**A/N** Just a small author's note about this fanfic. Firstly, I obviously do not own or claim to own anything Vampire Diaries related and created, secondly, thank you to LJ Smith for creating it in the first place.

I wrote this specifically to highlight how awful a character Elena Gilbert (not Nina Dobrev in any way related!) is. Whilst this is a Vampire Diaries based fanfic, it does stray a lot from where the series is going, so I'm just treating it like a completely separate AU. I seem to have a thing where I dislike the principal women in modern vampire stories: eg. Bella in Twilight, Sookie in True Blood, Elena in Vampire Diaries etc. And I happen to think that Caroline would be a much better principal character than Elena, but I'm not ready for my Klaroline magnum opus so I've written this one through Jeremy's eyes instead.

Hope you enjoy it and please let me know what you think xox

CHAPTER 01 - Elena Gilbert All The Time

I sat there, just like I always have, watching the pair of them bicker over her, disagreeing over who was going to protect her best, whose plan would succeed, to whom she ought to entrust her life. Well, I've had enough! I'm her brother, well, her cousin, but we're family.

Family used to mean something in the Gilbert house, when we had parents, an aunt and uncle or even when Ric was still around. There have always been people that looked after us, who should have been looking out for us – the Salvatores just muscled in – and it's because of them that all of that has gone. Things used to be good around here. I wasn't invisible for a start...

I used to love Elena, adore her even...she was my big sister. She used to look out for me and I could depend on her looking out for me, even when it annoyed me that she did – the times when 'Gents' meant nothing to her. Now, she's the doppelganger, she's the reason we're all going to die, why other people have died, why I'm an orphan, why she's an orphan and why Mystic Falls has become a vampireplex. The fight used to be about keeping people safe – not one person, not the vampires sucking the life out of this time, not the witches, not the werewolves and certainly not the hybrids – the people! No one is just people any more, everyone has an agenda or a secret.

Even the people in this town are becoming supernatural thanks to these bloody rings! When Alaric's killed his, they didn't even care enough to tell me or make sure I was cool, they just came to get me to talk to some vampire ghost chick. Maybe, I'll go on a rampage round town like Alaric, killing those who have let our town turn into a more preppy version of Gotham City! Nah, they wouldn't notice, and they'd probably think it was Klaus...


This is pathetic, just moping around like this and I'm not even on drugs. I wonder if drugs would work now – can vampires get high? I must remember to ask Klaus when Caroline goes hunting.


My attention was back on the others in the room, "What?"

Stefan walked up to me, his face creased the way it usually was, always worried about something, "Jer, you feeling okay?"

I shrugged his hand off my shoulder as he placed it there and got up, "Yeah, I'm fine, what did I miss?"

At my response, all three of them looked at me with judging, patronising eyes – as they always said, 'fine' was not an answer to that question. But I didn't care about keeping them happy; they could do well on their own. I needed to feed...

Sidling over to the table, I picked up my phone and headed for the door, "I'll see you guys later, 'kay?"

"Wait, Jer,"

"Don't wait up"

I wanted to find Caroline. She had had enough of the tiresome threesome when they tried to take her away from Klaus, a decision of hers they could not accept because of what it meant for Elena. She was on my side with this, she would have a plan or something, advice at least. Klaus had made her see things more clearly, less through the eyes of Barbie doll Caroline, Elena's best friend and eternal second choice, now, she was feisty, rebellious and Klaus' Caroline and she grew more like him every day, whilst staying exactly like Caroline.

I had gotten to know Klaus better, since it had been Elijah who accidentally turned me just a few days ago, before he left town. I have yet to complete my transition; I have not yet fed on human blood. I am going to...Caroline just hadn't talked Klaus round to the right way to go about it yet.

Caroline had got Klaus to sort of look out for me, whereas Elena wanted the Salvatores to keep an eye out on me. Thank God for Caroline and her insight, telling me they would never have the time nor the will to sidetrack from their precious Elena.

I hate the Salvatores most because they made me hate Elena – the only family I have left. She helped in her own way, being so absorbed in her own troubles she cannot understand those of others and makes things worse for everyone around her. Bonnie should never have been allowed to die like that and that was Elena's fault and she did it on purpose! If she had just left well alone, Bonnie would have sorted everything out months ago, just like she always used to, but she got her reward...

All the trips down memory lane that I had gone down the past couple of days were beginning to depress me, so I dialled Caroline's number.

"Hi, Jer, what's going on?"

"I need to meet up. You and Klaus around town?" She never went anywhere without Klaus now. She was only the second youngest vampire in Mystic Falls, after all...

After a hesitation, "Actually, we're kinda busy today, but we can see you some other time,"

"Well, I-"

"Is it urgent? Has something happened? Are you in trouble?"

I could hear Klaus' irritated English accented voice on the other end of the phone, "How will you find out, love, if you won't let him get a word in?"

I chuckled at their light-hearted banter, which I never dreamed I would hear out of Klaus a year ago, "No, it's fine, just wondering if you two had made your minds up about what I'm going to do."

"Oh, no...sorry Jer, haven't really. But, don't worry, we'll sort something out, it's just the blood banks round here are getting hard to break into and you can't have it straight from the tap, as it were, right away,"

I paused, thinking how much Caroline had become like Klaus in the way she spoke now, less 'Oh my God!" and more "By Jove!" I think it's rather cute...

"Yeah, no, I totally get it. Let me know when you lovebirds have a moment to spare."

I decided to just walk aimlessly round town, stopping in the Grill to see if Matt was around but no such luck, walking round the park, going in and out of stores I had no interest in whatsoever, just to pass the time. The only thing that was occupying my mind was the fact that I was alone – again – and I was fast running out of people to help and to just be on my side for once instead of Elena's. Well aware that I have become bitter and hateful towards my sister, it was impossible for me not to blame her any more for the utter train wreck that my life had turned into since she started dating and hanging out with vampires.