The morning of a very troublesome day was about to commence in Fairy Tail but no one knew just what was in store. While on the other side of town…

"L-Lucy…" shuttered Happy "You look scary when you sleep"

Lucy turns over on her bed and opens her eyes locked on to Happy who is floating around in her room.

"HAPPY?!" she yells while falling off the bed. Lucy feels something warm beneath her and soft.

"L-lucy…y-your...h-h-heavy" said Natsu while gasping for air.

Lucy fell on top of Natsu's face who was asleep on the floor. Natsu tends to sleep in Lucy's apartment with intent to steal her bed, this time he came through the window that night and found Lucy sleeping on the bed before he could get in it. So he slept on the floor.

"Ahhhhhhh! Natsu what are you doing to me!" screamed Lucy while covering her chest and half way up in the air.

While still gathering up the strength to stand Natsu could hardly breathe.

"L-lucy" silently says Natsu while collapsing to the floor.

"HEY! I'm not that heavy! "yells Lucy unaware of Natsu's situation. She looks down to see Natsu pale and cold which he never is and gets down to her knees.

"Natsu…are you alright Natsu?" asks Lucy

"I don't know what is wrong with Natsu, he has been like this since yesterday" Happy says worried.

"Natsu" says Lucy while holding his head in her arms and gazing down at his puffy eyes.

In Fairy Tail Cana is drinking more than her body weight and reminiscing with her father Gildarts who comes to visit more often. Makarov is sitting on top of the counter making googly eyes while looking at the server girl Kinana falling over the table while the drinks spill over her.

"MAKAROV!" screams Mirajane who turns into her devil form. Makarov shrinks to the size of Carla and apologizes.

"Even the master is a pervert" Carla sighs hopelessly.

"We didn't have any in Edolas maybe that's why it didn't have much spirit" says Lily while looking at all the members of Fairy Tail.

"Hey I haven't seen Natsu or Lucy. Did they go on another mission so soon, after the last one I don't think it's safe with so little time to gather up their energy" says Lisanna to Erza

Erza disappears and then appears with all her luggage.

"Your right I should go look for them" says Erza sternly.

"I don't think they went on a mission, I've been here since they came back and they haven't come to the board since their last mission" says Nab who still hasn't chosen a mission for himself.

"It's just like Natsu to keep Lucy all to himself" angrily says Gray.

"Gray…" quietly says Juvia "How dare that Lucy, I'll never forgive her for making my Gray angry" says Juvia in her head.

Gray isn't jealous but lately Natsu has been spending time with Lucy because in their last mission Natsu was a bodyguard for the cargo on the trucks and threw up on them which had expensive clothing for a very important figure. While Lucy had saved the heiress's life from being eaten by a creature known as the Jickaloof, who likes the taste of expensive people. So Lucy got paid and Natsu didn't, so she buys him food. In other words Gray wants free food.

"Yes this is odd of Natsu to not want to go on a mission" questionably says Master Makarov.

"Master I think I know what it is" says Levy.

"You're so smart Levy-chan" says Jet and Droy in sync.

"What is it Levy?" asks Mirajane.

"It's around that time, when Natsu lost Igneel. He rarely-" says Levy who is then interrupted by Gajeel.

"He has been infected by a parasite"

"A MAN doesn't interrupt a women!" yells Elfman.

Gajeel punches him from the side while only moving his arm up slightly.

"I was following Natsu and Lucy on their mission because I heard some odd talk from other guilds who have been getting sick from some sort of parasite that sucks the magical energy from wizards and last I heard it was near Natsu and Lucy's last mission, so I decided to keep an eye on them" says Gajeel seriously.

"Gajeel your so swe-" says Levy while interrupted again by Gajeel

"The reward to catch the parasite is 4 million jewels"

"A MAN DOESN'T-"yells Elfman loudly who then gets punched again by Gajeel who is hardly trying.

"I'll go to Lucy's to check on them" says Erza to Makarov.

"Be careful Erza we don't know if it is contagious" says Makarov.

"Yes Master" replies Erza.


"Lucy will Natsu be alright?" asks Happy sadly.

"I hope so I'll let him rest for a bit before taking him to the guild" replies Lucy.

Natsu lays still on Lucy's bed motionless, he begins to get colder.

"LUCY!" yells Happy "Natsu is below 76 degrees"

"Oh NO! What do I do I got him my extra covers, I opened the curtains for the sun to shine threw, Happy what do I do, he has never been below 100!" says Lucy while running around the room with her hands on her head.

"Lucy stay calm I will warm him up" says Erza in a sort of serious way.

Lucy's mouths drops while Erza gets into bed with Natsu and clunks his face into her armor.

"WHEN DID YOU GET IN HERE? AND WHAT ARE YOU DOING ON MY BED?" yells Lucy not being able to sink everything that just happened in less than 5 seconds.

"I'm using my body heat to warm him" answers Erza.

"Umm… Erza I think you're making Natsu colder" says Happy.

"Uh?" says Erza confused.

"You armor is making him cold" says Happy.

"In that case" says Erza hesitantly "I will take my armor off"

"W-W-WHAT!" yells Lucy in complete astonishment.

"No-no-no-no-no you will not! Not on my bed." Says Lucy forcefully.

"Your right I need to report back to the guild and see if I can find an antidote to kill the parasite" says Erza.

"A parasite" Lucy mutters questionably.

"Yes while I'm gone make sure his temperature doesn't go down any further" replies Erza.

"I'll go with you" says Lucy.

"No you need to stay here with Natsu…It doesn't seem contagious since I had Natsu close to me" says Erza in a strong tone.

"That's because you were wearing armor" says Lucy and Happy in a tired tone while looking desperate.

"Just stay with Natsu, we're counting on you Lucy" Erza says while looking straight in to Lucy's eyes as if she was giving Lucy power.

Erza leaves in a haste. Lucy looks at Natsu's helpless body with evil in her eyes.

"Lucy's thinking diiiiirty" says Happy.

"I am not! And don't roll your tongue like that!" says Lucy while clenching her fist and squinting her eyes.

"What do we do Lucy?" asks Happy.

"I have no other chose do I" sighs Lucy while crossing her arms and looking at her body in the mirror.

"Natsu you're so lucky, so many men want me and now I have to use my body to save your life" says Lucy while doing a desperate pose seen in romance movies.

"Lucy I don't want to watch Natsu be defiled by you" says Happy in a female voice.

"I'm NOT defiling him Happy!" yells Lucy

Happy decides to go to Fairy Tail and tell the other guild members about Natsu's condition.

"So will Natsu be okay?" asks Lisanna

"We won't know much until later on, until then everyone please be careful yourselves" says Makarov worried.

Lisanna goes to the back to pull a few crops out and decides to make Natsu some soup.

"I remember making this for you Natsu when we would play husband and wife, I hope you are not picky as you were then" smiled Lisanna.

While Lisanna is making soup for Natsu, Lucy is making a bowl of porridge for Natsu back at Lucy's place.

"Natsu I don't know what to do, I hope this porridge will warm you up so I don't…so I don't…have to use my body" whispers Lucy while blushing.

Lucy sits on the bed and puts Natsu's head on her lap. She attempts to feed him but he won't open his mouth.

"Natsu" says Lucy.

Lucy looks down at him in a calming manner. He seems so peaceful. She brushes the hair off of his face and notices how soft his skin is.

"How is your skin so soft? Your always getting into fights…is it the fire that keeps your skin soft? Hmmm." Lucy says while putting the bowl of porridge on the floor.

"I'm not letting the guild down and I don't want them to worry about you" says Lucy with sparkling eyes.

Lucy lifts the cover up from the bed.

"Eeeek" says Lucy in her head. "I hope nobody comes in…what am I saying it's not what it looks like"

Natsu is lying on his back in a log position. Lucy comes in the bed beside him and her hand touches his under the cover. Lucy flinches.

"What am I thinking it's not like he's doing it on purpose. He so cold but why do I feel so warm beside him?" asks Lucy to herself.

Natsu unexpectedly rolls over on to his side and his arm falls on top of Lucy's stomache. She begins to breathe hard and tries to slowly roll him over.

"N-Natsu why are you doing this to me and why am I suddenly behaving so childishly."

"Lucy" whispers Natsu beneath his breath.

Lucy looks at Natsu shocked, her skin sparks up.

"Was I talking out loud? No I was talking in my head…Wait he said my name but he doesn't seem to be awake to me…" Lucy says confused.

Natsu rolls completely over while Lucy lets her guard down. Now Natsu is completely lying on top of Lucy.

"Ahhhhh!" Lucy silently screams "N-Natsu I couldn't be possibly as heavy as y-you are, Happy just says it to make me mad" Lucy says while struggling to get Natsu off of her.

Lucy takes a rest and thinks to herself that she can call one of her celestial spirits to get him off, but she left her keys in the bathroom. What Lucy fails to notice is at the tip of her noise.

"Why is Natsu's face so close to me!" Lucy yells in her head.

But Natsu doesn't seem to be aware of what he's doing, she silently looks at him and can feel every breath of his moving his chest while pushing on her breast. His lips are so close to hers that she can breathe in his breath.

"Even his breath is slow" says Lucy in a glaze.

Lucy begins to fall asleep as well, no other reason for it but the fact that she has been up all morning taking care of him and is losing energy. Lucy now is fully asleep with Natsu lying on top of her in such a calming way.

Lisanna's famous soup is ready! She takes her coat and heads towards Lucy's and on her way she glances at the hut that Natsu and her made when they were young.

"Natsu you still haven't let anything happen to it even after you thought I was dead." She says to herself. Lisanna grasps onto the bowl of soup.

"Then I won't let anything happen to you…husband" she says while quietly giggling.

Lisanna arrives at Lucy's and goes up the stairs to her room. She attempts to knock but the door is unlocked, probably when Erza left.

Happy POPS: "Erza seems smart but she only has bronze"

Lisanna walks in the door and goes to the table and puts the soup on the table which is across from where the bed is.

"It sure is quiet" Lisanna says.

She turns around only to see Natsu and Lucy in bed calmly sleeping as if sharing a dream. In shock she walks close to the bed and looks down at them and looks at Natsu's hand whose is on top of Lucy's hand.

"N-Natsu" stutters Lisanna

A tear comes down Lisanna's face. She slowly touches Natsu's hand and feels it to be warm while the rest of his body is cold. Her eyes widen.

"How can it be so hot on his hand when his temperature is still very low?...Is it because he was holding Lucy's hand?" Lisanna asks herself in agony.

She leaves instantly sobbing tears sparkle as the fly away from her hands while she covers her face. Suddenly she stops. And finds herself back at the hut where Natsu and her raised Happy.

"I won't give up. Lucy you are very dear to me but Natsu …but Natsu." Lisanna sighs. "What am I saying, Natsu is that what you want if it is then…then…I won't hold hatred in my heart but I won't let my heart down, I must not let my feelings go unnoticed " says Lisanna in a relieved manner.

But Lisanna's feelings are still very strong for Natsu if she is aware or not.

It's morning and Erza is heading back to the guild with all the material that took all night to find, she brings it back to Levy and Mirajane who prepare a potion to heal Natsu's illness. Back at Lucy's…

Natsu opens his eyes slowly and sees Lucy's face almost angel-like. He doesn't realize that she is right beneath him.

Happy POPS: "Natsu's stupid"

He puts his hands in front of him attempting to get up but looks down when he hears…

"uh-ah" moaned Lucy in her sleep.

Natsu had pushed himself up by laying his hands on her breast.

"L-Lucy! What?" yelled Natsu and fell over the bed.

The covers were on both Natsu and Lucy so when Natsu rolled over Lucy also fell over on top of Natsu.

"L-Lucy you're heavy" said Natsu mumbling because Lucy's breast covered his face.

Natsu laid his head back releasing his head from Lucy's breast. Still with not enough energy he couldn't get Lucy off of him. As he laid there he took some time before he would wake her up, because he knew she would get mad.

"Lucy looks peaceful…is this how she looks like in the morning, I never noticed" said Natsu.

Lucy began to wake up, she stretched her arms up thinking Natsu was a pillow she grabbed his face and snuggled the side of her face into his and held him in between her arms and hugged him tightly.

"L-Lucy" whispered Natsu in an almost passionate sense.

Lucy opened her eyes and was less than an inch away from Natsu's lips, they both lay there staring at each other as if frozen in time. Suddenly…

"Natsu" said Lucy

"Lucy" said Natsu

Lucy raised her body up as she was still above Natsu with her legs on the sides of his, she still didn't notice. Natsu glanced at Lucy's body and saw it in a completely different way from before. Lucy wiped her eyes. Only realizing that…Natsu was shirtless with only his scarf on.

"WAHHHHHHH! Where are YOUR clothes Natsu!" yelled Lucy while pointing at his bare chest.

"I could ask the same thing to you" said Natsu.

Lucy looked down at herself only to realize she also didn't have a shirt on. REWIND: While Natsu was being perverted and fell over the bed, Lucy also fell over on top of him, while they both fell they knocked over the invisibility potion that was beside the bed. If they paid attention they would have noticed that the covers were gone to.

Lucy picked up the potion to realize the same thing.

"My skin potion must've fell and made our shirts disappear." said Lucy.

Natsu glared at Lucy.

"Natsu what is it?" asked Lucy.

"The potion is still making your clothes disappear Lucy" said Natsu while he looked much closer at Lucy.

"NATSU! Quit LOOKING!" Lucy yelled.

Lucy quickly covered herself before all of her clothes were gone.

"NATSU!" yelled Lucy.

"What is it Lucy?"


Natsu failed to realize his clothes were also disappearing. He jumped up and grabbed her curtain and covered himself behind it.

"What's going on here?" Erza asked.

"ERZA!" yelped Lucy and Natsu at the same time.

"Consummation is after a wedding would you like me to marry you two, I am a… licensed city clerk" said Erza while rolling her tippy toes around the floor and smiling.

"No. It isn't what it looks like" said Lucy desperately "I never thought I would say that" said Lucy in her head.

"Put some clothes on Natsu" Erza said forcefully

"Yes-Yes Erza!" replied Natsu

Erza looked at Lucy who was looking at the floor blushing almost thinking something to herself.

"You're thinking naughty aren't you" said Erza into Lucy's ear.

"Me…me NO of course not!" said Lucy as if literally falling back over her words.

Erza looked at her and smiled.

"I brought back the potion to kill the parasite" said Erza

"I'm not a parasite!" yelled Natsu.

"You seem to be okay now…maybe it wasn't a parasite, regardless drink it to be sure" questioned Erza.

Natsu drank the potion as he finished he put the drink down and saw a bowl of soup on the table.

"Did you make that for me?" asked Natsu

"No I made porridge this is soup" replied Lucy.

Natsu tasted it and his eyes lit up, he ate it all in a second.

"This taste familiar…Ah this is what Lisanna made for me when we were kids. Did you get this from her Lucy?" asks Natsu patiently.

"No. She never came in here"

Erza looked at the both of them and sighed.

"She must've have brought it here while the two of you were sleeping." Said Erza

"But I fell asleep with Natsu on top of me…Did she see all of that? How embarrassing!" said Lucy in her head.

Natsu remained quite thinking to himself.

Happy POPS: "Natsu doesn't think"

Lucy looked over her shoulder and saw Natsu looking at her in a gaze.

"Why is he looking at me?" whispered Lucy to herself.

The three of them all left to Fairy Tail. With open arms everyone was very excited that Natsu was alright. Natsu looked over at Lisanna who glanced at him and smiled. Lucy looked at Natsu and felt a sinking feeling.

"Why do I feel this way?" asked Lucy to herself. "Why?"

"Lu-chan I'm so glad you didn't catch anything!" said Levy excitedly

"Regardless if it wasn't the potion then what made him so sick?" asked Macao

"" said Natsu while rubbing his head. "After that last mission I was so hungry that I saw this guy with purple flames that I didn't really think about it having side effects"

"So that's why you had such a low temperature, I wonder what kind of flames caused you to become so sick?" asked Mirajane

"Well purple flames are very dangerous because they get their magic from dead bodies" said Levy

"I ATE DEAD PEOPLE!" yelled Natsu who was spitting all over the place

"I wonder who this guy is and why he would let you eat his flames knowing their poisonous" asked Erza.

"He can be a threat" said Makarov

"Natsu you didn't notice he was a bad guy?" asked Happy dumbfounded

"YOU WERE WITH ME!" said Natsu loudly

Happy smiled and agreed.

"Where's Gajeel?" asked Levy

"It seems he caught the parasite and it took some time to take effect" answered Mirajane "He is in the back recovering"

Natsu kept looking at Lucy and remembering her body in his mind and wanting that moment to last longer. He didn't know why but he just knew that the feeling he felt…he wanted it to last longer. Lucy went up to Natsu.

"Well since we're all better let us start on our new job" said Lucy

"Mhm" replied Natsu
