This is how I thought the most expected moment of How I Met Your Mother should happen. Ted finally meets her.

So, the day of the wedding had finally arrived. Barney was nervous. It was such a big step for him. But he knew he loved Robin, and she was the girl of his dreams. And I was there to remind him, he couldn't have made a better choice.

The ceremony was beautiful. Robin came down the aisle in a perfect dress, with a big smile on her face, a small tear collecting in her eye.

When she came to the pulpit, Barney grabed her hand, holding tight, as if he would never let it go. He was still nervous, but he couldn't help smiling at this beautiful sight.

Across from each other, Marshall and Lily exchanged a look. They were so happy to see those two finally together.

I handed Barney his vows, which I had helped him write. I could hear everybody choking up when they heard it.

Later on, at the party, I gave my toast. Everyone was expecting me to cry, and they weren't disappointed. But this time it was for sheer happiness. I reminded everybody what a long way Barney had come, and how much he had grown. While I read, my eyes came across this beautiful girl. She had brown hair and such passionate eyes. She was looking at me with such understanding in her eyes, as if she knew what I was going through, how important it was for me to see one of my best friends get married, but yet how hard it was for me to still be alone. And I wondered how she could possibly know that. I, of course, told one of my silly jokes during the toast, and while all my friends looked at me with those disapproving eyes, this amazing girl laughed. She laughed! I just knew I had to go talk to her.

I found her after dinner. I asked her if she wanted to dance, and with the most welcoming look in her face, she said yes.

I took her to the dance floor. And she started telling me about herself. And I couldn't believe my ears. First, she told me how she played bass in a band. And her favorite song was from Ottis Redding. Then, she quoted Oscar Wilde. All I could think about was how glad I was that I had learned my lesson, and controlled myself not to say right there and then that I was falling in love with her. Because she was perfect. But I did muster all my courage, and asked her on a date.

And the next day we talked. We talked for hours. And what she told me amazed me, and I saw that the Universe had been playing with me all along. She told me that she remembered me from college. I was the stupid teacher who had taught for seven minutes in the wrong room. She told me about this St. Patty's day party, where there had been a fight. And she remembered she had lost her yellow umbrella there, and it had magically appeared in her apartment one day. Oh, yes, her roomates name was Cindy. I had been close to this girl all along, but I never knew. Oh, and I saved the best for last. She's a Star Wars fan!

We dated for a few months, and it was fantastic. It was everything I had dreamed about and much, much more. I finally told her that I loved her, in front of a movie theater, and she told me how she had wanted to say that to me since the first day we met, at the wedding.

One day, I took her to her favorite restaurant. I had the pianist play her favorite song. And then, I got down on one knee, and holding the most beautiful ring, I asked her if she wanted to marry me.

A year later, we had our first child, Leia. Luke came along two years later.

But of course, you know that, because, kids, you were there. And that is the story of how I met and fell in love with your mother.