AN: So there I was yesterday studying hard when I suddenly turned my mind to Harry Potter and Merlin and the next thing I knew; I had reached the epiphany Gwen has at the end…

"No way! You cannot tell me you think that!" Gwen claimed. Leon shrugged his shoulders and turned his gaze back to his book.

"It's Harmony; literally." Leon commented.

"Wrong; they're practically brother and sister. Romione is the only way to go. Next you'll be telling me that you ship Snily!" Gwen claimed as she flicked open 'Deathly Hallows' and re-read the Ron/Hermione kiss in the middle of the Battle of Hogwarts.

Yes the Harry Potter books had somehow ended up in Camelot and Gwen and the knights had become rapid Potterheads. They had sorted themselves and their friends into their rightful houses and Leon had just made the mistake of claiming that Harry and Hermione were a better couple than Ron and Hermione. Gwen was very defensive of her favourite couple.

"There is nothing wrong with Snily. Everything Snape did was for Lily despite the fact she chose James! He never stopped loving her!" Lancelot argued maintaining eye contact with Gwen.

"He still killed Dumbledore." Elyan commented lazily.

"Thanks it's not like I wanted to read that for myself." Percival claimed as he snapped shut 'Half Blood Prince'.

"I can't stand Malfoy. He's a spoilt elitist brat who can never see or care that Harry has got better things to be doing than put up with him being a git." Leon claimed; even after reading the sixth and seventh books; he still didn't like Malfoy.

"Can't argue with that," Elyan nodded. Gwen looked down at her book and gasped as she reached an epiphany.

"Draco's a spoilt, blond, elitist arrogant brat who doesn't care about what Harry has to go through but he helps Harry at the Manor. He didn't have to lie but he did. Harry is the scrawny, dark-haired trouble-finder who constantly has to save the day but gets little thanks for it. Destiny provided him with a dangerous, powerful and almost undefeatable foe." Gwen commented, more to herself but she had captured the other's attention.

"And," Percival prompted, Gwen looked at them and tilted her head slightly.

"Who do they remind me of?" Gwen asked with a small smile. The knights looked at her before looking across the field to where Arthur and Merlin were clearly bickering about something or another and they understood what Gwen was saying.

"Oh my Rowling…"