Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto.

"Are you sure you're going to do this?"

They haven't had much time left. Traffic was really heavy and the fact that her friends are a bit hesitant pissed Tenten to the maximum extent.

It's now or never; if they won't do this, then there will be no other opportunities to catch him.

"Yes! No way in hell am I gonna let that asshole get away from me!" She replied, almost out of breath as she scrambled on her steps.

"Maybe it's not a good idea, Tenten." Lee stated carefully not wanting to piss her even more.

Tenten snorted; of course she knew this was bad idea but, this is something she isn't willing to let go easily. It would have been better if they arrived in a sports car but, Lee's truck is good enough.

The sound of her friends' foot steps assured her that they've got her back so, she kept on walking.

"Let's observe the wedding first. We gotta take it slow alright, Tenten? Don't excite yourself too much!" Ino suggested, fully aware of Tenten's impatience.

Tenten simply looked at her with a bored expression and turned her attention to Lee.

"I know how much you idolize that action star Maito Gai." She claimed.

"You do? Are you a fan too, Tenten? Oh how wonderful!" He jumped around and was about to gave her a bear hug but, was stopped when Tenten placed her hand on his shoulder.

"It's such a shame you can never be like him." She's a good actress alright. That mere statement brought Lee to tears, she couldn't be more satisfied.

"Don't listen to her, Lee. We knew her well enough to know what's going on in her mind." Ino remarked, fearing what might come after.

Tenten glared at Ino and smiled devilishly as she went to Lee's side.

"But…we CAN change that, Lee…mmhmm…today." She whispered to Lee, successfully playing her desired role."Think about what Rebecca Black said in her song…'This is my moment'"

Lee wiped the snot hanging from his nose and nodded, looking as determined as he should be. "Okay! Let's do this!"

Tenten flashed Ino a triumphant smile and proceeded to her main objective.

Ino just shook her head and sighed in defeat as they approached the huge doors that were elegantly decorated with tulle.

Tenten can't help but notice Lee's movements. They are ridiculously stupid; he even did some jump shifts and rolls. He adjusted his sunglasses and suddenly stopped in front of them to check if the coast was clear.

"Oh my goodness, this isn't mission impossible! You are delaying us!"

Tenten shouted angrily and pushed him away.

What happened back there was enough to fuel her maddening state even more.

"Stop the wedding!" she shouted, running down the aisle. All eyes were on her now. It looks like they're in the middle of exchanging their vows, right on time.

She doesn't know much about this Reni Yusuke guy but, by look of his guests and the choice of church venue, it's clear how loaded he was.

"I can't believe you can just stand there and act as if you're not forgetting something." Tenten exclaimed, pointing at the groom. She figured how underdressed she was for such event. It made her feel unprivileged.

Long, dark brown hair, lean figure, striking eyes, it's no longer a wonder to her why Mira fell for this asshole. He looked like he just came out from the pages of a fashion magazine

"My cousin is at the hospital right now giving birth to your child!" Tenten stated angrily. She could hear the guests' gasps as they began whispering to each other.

"Excuse me?" He replied in a tone that has nothing but surprise in it.

"You know very well what you've done kid!"

Tenten slowly turned her head to the side to glare at Lee; she was a bit surprised to see him wearing a green jump suit.

"What the hell?" she said, voice shaking with anger, trying her best to kill him.

"This is my moment." He replied innocently, his thick brows disappearing in his bangs.

"What's the meaning of this?" The bride screamed. Tenten could see how confused she looked. Tears are threatening to fall from her eyes. Tenten felt sorry for her, she knew very well what it felt like to be deceived. The bride looked way better than Mira and that pink hair made her stand-out. It's like she's one of those first class women.

"That dress is hideous… and to think this was supposed to be the best day of your life? Please…" Ino said, eyeing the bride in pure disgust. "-and look at that bouquet!"

"Don't say such cruel things to her Ino. She's such a beauty!" Lee argued, as he looked at the bride with hearts on his eyes.

"Shut up! You sure have the guts to show yourself in that outfit you dipped into."

"This isn't just any outfit! Last month at Maito Gai's mall tour, I was the first in line so he gave me one of his signature outfits! That time, I felt like I'm Neil Armstrong!"

He defensively replied.

"Cut it out you two! You're not helping." Tenten actually brought these two along, hoping they might be of use.

"Call the police." Ordered someone from the guests. Tenten thought it might be groom's father for they look alike. He looked pretty intimidating. He has this deep voice that scared the shit out of them.

"Let me handle this uncle." The groom reassured him and walked straight to Tenten.

"Don't take me for a fool, who are you?" He snapped at her. She could smell his perfume. Up close, he's like a hot demon.

Before any of them could muster a reply, the bride's bouquet suddenly hit Tenten's face. She understood her fully; this was supposed to be the best day of her life, just like what Ino said awhile ago. The bride, walked up to her, demanding an explanation as well.

"Just so you know miss…your 'husband to be' over here has some responsibility to take care of!" Tenten didn't really like calling her 'miss' so she grabbed an invitation from a nearby guest.

Ino might have had the same thing on her mind for she quickly peered over Tenten's shoulder. Tenten looked at it impatiently.

blah…blah…blah…Neji Hyuuga and Sakura Haruno…hmm…


They looked at each other. Ino knew this expression of Tenten very well. It's the one where it says 'we're fucked!'

"Are you sure his name isn't Neji Hyuuga?" She asked Ino quietly.

"It seems like we got the wrong person. Last time I checked he was called Reni Yusuke." Ino said slowly, gripping Tenten's arm.

"What are we going to do? As far as I know the police are on their way…" Tenten pointed out, fixing her shirt that was starting to stick on her skin.

"We'll fix this mess." Ino nodded of at whoever was lurking at Tenten's back.

"As you can see-"Tenten began, but the bride was no longer there. It looked like she's had enough. She walked to the door, obviously very mad about the whole situation.

Tenten started to freak out and the guilt she's feeling is killing her. This was supposed to be a happily ever after between two people who's madly in love with each other.

"Wait this is all a mistake! Please get married!" Tenten cried desperately.

She could feel Neji's eyes on her, not to mention a murderous intent.

Tenten was about to chase Sakura but Ino beat her there. She grabbed Sakura's veil and dragged her forcefully back to the altar.

"Hey! You are getting married today you understand me?" Ino snarled at the bride.

"Let go of me!" Sakura shrieked as she struggled to get away from Ino's grasp.

Tenten had dreamed of interrupting a wedding, but it was vastly different from the one happening now. It was somewhat 'romantic' in her dream; this, one on the other hand, is very scandalous. And some of the guests are actually enjoying the entire scene.

Tenten grabbed one of the bridesmaid's fan and rapidly moved her hand back and forth.

"It's getting hot in here…" she said, almost to herself. She could hear the police siren.

Tenten knew how in trouble she is. This is the rich folks she's messing with, a Hyuuga to top that!

The church went wild as their families argued.

"I'm deeply sorry about this…I don't want to trouble you…" she overheard Neji, desperately trying to explain himself to the bride's family.

This isn't supposed to be happening. She searched for her friends, Lee is now fighting with Ino and the bride was nowhere to be found.

Tenten made her way to the groom in an attempt to help him but then, she suddenly felt nauseous. She grabbed Neji's arm and before she knew it, her lunch was all over his tuxedo.

He glared at her, taking slow deep breaths.

"Umm...congratulations?...he he… "she choked meekly.

I'm screwed!