
Dear Sam,

Early class, darling, so I had to leave right at noon. I didn't want to wake you. After that, Jessica's got a book signing at Brattle Bookshop, so I'll stop by Cheers when she's finished.

This morning was… well, words fail me. You know.

I love you. I love you. I love you.

Yours always, always,


Sam tucked the letter into his pocket when he left for Cheers that afternoon. He would read it a few more times before seeing her later that evening. He did that with all of Diane's notes every day when things were quiet. While the rest of the bar remained oblivious, Norm always spotted that secret smile spread over his face, followed by his careful refolding. It was good to see his friend happy again. Even Carla had to agree, though she'd rather drink drain cleaner than admit it.

At five o'clock, Carla made a great show of folding her apron and dropping it on the bar.

"Okay, everyone, tip your waitress now, 'cause I am outta here!"

"And where are you goin' at this hour?" Cliff queried.

"Not that it's any of your business, Clavin, but I got plans. Big plans," she boasted.

"Oh yeah? Must be half off at Great-Great-Grandmothers–R-Us," Cliff rejoined, immediately flinching when Carla raised an arm.

Instead of maiming Cliff, she reached under the bar, extracting a pile of well-worn paperbacks before heading toward the door.

"It so happens Jessica Simpson-Bourget is in town—the Jessica Simpson-Bourget—and I'm gonna go get her autograph!" she proclaimed as she made her triumphant exit.

The gang never heard Sam laugh as loudly as he did just then.

Thank you to all of my faithful and patient readers and especially to those who took the time to comment. You've really kept me going, and I look forward to new writing endeavors concerning my favorite subjects, Sam and Diane and the gang at Cheers. Special thanks also to Jessica Simpson-Bourget (of "They Called Me Mayday"), my raison d'être. :)