And I'm back! Sorry for the wait, I just had absolutely no idea how to write this chapter, but I think I got it this time. I know I left you guys hanging last time, but here's the conclusion!

Thank you for everyone that reviewed and sorry if I took so long. I have terrible writer's block with this story, but slowly I'm able to piece the chapters together, even if it takes me a few tries.


Akiza stood there frozen on the spot still having her gaze locked onto the card. In her hands she was holding a Duel Monster card. She was holding Black Rose Dragon.

She grabbed her deck from its case and looked through her cards until she stopped at one of them. Her Black Rose Dragon. This couldn't be right. There was just one in existence.

But the cards looked the exact same. This wasn't a fake card. No, this card was real.

But how?

"Akiza, we can explain." Cary immediately told her, but the red head simply shook her head as her shaking hands were holding the card. "H-How…"

Yusei glared at James. "Care to explain?" He asked with a tint of anger in his voice. James just slightly grinned at him, but a scream caught everyone's attention.

They had completely forgotten about Rose who was stumbling around in the room clinging to her head. She yelled out in pain as she steadied herself against the wall. With the other hand she clung at her head as she tried to regulate her breathing.

Cary quickly ran over to her putting her hands on her shoulder, but Rose simply pushed her away. The pain in her head was overwhelming. There was a roar above her. Looking up Rose's eyes went slightly wide as she saw something red and blurry hover over her. "What the…"

That was the last thing she could say before the wall where she steadied herself exploded. She was blasted back while the others were hit with debris from the wall or the ceiling that threatened to come down.

Rose coughed due to the dust as she tried to get up, but her strength was gone. What the hell was that? She thought to herself as she tried to see through the dusk filled room. She could feel something wet trickle down her head. Rubbing against her forehead and looking at her hand she noticed it was blood.

She could hear groans and moans which relieved her knowing that the others were at least alive. She coughed again. "Cary? James?" Well at least her headache was gone.

"We're fine!" Rose could hear James shout and Cary agreeing with him. "Just trapped under some rubble." The girl said with a slight laugh. Cary always knew how to handle a situation. "Are you okay Rose?" They both asked her at the same time.

She coughed. "Yea, just bleeding from my head and I can't move, but other than that I think I'm fine."

From the other side of the room she could also hear coughing and shuffling. "We're fine as well." Yusei called out. "Crow's trapped under some rubble though."

Like father, like daughter. Rose thought smirking. Now she just had to get out herself. She was surprised she wasn't that badly injured since she was directly at the wall, except for the gash she had.

Footsteps were suddenly heard alerting everyone in the room. Since it was still dusty in the room no one could clearly see who it was. "Rose is that you?" Cary asked but the girl shook her head. "No…"

This was bad.

The footsteps got closer and Rose knew whoever it was, they were walking to her direction. She tried to get back up, but her body was refusing anything she was telling it to do! She grunted slightly as she fell on her arms. "Damn it!" Rose cursed.

A chuckle. Rose froze. "Cary? I hope that was you."

"Sorry to disappoint." The girl called.

Slowly realization hit James. The explosion would only come from one person. "Shit! Rose, get out of there!" He yelled.

Then it hit Rose as well. Shit she had to move! But her damn body wouldn't let her! She tried again but was only to crawl an inch before her body gave up again. She cursed yet again.

That was the last option she had anyway. A hand quickly grabbed her and pulled her up roughly. Immediately Rose clung at the arm trying to pull it away from her, but slowly, as the dust vanished she could see her attacker and was horrified to see who it was.

"No…" she muttered.

Present Time (I am so mean :D)

Dove took a deep breath as she looked at her computer screen. Yusei, Jack and Crow were all pushing themselves against the wall as a light passed them. They completely forgot about guards running around the tower and on the floor where Sayer's office was, there were a hell lot of guards running around.

It was almost like watching a movie where you sit there and are deeply involved in it. As the guard passed them she sighed in relief. Going to her headphone she nodded slightly. "He's gone, you are clear."

"Thanks Dove."Yusei told her as he looked passed the corner. "Where's Sayer's office?"

"Just down the hall. If I were you, I would move quickly since there are no guards there at the moment. But that will change in twenty seconds." She told him seriously.

Yusei nodded. "Alright, we're going in."

He turned around to his two friends and nodded at them. Quickly the three of them sneaked down the hall making no noise at all, reaching Sayer's office. Yusei was about to open the door but Crow stopped him. He gave him a confused look but the orange haired man pointed to his ear. "Ask Dove if there's a alarm system and if she could turn it off."

Yusei nodded. "Dove did you hear that?"

"Yes, from the looks of it, there is absolutely no security in the room. It's clean. Also no one is in there."

The raven haired man smirked. "Perfect." With that he opened the door and they all ran inside. Quickly and quietly they closed the door just in time for the guards to come.

Jack looked around the room. It seemed normal enough. The room was filled with bookshelves and normal stuff you usually had in your office. In the middle of the room there sat a desk that Yusei quickly ran to. He sat down and went through the drawers. He found several files, but not what he was looking for.

There were files about several people, his psychic students, strangely his achievements, about rebels, about them, about Satellite, wait…

Yusei pulled the file about them out of the drawer and skimmed through it. There wasn't much, it was probably all in the computer. He went to his phone again. "Dove, can you hack a computer from where you are?"

"Duh, that is why I gave you that memory stick. It lets me have access to the computer and I can hack it from here."

Without a word, Yusei grabbed the memory stick form his pocket and shoved it into the usb drive so Dove can do her magic work. "Okay, give me two minutes and I'm in."

Crow sighed. "God I love that woman."

Jack glared at him as he knocked against his head. "Hey Birdbrain, stay concentrated! Don't go in lovesick mode." He snarled.

Crow rolled his eyes. "You're just jealous, because you don't have Carly!"

"That is not true!"

"Oh yes it is!"

"One more word and I'm going to punch you!"

"I dare you."

"Now you get it!"

"Will you two stop it!" Yusei snapped at him. "You're going to alert the guards outside with your fighting and yelling!"

Right at that moment they heard the doorknob move. Immediately the three ducked for cover. Yusei went down under the desk while Crow climbed up a bookshelf in the back corner, behind the door and Jack jumped behind a huge stuffed bear.

The door opened up and a man walked in with his flashlight. He scanned the room walking around. Yusei, who was under the desk, held his breath. They couldn't be found now! They were so close!

All three of them could hear the guard sigh. "I thought I heard yelling. I must be hearing things. Not like the bear was talking or anything. If that's true then I must be going mental." With that he walked out of the door closing it behind him, but also locking it.

Slowly they all got out of their hiding spots. Crow grinned as he jumped down. "That was close."

"Way too close." Yusei muttered as he glanced at the door. "Unfortunately we're locked in now."

Jack scoffed. "That won't be a problem. Getting out is usually easier."

"Where did you hear that? If it was easy getting out of prison then no one would have so much trouble!" Crow snapped.

Jack was about to argue back, but one glare from Yusei made them both shut up. Sighing, the raven haired man sat back down on the chair as he glanced at the computer. "Dove? You in?"

"Just give me… I'm in. He has a lot of files, what do you want me to pull up?" she asked as she scanned through the files.

Yusei sighed. "Anything that relates to us, Rose and Akiza."

"Got it, just give me a second." Not even a second later did files come up on the computer screen. Yusei scanned them all through. He had a profile of each of them. Knew where they lived, who their family was, what their jobs were, even their decks and ace monsters. Ugh, Sayer was a creep.

While he kept looking through the files Crow just laughed. "You know what I'm glad for, for the first time in my life?"

"What's that?" Jack asked his arms crossed as he raised an eyebrow.

He just grinned. "That Akiza isn't here. Just think what she would do." The two boys then stood there with a thoughtful look as they imagined that one situation.

Then they both shuddered.

Jack shook his head. "Thanks Crow, now I'm going to have nightmares for the rest of the week."

Crow just laughed.

"Oh no…" They snapped their heads over to Yusei who sat there frozen. Both Jack and Crow looked at the computer screen to see a file up. It was a schematic of a time machine!

Jack snarled. "That bastard has his own time machine!"

"But how?" Yusei asked confused as he shook his head. "Our time machine was the only one, there was no possible way that Sayer would have the formula, the plans to…"

"Yusei." Crow sighed snapping him out of his rambling. "You have a mole in your work. There's just no other way, that he would have those plans."

Groaning he slammed his head against the table. "So you are saying that if I hadn't even started with the time machine?"

"Then Sayer would never have gotten the plans to ruin our lives. Good work Yusei!" Jack stated while patting his back.

"Guys…" Crow called them back to attention. "There is something you might want to know as well. The time machine has been used yesterday and it even says here who went back in time."

"Who?" Yusei asked almost shouting.

Crow turned the computer screen to him and Yusei read where Crow was pointing. His eyes went wide. "Shit, Rose…"

Past Time (I couldn't leave you guys hanging :D)

Rose couldn't believe what she was seeing. A roar was heard outside and suddenly everyone could feel a strong wind that cleared the dust in the room.

James and Cary gritted their teeth, but when they saw who was holding their friend they couldn't believe it either.

"M-Mom?" Rose asked shocked. The person holding her was Akiza from her time, her mother! But how was this possible!? She was supposed to be in a coma!

The other Akiza almost couldn't believe it either. Seeing herself, just older, standing there holding Rose, but what she said made her almost faint. "Mom!?" she shouted in shock. The others were just speechless.

Akiza grinned at Rose. "Hello, sweetie."

And that's a wrap! I know, I know, another cliff hanger, but at least you finally know the final third person who is after Rose.

It is Akiza!

Didn't see that coming? Huh? :D

Please don't forget to leave a review behind. They make me so happy and they also kick me in the ass telling me to write the next story. So that means the more reviews I get the more I get pushed into writing the next chapter!

Okay guys, I hope you all had a nice holiday and Christmas and I hope you guys have a wonderful New Year!