First time writing a Percy Jackson story and a crossover too.

I got tired waiting for an update on the other crossovers and decided to do one myself. Hope its okay! This is just a test, to see if anyone would like it. Anyway, this is in Percy's POV.

Olympian gods aren't bad. At least, not until you get to know them. They use you most of the time to their dirty work and most of the time, you get the blame and hate from other gods for it too. But you know what? At least they show gratitude. Unlike some otherworldy god that just pulls you out of your dimension and strands you in the middle of nowhere.

I'll start from the beginning…

It was two months after the second Titan War and I was helping out on camp. You'd think that after two or three weeks everything was fine at camp? Nah, new campers come swarming from all over the world and Grover would be bald soon if he doesn't stop pulling all his hair out.

"Incoming messages from Washinton D.C.! Camp-Halfbood doesn't have anymore satyrs to spare to get them!" he said to me one day when I was helping Nico put the finishing touches on his cabin, which was pretty wicked.

I wiped the sweat on my face. "Relax, I'll find someone to do it."

After the war, I pretty much became the leader at camp and I had no say in it. No one officially announced it but they treated me like it. Even Clarisse, she doesn't just shoot glares at me, I know for a fact that behind those glares she was had a grudging respect for me.

"Want my help Grover?" Nico looked down at us from the roof of his cabin.

"Get down here before you hurt yourself!" I told him, knowing full well that he wouldn't. I can't help it, Nico kinda grew on me. Like a little brother.

Nico rolled his eyes but did as I told him too. He jumped down and landed as quietly as a cat.

He looked at me expectantly.

"What?" I said.

"Well, can I go?" he asked.

I thought about it. He was a son of Hades and was far more experienced than the others. He traveled a lot before so I knew that he would be alright all by himself. He would be back in a few days so it was fine. Now that I knew it at the time but everything was not fine.

"Sure." I said and Grover bleated nervously as Nico went into his cabin to get his stuff. I turned to him. "Something wrong?"

His eyes look pointedly at the Hades cabin. "Percy, I don't think this is such a good idea." He said.

I frowned. "What's wrong with Nico?"

"Nothing. Its just that… don't you think that he would… I don't know… scare them?"

I stared at him before looking at Nico again. It's true that the kid was a walking vampire but he was looking healthier and happier than before. He wasn't so skinny as he used to be, the bags under his eyes were gone and even though he was pale, there was some color in his cheeks. Not everyone in camp liked him but the rest just respected him, especially Ares. I never thought I'd see the day when the Ares cabin would be so nice. Show up with a dead army on a hellhound and you're suddenly the best of friends.

But then his hair was shaggy, his clothes were old and tattered and he looked so gothic that I had to agree with Grover; Nico looked creepy.

Then again, Nico wanted to help. Even though Hades wasn't liked here much, he was still welcomed and anybody who says otherwise would be at the other end of Anaklusmos. I didn't want him to feel disappointed and left out so I had a plan.

"Go back to the Big House, I'll be there soon." I told Grover.

I ran back to my cabin, took my bag with a canteen of Nectar, a baggie with Ambrosia, a few golden drachmas, a change of clothes and a wad of dollars. How do we get so much money? Call it as a demigod allowance from our parents.

I came back just to see Nico closing the door. When he turned around, he stared at me suspiciously.

"What?" I asked innocently.

"I'm guessing I'm not going alone." he looked at my backpack.

I looked my best to look apologetic. "Sorry." I said.

He sighed, frustrated and kicked the dirt. "Percy I can do this myself."

"I know." I told him.

"Then don't treat me like a kid!"

"Technically, you still are."

"I'm older then your mother's mother!"

"I know that too."

He looked at me with pleading eyes and I sighed. "Nico, I know you can do this and I trust you that you're going to be alright but I think you're gonna need help convincing this kid."

"Why wouldn't he believe me?"

"Because not all of us are ready to accept the truth. I know I did." I said. Nico stared at my face, looking for any sign that I'm lying but found none. He raised his hands in surrender. "Fine, you win."

I grinned. "Come on, let's go to the Big House."

After I convinced Grover to let Nico go, we went sailing up in the sky on Blackjack's back.

"So who are we looking for?" I asked.

"Garfield Hepherd." Nico said and chuckled. I did too, after all, who would name their kid Garfield?

We flew by a couple of buildings when I suddenly asked, "When this is over, wanna come over for dinner at my place?"

Nico looked surprised and I frowned. He doesn't have to be surprised, he was always welcomed at my place. Mom and Paul are cool at having him around the house.

"Won't your mom mind?" he asked nervously.

I ruffled his hair. "Nah, they're cool with you."

He slapped my hand away playfully. "That would be nice..." he smiled slightly.

I grinned.

What about me boss? Blackjack asked. Can't I go to your place?

"Sorry Blackjack but we don't have a stable to put you there." I told him.

How about your room then?

"Not a chance, but I'll give you some sugar cubes when we get back to Camp to make up for it."

Either way boss, you're the man!

I patted his mane, knowing how little that I wouldn't be at camp to keep my promise.

"You know what, I'm not even going to bother what you two were talking about." Nico said. I grinned.

Then suddenly, out of nowhere, Blackjack staggered in mid air. "Blackjack, what's wrong?" I said as Blackjack tried to remain airborne.

Boss... it suddenly got heavy! he whined under the stress. Heavy? Blackjack's been carrying things heavier than me and Nico combined, our weight shouldn't be a problem to him. I know my skin is now as tough as steel but that didn't make me fat right?

Then all things went bad as all Hades broke loose.

Blackjack couldn't handle it anymore and gave in from sixty feet in the air and we found ourselves plummeting to our deaths.

Nico screamed beside me and I joined him.

I didn't even want to think how I would look like as a Percy pancake. Blackjack fell with us, limp and lifeless.

For a moment, I thought he died or something, until I shouted "Sugar cubes!" Blackjack's body shuddered and beating hard with his wings, he managed to stay in the air. Unfortunately for us, we were still falling and the sidewalk was getting closer and closer.

I'm coming boss! Don't worry, I'll save you! he said and dived like a jet.

"Then save us!" I screamed. Before we ended up splattered on the pavement, Blackjack caught us but we ended up crashing anyway into a park.

"Hit the brakes!" Nico screamed.

"There are no brakes!" I screamed back at him as Blackjack tried to lift up in the air. We crashed into the dirt hard but not before a branch slapped me right across the face and we ended rolling on the ground. I came to a stop and tried to get up until Nico slammed into me and then Blackjack.

Nico groaned.

My wing! Blackjack moaned.

I grunted and thanked the gods I had Achille's curse or otherwise I would have been flattened like clay dough.

"Oh gods, Percy?" a familiar voice said and I looked up.

Thalia looked down on me with a smirk that didn't match up to the tone of concern in her voice. It was like she was laughing at the same time.

I blew my bangs out of my face. "Nice to see you too Thalia." I said.

She helped Nico get to his feet and both of them managed to get Blackjack off of me.

"It's faster to take a pegasus he said, nothing will happen he said." Nico muttered behind me.

"I heard that." I said and saw him flinch. I went to check Blackjack and found nothing. He was sore all right but man was he angry. He stomped the ground and was shaking his mane.

You okay man? I asked him.

Don't know boss, it feels like some divine force messed with me. Blackjack whinnied softly. I forced him to get down and told him to rest. I walked towards where Nico and Thalia was on a bench and looked around me. The place was deserted, which was odd. Usually people would be around at this time of day but there was no one. My shoulders tensed, it was like last time when we, children of the big three, got together for a quest down in the Underworld. I didn't know who but I'm sure a god was behind this.

Nico looked up, his hair looked like a bird just nested there.

"So what brought you here?" I asked Thalia.

"I found some strange animal tracks and I followed it. Lady Artemis couldn't sense it and the other hunters just doesn't see it." Thalia said.

"How strange?"

"They looked human but they have this bad smell - monster type smell."

Nico frowned. "It's too much of a coincidence though for all three of us to meet here." he said. Me and Thalia looked at each other, all of us thinking of the exact same thing.

"Then there's no one around. Somebody might be planning to use us." Nico said.

"Or kill us." Thalia added.

He nodded. "Or kill us." he repeated.

The earth beneath our feet suddenly groaned and I was thrown off, swept off my feet like a feather and started going around and around in a cyclone. I wondered if this is what it's like to be in a dryer. From my sides I could see Thalia and Nico going around me.

Reaching my hand out, I grabbed Thalia's wrist. "Nico!" I yelled.

He half doggie-paddled and half blown towards me, his hand outstretched. We started to spin faster and faster. I made a grab for Nico's left wrist and Thalia on his right.

"Holding on!" I yelled.

"We are!" they yelled back at me.

I thought I was gonna be sick and throw up my lunch but then everything turned dark. We were still spinning and I knew we weren't shadow travelling. I know the feeling but this - I felt like I was getting stretched like rubber then rolled flat by a pin. I couldn't hear anything and I couldn't see anything.

If they were like me, I knew they would be screaming out too.

I kept my hold on Nico and Thalia, afraid that if I let go I'll never see them again.

Just when the stretching was getting worse, light forced the shadows away and we fell six feet from the air. I let go of their hands. As usual, I was at the bottom of the stack.

I landed on my back then Thalia fell on my stomach and then Nico. If it wasn't for my curse I would have been in extreme pain.

"Why is it that you're always at the top?" I grunted.

"Because I'm the youngest?" Nico managed to get out weakly.

"I thought you were older than my mom's mom?"

Thalia shoved Nico off her and stood up. Dusting her pants and shaking her head, she looked around. "Where are we?" she said.

Nico offered me a hand and I took it.

I looked around and saw that we weren't in America anymore. We were in a forest full of the biggest trees, tall as giants, that I have ever seen. The place was quiet and I could feel a faint hum in the air, soft voices that brushed against the branches.

"Magic." I whispered.

The place was filled with it. I didn't know what but this place worried me, and I just don't mean about getting sent to an unknown land full of big trees. No, it felt like I wasn't supposed to be here. That my existence was not welcomed here.

"I'm guessing were not in America anymore." I said and Thalia punched my arm, only regretting it after.

She cursed in Ancient Greek. "I forgot that you can't feel that anymore." she said.

"Think we're in a different world?" Nico said and we stared at him.

Before we could answer him, a bunch of dudes jumped out of nowhere with bows pointed at all of us. Instantly, we had our weapons out and was back to back to each other as we faced our opponents.

I expected hungry monsters, crazy wild men or just some misunderstanding mortal but I didn't expect that. Skin that glowed, long faces with no imperfections and pointed ears. I'm pretty sure no mortal looked like that. I was surprised but I didn't let my guard down, and neither did Thalia and Nico.

They shouted something at us that I couldn't understand.

"We're outnumbered." Thalia said right next to me. She was right, there were like twenty of them and only three of us. Then again we're kids of the Big Three.

One of them stepped forward, he had long platinum blonde hair tied back into a ponytail and looked much more... welcoming than the others who looked like they very much wanted to kill us.

"Peace." the dude said but we didn't lower our weapons. I noticed how most of the enemy's attention was on Nico's sword.

"I am Legolas of Mirkwood. Speak and you will not be harmed." Legolas said.

Since I didn't know where Mirkwood was I decided not to point that out and decided to play safe. "I'm Percy Jackson."

"Thalia Grace."

"Nico di Angleo."

Legolas studied us. "How did you come here travelers?"

"We didn't exactly come here of our own will. We were more like kidnapped." Thalia kicked me and Nico rolled his eyes. "What?" I said. "You know we were."

"Take their weapons." Legolas said and we tensed, ready to spring and attack them once they got closer.

"What are you going to do?" I asked Legolas.

"I will take you to my Lord. Don't worry, we won't hurt you." Thalia snorted.

"As if we'd go with you. How do we know we can even trust you?" Thalia said.

Legolas didn't answer and instead spoke in another language. The others lowered their bows. He turned to us. "You don't have to, keep your weapons." Legolas said.

"Will you go with us?" I didn't know what but I decided to go along with Legolas.

"Percy, are you nuts?" Thalai hissed at me as we walked. "How can you even trust them?"

"But we don't know where we are Thals, and I know you know. We aren't even in our own world." I said, knowing how true my were words suddenly were.

She turned silent. "Still Percy, going with people who wanted to kill you a few minutes ago ins't the smartest thing to do." Nico said, looking at Legolas, then, switching to Ancient Greek he said "Nor is going to their secret hideout any better. Besides, what if their 'Lord' wants to kill us?"

"We'll find out I guess." I said back to him.

What I found out later would have blown my mind to pieces.

Was it horrible? Tell me what you know!

I didn't know how fun it was to write as Percy but then again I might suck at it, so tell me what you guys think. First three comments would decide whether I should continue or not. :D