

"So, you're grounded, because you caught a kid that smelled like Magneto and was stealing from other lockers?" Betsy asked her fellow blonde and perhaps boyfriend as he monotonously ate the school lunch. Naruto nodded and sighed.

"The prick had super speed too," he added around a bite of the meat, "Hope Evan doesn't have to deal with it."

"Super speed, eh? Faster zen our teleports?" Kurt asked as he sat across the unofficial couple. Naruto shrugged and Kurt frowned, "Zat is a problem. Vhat did you say Evan's power vas?"

"He grows really strong spikes and can shoot them from his body," Naruto said before humming, "Probably calcium based..."

"That would make sense," Betsy replied as she thought about it. She looked at Naruto with a frown as he grunted mid bite, "It's not healthy to eat so angrily, Naruto. And it's considered rude."

"Sorry, Betsy-chan," the blonde said as he sighed, "It's just...Last week I had to deal with Magneto and catching his scent so soon..."

"Poor baby," Betsy cooed playfully while pinching his cheek, "All worked up over the big bad mutant."

Naruto pouted at the sophomore before glaring at Kurt, who was snickering at their antics. Pointing at his friend with his fork, Naruto warned, "Watch it, Wagner, or I'll be inviting Logan to play Tag later."

Kurt made to reply when a large shadow eclipsed the three. Naruto looking up, saw Fred Dukes staring down at them.

"Hey Naruto, how come I didn't see you at school last week?" the large teen asked. Naruto opened his mouth to reply when Toad leapt onto the table.

"Meh, didn't ya hear? Whiskers here got in another fight," the smelly teen said, flicking his tongue out to snatch some of the blonde boy's food. A jab of the plastic fork stopped his tongue short. Toad cupped his mouth as he glared at the teen, "Hey man, what gives?"

"Don't you think you draw enough attention, Todd?" Naruto asked with a frown, "Get off the table."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever," Toad replied as he leapt up and perched himself on Fred's shoulder, "Listen, we wanted to know where ya been. We may not always be on the same side, but yer our friend. Even if you're an annoying pretty boy."

"Better zan smelling like a dumpster," Kurt commented while glaring at the two, "Or acting like one."

"You wanna start something, Fuzzball?" Toad asked as he glared at the disguised mutant. Fred punched into his free hand.

"Whoa, ease up," Naruto said as he held his hands up, "Betsy-chan, Kurt, why don't you guys go join Kitty so I can talk to them?"

"But I-," Kurt started with confusion. Naruto's eyes flashed golden.

"Now, Kurt," he insisted. The teen glanced in the two members of the brotherhood's direction before leaving the table. Betsy gave the blonde a quick peck on the cheek.

"Behave yourself," she said before walking over to the brunette that was trying to get the latest gossip. Toad and Fred were tempted to follow her with their eyes, but stopped when a growl escaped the blonde teen's throat.

The unspoken, "don't look, don't touch" threat was just given and the two teens nodded in understanding.

Sighing, Naruto rubbed the bridge of his nose, "Listen, Fred, Todd. You guys are my friends, too, but the X-Men don't understand that. Well, the guys don't. I'm glad you were worried, but don't draw too much attention next time, alright?"

"Humph, whatever," Toad replied as he dropped to the opposite bench and Fred carefully sat down, "So what's this about a cousin?"

Ion finished pulling his X-Suit on and wrapped an arm around Betsy's shoulders as they walked towards the Danger Room for her first session. Her previous outfit had been trashed 'accidentally' after the return from the Savage Land. She had taken a new default suit and removed sections from the middle and her shoulders. Her boots were the same color as her suit, and fingerless gloves protected her hands.

"Ready for this? Logan doesn't play nice with these simulations," Ion asked the girl in concern. Betsy smirked at her fellow blonde.

"It's so cute how you coddle me sometimes," she teased before resting her head on his shoulders, "I'll be fine. I wanted this didn't I?"

"Yeah...Good luck, Psylocke," Ion said as he dropped his arm and made his way to the observation bay where Evan, or Spyke as he was called now, stood with the others overlooking one of the newest X-Men train with the sadistic Canadian. Psylocke looked back and winked at him before she entered the room.

Spyke glanced at the approaching teen and grinned.

"Damn, you're dating her?" he asked his cousin quietly, "I'm officially jealous."

"Yeah, well, consider us even for trashing your old school," Ion replied with a grin. They watched as Psylocke manifested a single trench knife and wielded it in combat against a single drone.

For five minutes, her manifestation stayed active before it dissipated and she fell to her knees in exhaustion. Wolverine nodded and patted her shoulder. The girl looked up at him, her breathing slightly heavily, and he grinned at her, "Not bad, Brit. Not bad at all. Git on up there and send Hige down here so you can see a real fight."

Psylocke nodded and made to leave before Wolverine stopped her with another sentence.

"By the way: Welcome to the X-Men."

AN: Yeah, I showed part of Spyke's recruitment and introduced Pietro. This chapter felt more like a filler episode than an actual one...Meh, whatever.

Now, Naruto's new uniform is a variant of Nate Grey aka X-Man's and Psylocke's uniform is her 7th Uncanny uniform, minus the headband and scarf. Her more...revealing outfit is a tad inappropriate for this moment. But there will be a mention to it later on.