"WHOOSH!" The clouds suddenly disappeared into little fragments of what they were, spreading out across the blue sky. It looked like a short rainbow was shooting through the sky, but every pony in Ponyville knew it was actually Rainbow Dash.

After her experience in the Young Fliers Competition, she can now easily do the legendary Sonic Rainboom, as she was practicing now. "Go Rainbow!" Pinkie Pie shouted, Followed by, "You can do it sugar cube!" from Applejack.

As Rainbow was gaining speed, her mane was flying backwards and her mouth was hanging wide open from the G-force. Then the cone around her quickly began to tighten as she started gaining even more speed for the resulting Sonic Rainboom. "What's that gray cloud doing there?" asked Pinkie.

As Rainbow accelerated, she didn't notice the big gray mass that she was coming upon. When she got just a little closer, electric bolts starting sparking around her. "What's going on with her?" Applejack asked.

"Guys, what's going on here?" Rainbow questioned, she then started screaming as a giant rainbow mass exploded and quickly faded away. After shielding their eyes, Pinkie and Applejack stared up to where Rainbow had been. The only evidence that that had actually happened was the spot in the sky with no clouds.

At the same time, in another world familiar to gamers…

As Steve tucked in his blue shirt into his jeans, he grabbed his brand new bow and started off from his house and into the woods. "I've still got a few arrows in my quiver", he thought to himself, "Should be plenty."

He nestled in his makeshift blind, made of leaves, wood, and a wooden door on the back to complete it. As he was scanning the area in front of him, a chicken walked out into the clearing. But to only be scared away by a wild wolf.

He swore under his breath, but thought of an idea to try and tame that wolf. He still had 2 bones left, and he had plenty of bone meal at the house. Holding out the bone to him, the wolf came closer to him and was about to take the bone when something exploded in the sky.

Quickly, Steve looked up and saw a giant span of… rainbow? After that he heard screaming and a short rainbow flew into the ground just about 100 yards from him. Wondering what had scared off his soon to be friend, he set off to see what it was.

If he only knew that he was about to meet someone from a different world, and would make another friend.