It was one of the soggy, disgusting days in Midgar. One of the days that it rained, and it seemed as if the goddess herself was pissed off at the entire metropolis. In fact, it was one of the only times that Zack felt jealous of the residents of the slums. They never saw downpour, only gases and kerosene seeped through the plate.

"It's fuckin' pissin' rain out here, man," Kunsel muttered. With his jacket hood up, he led the way down the sidewalk. The duo had planned on retreating to Zack's flat, although driving in such weather wasn't the wisest of choices.

It was Kunsel who was in the driver's seat, and the ebony-haired football star wasn't certain if he felt totally safe with the man. One thing about his friend was that he adored speed. Absolutely lived for one-hundred kilometers an hour. It…was nerve-wracking.

As they sped along the slippery road, Zack was hardly paying attention to the music blaring out of the radio (and Kunsel's out of tune singing). Though, when he spotted a familiar white cardigan racing down the side walk, he shouted. "—H-hey! Kun, stop the car! I think I see her…."

Slightly alarmed by the sudden outburst, the blond slammed his foot on the brakes, but instead of stopping, the car skidded further down the road. They came to a very abrupt halt as the beat-up Toyota collided with the rear end of a truck. All that Zack could remember was hitting the side of his head against the dash board, then his vision clouding entirely.