Hey! I just re-edited my story so idk, hope you guys will like the few changes (NOT THAT MUCH BUT I ADDED AND DELETED STUFF, I JUST FIXED IT SINCE I'M GETTING NEW TIPS AND TRIED IT OUT WITH THIS STORY ^_^)

Chapter 1: No calls or texts

"I am marching over to Red Fountain and I'm gonna kill those Specialists!" Stella was aggressively grabbing her stuff from the couch as we all gave way to her continuous rants.

The girls and I were in the common room trying to calm our little moody friend for hours, we needed a break from her complains for an hour or two. She'd been going on and on about how Brandon, and the rest of the Specialists, haven't made contact with us in 2 weeks considering all our phones have been quiet, especially Stella's. At first we thought Cordatorta was giving them a hard time with training since they were part of the top, but Tecna saw Timmy online countless of times, she would e-mail him but he would never replied back.

"Stel, calm down," Bloom pulled Stella to the couch and squeezed her, making our blonde friend puff out a large chunk of air "Maybe we should wait for a call."
"Wait for a call?" Her head snapped to Bloom's with wide eyes." We've been doing that for weeks Bloom, how can you just sit there and not think about those–GUYS!" Stella exaggeratedly threw her arms up and continued to whine.
"She has a point Bloom," I sat up and frowned. "If the guys were really busy they could've told us, this is totally not cool."
"What if they were on a mission?" Bloom crossed her arms, determined to defend our missing men.
"I highly doubt that, Timmy's been going online." Tecna showed us Timmy's page.
"And please, do you really think Helia and Timmy can resist talking to their girls" Layla raised her eyebrow.
"Helia knows I worry," Flora sighed as her cheeks turned a light shade of pink. "I hope he's okay"

Pulling away from Bloom, Stella marched off to her room with stomping heels. It was bad enough that our sun friend failed our 3rd quiz in mathemagix but without her snuggle bunny things turned from bad to worse, I'm assume. Bloom lagged behind since she never trusted a Stella with tantrums.

It quieted down.

"So, did Nabu call you or anything?" I looked at Layla who was checking her phone out like the rest of us.
"No" she growled as her eyes rolled. "Any luck on Riven?"
"Nope," I showed her my phone and the words 'NO NEW MESSEGASE' was a real pain in the ass.

As we both grieved Flora and Tecno were idly chatting about the same topic, both wondered what their used-to-be-attention-giving-men were up to.

We then heard a beep from Tecna's laptop. "Timmy's online again." she groaned as the sight of the green circle was next to Timmy's messenger.

We all sat near her and got a better look at the screen, Tecna was messaging him with 'Timmy, hey?' and 'You there?'

We waited.

The music through my headphones was heard perfectly since we were all so quiet but still, no reply from Timmy. Not even a template saying he's busy.

"Argh!" Tecna squirmed in her seat making us move; her eyes were focused on the contraption for a few more seconds before logging off and closing the laptop.
"Well that went well." Layla said sarcastically with a fake smile to go with our nettled mood.
Flora took her phone out "I'll try calling Helia, again." She pulled away from us and went over to the balcony
"And I'll give Riven another ring" I smiled at my friends and took my phone.

Entering my and Tecna's room I took a seat near the window, my favourite spot where I would usually be when it was dorm time, this is where I would usually be composing lyrics or playing songs and this is the spot where I would talk to Riven since it was next to the window. I used to let the air in and stick myself out so I could get even a small glimpse of Red Fountain, Riven didn't seem to be so far away when I did that. Unlike now or yesterday or the day before that….

Once I got comfortable I dialled his number and prayed my hardest for him to pick up.

"Come on, Riv" I bit my lower lip, willing him to at least let me know he's okay or what he's doing. Explanations could be done next time, since he will have to face me sooner or later, right now, I just need to know that he's still alive and breathing the same air as me.

More waiting came.

Nothing, it was on the 4th ring and I was getting pretty annoyed. Riven would usually answer right away, I'm not really sure why he's ignoring me or how he's ignoring me. Even during training he would answer to tell me he was busy. Damn.

I was about to put down the phone as the 6th ring finished but the ringing line cut and a voice answered, I jumped.

"Riv-" I stopped as I heard the voice more clearly.
It went to voice mail. "Hey, it's Riven. I can't talk right now, just leave me a message." and then it beeped.

Giving up, again, I walked away from the window seat and left my room, hating the feeling of deprived attention. Riven was everything of a jerk, but he was never the type to leave me hanging. I saw Flora had gotten back from the balcony and I'm guessing Helia didn't pick up as well, her face says it all.

"No luck?" Layla smiled as I take a seat next to her and Flora.
"Nothing" I blew up on my bangs and I knew I was frowning.
Layla placed a hand on my lap and reached the other to Flora's, she gave us an I'm-sorry look.
"Maybe if I could just hack Timmy's account then maybe I cou– "
Flora gave her a look. "Don't even, Tec, we talked about this."
Without a fight Tecna pouted and sat back with a sigh.

But just as things seemed calm Stella and Bloom suddenly walk back in the common room with huge Cheshire smiles, we lazily smiled back at them but it quickly turned in to frowns. Stella jumped next to me and Layla while Bloom took a seat on the carpet, Tecna sat up and stared at the two.

"Why are you two happy?" Tecna elbowed Bloom. "I want to be happy too."
"Oh, Tec," Bloom giggled and pushed Tecna back to her seat. "If you want to be like us, then you'll consider what Stella has to say."
"This I got to hear." Layla laughed as she grew more interested.
Stella glared at her but smiled sweetly like the Princess she is. "You're gonna love it, darling!"
"I hope so." Layla rolled her eyes. "So far things aren't going my way"
"Just listen." Bloom shushed us with a wave and was eagerly waiting for Stella's announcement.
"Shoot." I rubbed my hands together, grinning.
Stella winked and started. "Okay, since the boys won't answer any of our calls or texts. I say we go to Red Fountain and demand for answers."

We, except for Stella and Bloom, exchanged glances. Didn't Bloom just stop Stella from doing this? I mean, it's not really a bad idea but it isn't really a good one either. Sure we have the week off but what in the world are we going to do when we see the guys? Preach them about their duties to inform their girlfriends?

"I thought you were against this?" I raised my eyebrow, questioning Bloom.
"I was, but we got this perfect opportunity!" Bloom pointed at Stella.
She continued with one of the most shocking questions she has ever asked "How will you girls feel about attending Red Fountain?" Stella grinned.

No reaction, we were just staring at our lunatic friend. Attend Red Fountain? We're girls for Pete's sake! Just one swing of a sword and we'll be dead meat, plus I personally think Stella won't last 5 seconds in that all boys school.

"Are you feeling okay, sweetie?" Flora placed her hand on Stella's forehead with a worried yet mocking look.
"Cut it," Stella swatted Flora's hand. "I'm serious, girls."
"We can attend Red Fountain for the week and leave like nothing happened." Bloom clapped, making it look like an easy thing to do.
"Why and how will we do that?" Tecna crossed her arms, challenging the two in front. "The mere idea of it will definitely get us in trouble, one wrong slip and Miss Griselda will have our heads."

Stella and Bloom looked at each other and smiled like they've already considered Tecna's statement, Bloom then took out a small pink box that had Alfea written on the top and gave us a much better look. She opened it and a hologram of Miss Faragonda showed up, she was a little toy.

"What is that?" Layla leaned closer, using Flora and Tecna as support.
"Shh! Just listen" Stella placed her index finger on Layla's lips.
"Hello girls" Miss Faragonda greeted "I was wondering if I can give you a small homework on the upcoming week break. I know you might have plans but you see, Saladin and I talked about Fairies and Heroes collaboration; it might be good for you girls to learn a thing or two about what the Specialists are taking up. We've already gotten the approval of the Board of Magix; I just need to know if you girls could be the ones to try it first. Saladin and I will check on your progress by the end of the week since we'll need to meet up with Griffin in the Black Swamp, but not to worry, we just need to talk to some trolls and ogres." she gave us a reassuring smile and continued. "Anyway, I need all 6 of you to go to Red Fountain and train with the guys. But please do hide your identity, Saladin and I don't want the others knowing about this since it'd makes the witches and some Fairies furious. To cut things short, I want you to enhance your fighting skills with the guys and to report to Saladin as soon as we get back. That is all, Winx. Good luck!"

Miss Faragonda vanished but we were all still looking at the box, Bloom kept it and she wore another smile. Stella snapped her fingers and the rest of us sat back, Layla, on the other hand, was smiling as well.

"I think this'll be great!" she jumped, her drive finally back.
"Great?" I frowned at her. "How is this great?"
"Yeah, I mean, the guys haven't even talked to us and now you expect us to train with them?" Tecna groaned as she massaged the bridge of her nose.
"Not to mention we have to hide our identities." Flora sighed with her head shaking disapprovingly.
"Tell me, how are we gonna to pull it off? "I crossed my arms, and again, Stella and Bloom smiled.

Bloom took out a pair of scissors from her back pocket and grinned, it was like one of those freaky smiles that meant she had a wild idea and we were soon going to be part of that idea. Then, Stella snapped her fingers causing clothes to appear and fall on us, big baggy guy clothes that looked so… Big.

"What the hell?" Layla pulled the clothes to her torso and looked at it more closely.
"Bloom, Stella, I know what you guys are thinking. "Flora backed away, fear was written all over her face. "We will not pull this off."

I looked at my two crazy friends, one look in to their eyes I was instantly hit with awareness:

Guy clothes + Scissors + New Mission = Disaster

"Insane!" I yelled.
"No, "Stella held me down and Bloom leaned towards me. "This is."

Bloom took out the scissors again and she began to move it to near my face, her hands rose and I squirmed around to try and free myself. First blood! I heard the clap of the scissors as they were near my ear, Bloom giggled and there... My head felt lighter, I struggled and fought back with all I've got. Sadly, gave in. I heard snips and cuts; the feeling of my own strands skiing down my skin was pure bliss. God damn. I peeked and glanced down, how I wish my eyes would deceive me. A pool of my blue hair was on the floor, mocking and reminding me that I have crazy friends.

After a few more snips here and there I felt a cool breeze kiss the back of my neck, sending shivers down my spine.

"What do you think?" Stella poked my head and I opened my eyes, there was a mirror in front of me being held up by Bloom.

I stared and couldn't pinpoint the feeling inside me. Anger? Pain? Disgust? Annoyance? I'm not sure in that category, but another feeling was clear: Calm. I didn't want to kill Stella for her idiotic idea and I wasn't planning any revenge on Bloom cutting my hair. Maybe the thought of seeing my MIA boyfriend soothed me or something. But I don't know, maybe I just liked how they styled me even though this is such a bad idea.

"What did you do to her?" Layla cupped my face with her hands and pulled me towards her, her expression was searching.
"Musa, you okay?" Flora appeared behind Layla, she wore the same worry as Layla.
"I... I-I" I gulped.
"Muse?" Tecna touched my shoulder and forcefully made me look at her.

I took one long deep breath that mysterious feeling I couldn't quite understand what is was forming… I wasn't angry, in pain, disgusted, or annoyed; I was downright pissed. Here I am looking like a guy, me, the girl who just had her hair spelled a month ago. What the hell?

I looked up and was about to give out my nastiest glare when a blonde swayed past Flora from behind, shock.

"Flora!" I yelled.

But before Flora could turn around, Stella appeared and grabbed both her hands and pinned them together. There, Bloom began snipping again as Flora squirmed, she kicked and yelled but Bloom had successfully cut her hair.

"You look so hot Flo!" Stella kissed Flora before releasing her.
"My hair!" Flora glared at Bloom as she scrambled her hands to her head. "You could've asked!"
"We know, but this is more fun" Bloom stuck her tongue out.
"Who's next?" Stella looked at the remaining victims.
"Err... I think I have scissors" Layla ran to her room, laughing like the idiot she is for accepting this mission.
"My hair is already short, maybe I can trim it" Tecna dashed off, probably scared of the combination of Bloom with scissors.

Bloom and Stella laughed while Flora sat next to me with her arms crossed and a pouted mouth, we can't let them have the last laugh. I looked at her and smiled; Flora groaned and shook her head. Her hair was really short now.

"We'll get them" I whispered with a grin.
Flora smiled and whispered back "I know the perfect spell"

We both looked at Stella and Bloom who had finished cutting their hair as well, Stella looked kinda like Jared but Bloom really looked like Sky. Her hair wasn't that short but for some reason she managed to have that masculine look.

"Masculinum" Flora whispered as she pointed at Bloom and Stella, a green light started to glow from her fingers making it kind of hard to miss.

The two started to grow as the magic directly hit them, soon they were changing. They stretched, growing taller. They widened, their shoulders broadening. Their chest shrunk, their torsos emphasized and they legs showed a bit of muscles.

"What the hell!" Stella shrieked with a low raspy voice, Flora and I held back our giggles.
"Stella?!" Bloom shut her mouth when she heard her own voice, it also changed.

Flora and I couldn't stand it and started to laugh hysterically, Tecna and Layla had just gotten out and they definitely looked like guys. Tecna's hair was short but she changed her bangs and trimmed the back, Layla's long hair was gone she even removed the side hair that she loved tying.

"What happened?" Layla's mouth was hung open as she saw me and Flora on the floor while Bloom and Stella looked so macho.
"What did you do to them?" Tecna was covering her mouth, trying to hold her own laughter.
"Oh, just a little spell here and there" Flora winked.
"You're so hot, Stel!" I laughed, holding on to my belly as the ache built up in me.

The two glared at us and didn't think for a second to blast magic towards us, it was a direct hit. Everything went white and my body and throat started to hurt a little, I felt weightless before everything went crashing down and a heavy weight was dubbed on me.

"Wah?" I looked at myself and the same changes that happened to the 1st 2 were applied to the rest of us.
"You didn't!" Flora snappily placed her hands over her mouth, she sounded so sly.
"You two!" Layla glared at them, she had a much stronger voice but still, a wee bit feminine.
"This is really getting out of hand!" Tecna blinked, she was wearing glasses.
"Suits you right" Bloom laughed, accepting the fact that she couldn't giggle and went straight to a reverberating laugh .
"Why I oughta!" I backed away and gulped, my voice sounded so tough and manly.

We all stared at each other and started laughing, our voices were hilarious. Even if we were guys now we still had that hint of girlyness, we might even fool the guys.

We quieted down just in time to face our clothes "Do you girls – Err – Guys want to get changed?" Layla was holding our garments for RF.

We were still wearing our girl clothes, no wonder it was hard to breathe. All of us started stripping and we had okay bodies, not that built but muscles were visible. It was funny though, we aren't really used to changing without our… Well privates.

"Oh my Gosh!" Bloom yelled.
"What is it?" Stella stood near her and searched for anything wrong, an abnormality or something.
"I have – "Bloom sniffled, eyes watery and desperate to look for a companion." –A guys part!"

Again, we laughed. We lost all our girl parts but it was really obvious that we'd have guy parts, Bloom ran around trying to remove her underwear with both eyes closed. She didn't want to see it, she kept crying like the cry baby she is.

"Finally!" Stella zipped her jacket, checking herself out in the mirror.
"What about me?" Bloom pouted, she was still in her underwear, the only garment she needed off.
"Bloom, Hun, this was your idea," I laughed at her. "So go and deal with it."
"Thanks a lot!" she stuck her tongue out and walked over to the bathroom.

The rest of the girls were already dressed up and ready to leave, we only had to wait for Bloom now. Stella was wearing a blue jacket and jeans, Tecna had an orange polo and jeans, Flora had a light green polo and green sweater on top she was also wearing jeans, Layla had a grey turtle neck sweat shirt and brown cargo pants, and I had my headphone on with a red jacket and blue inner shirt and I was also wearing jeans.

"You done?" Flora knocked on the bathroom door.
"Yeah," Bloom opened the door and she was wearing a blue and yellow jacket and jeans.
"Great, now," Tecna rubbed her hands "How do we get to Red Fountain without being noticed?"
"Didn't think of that" Layla bit her nail and glanced at the main door where we would have to expose ourselves to our fellow Alfeans.
"Can we use our powers?" Stella smiled with twinkling eyes.
"Great idea Stel, lets change in to our Enchantix and fly to Red Fountain. Oh wait, who would want to see a boy in a Fairy outfit?" I scoffed with rolling eyes.
"Right." Stella nervously laughed.
"I know!" Bloom smiled and ran away from our little circle.

She went straight to the balcony with her bags and we followed the courtyard empty and look to be deserted. Opening the doors Bloom smiled and jumped down without even consulting us about this plan, we all gasped knowing that Bloom could kill herself.

"BLOOM!" Stella yelled, pinning her body to the edge of the balcony.

Bloom waved at us from the ground while Stella took deep breaths and glared at Bloom, Layla rolled her eyes and jumped down as well, Tecna followed and she landed on Bloom.

"Serves you right!" Stella laughed, giving her taunting faces.
"Just hurry up and get down here!" Bloom yelled as Tecna helped her up.

Stella stopped laughing and looked down, gulping she closed her eyes and jumped. Bloom and Tecna had their hands up and Stella crashed on top of them, it was a pretty funny moment.

So it was down to Flora and me. "After you," I smiled and gestured her first.
"No, no, dear, after you." Flora urged me to take the leap.
"But I insist," I grabbed her hand and pushed her to the edge.

Flora frowned and took my arm; she jumped and pulled me with her.

"FLO! WHAT THE HELL" I yelled.
"Sorry!" Flora shrieked.

I landed safely but Flora landed on her butt, she was sitting while we all laughed. I helped her up and she dusted herself clean then we ran to the entrance and escaped without anyone seeing us, ready to become the boys we are.


-Red Fountain-

"Man, what does Cordatorta want now?" I groaned walking with my friends to another punishment.
"He keeps bugging us and we never get any free time" Brandon sighed. "I sure miss Stella."
"We all miss the girls" Sky placed his hand on Brandon's shoulder.
"Do you think they're mad?" Timmy adjusted his glasses and had this worried look on his face.
"Why would they be?" I scoffed; it wasn't like we had a choice to begin with.
"Riven, man, when was the last time you and Musa talked?" Nabu raised his eyebrow.

I thought about it for a minute and realized that I haven't even texted Musa for a couple of weeks, with all the work we've been doing the days don't seem that long for us to be too occupied. Crap. She must be so pissed right now.

"Yeah, I thought so." Nabu grinned with a knowing smile.
"Shoot," I scratched my head. "But it's not our fault"
"I know, that stupid ogre manage to destroy all our stuff. And Cordatorta hasn't been nice about the punishments for the past days" Helia gulped, remembering what we had to undergo.
"Not allowed to leave Red Fountain." Timmy hunched down. "No electronic gadgets."
"Hard life," Sky chuckled. "Aren't they using your account?"
"Yeah, I'm not allowed to even look at a computer," Timmy pouted. "But the Professors are allowed to use my account."
"I'm so dead." I frowned; Musa always gave me shit if I didn't give her attention.
"Same here" Nabu punched my shoulder, I was certain Layla wasn't the violent type but there will always be a first.
"I just hope Flora's okay" Helia sighed, looking out the window as if he could see her.
"Stella!" Brandon was looking at her picture, a bright picture for the bright princess.

We all arrived at the office and there Cordatorta was smiling at us, we all saluted and sternly looked ahead. I guess the punishment isn't over; it wasn't really our fault that the ogre got away. It managed to knock us all out since we were trying to help lift the huge book case that was on Timmy and Sky.

"Boys," Cordatorta walked passed each one of us with his stink eye of death, God, what the hell man.
"Sir!" we all said in sync.
"At ease boys, I'm giving you your last punishment" Cordatorta grinned; I bet he was confident with this last brutal one.

We were all nervous, Nabu isn't even attending RF but he still got punished. We all stood still not moving an inch; Cordatorta smiled knowing we feared him. He walked to the door and we looked, there entered 6 young boys wearing casual clothes.

"For the next seven days each of you will be teaching these boys how to fight and defend themselves." Cordatorta looked at us with a hard face. "Each of you will be assigned a buddy."
"A buddy, sir?" Nabu spoke up. Not a good idea.
"Yes, a buddy. Someone who you'll only train, a one on one teacher and student training" Cordatorta glared at him for speaking up.

Cordatorta walked passed each of us again and the boys followed, he looked at us one by one and assigned a partner. Sky got a red headed partner, Brandon got a blonde partner, Helia got a light brown haired partner, Timmy got a pinkinsh-purple haired partner, Nabu got a dark brown haired partner, and I got stuck with the dark blue haired boy.

"Boys, introduce yourself to your mentors" Cordatorta's voice softened, I guess he doesn't want to scare the fresh meat, yet.

I looked at my partner and I was kind of surprised, he looked familiar. Getting a better look at him I noticed he had white skin, odd for a guy who wants to train, and small blue eyes. His face really pissed me of tho, I don't know why but I feel broiled up just looking at him.

The 6 boys stood next to each other and they looked really uneasy, specially the light brown haired guy who seemed to be ready to shit himself. They're probably scared of their new superiors; no more Mommy Cordatorta to spoon feed them.

"Hi, I'm... Uh... Blake" the red head spoke up with a queasy looking face.
"I'm Flor... UHM! Florence, yeah – My name is Florence." the light brown boy smiled like he had this huge secret.
"I'm Lexus" the pinkish-purple haired boy confidently said.
"My name is Lance" he dark brown haired boy said.
"I'm... Wait a minute... I'm Astrum, yeah, Astrum!" the blonde happily smiled.
"And I'm Cresendo" my little buddy said.

We all walked up to our partner and shook their hands, they all seemed pretty nervous even though some excreted confidence.

"I'm Sky" he shook his partner's hand and flashed his winning I'm-a-friendly-guy smile.
"Nice meeting you, I'm Helia" Helia smiled at his partner as well and gave off a cool vibe.
"I'm Timmy" Timmy shook his partners hand as well.
"I'm Nabu" Nabu bowed his head a bit.
"The names Brandon little man" Brandon patted his partners head and laughed. Amusing, isn't it?
"Riven" I didn't even look at my partner.

Cordatorta sent us off and we were now on our way to the arena where we would start training immediately, the boys were behind us and they kept whispering to themselves. Brandon kept looking at his partner and he would always smile, was he gay now?

"Hey!" I slapped the back of Brandon's head and the ring of it echoed throughout the halls.
"Ow!" He glared at me and soothed his sore head.
"Take a picture, it'll last longer" I smiled at him and jerked my chin over to Astrum.
"Shut up!" He scoffed, looking back at his buddy.
"Stop it you two," Sky whispered, intervening like the good king he is.
"Riven started it," Brandon frowned.
"It's not my fault Brandon has a crush on his 'buddy'" I chuckled and air quoted with my fingers.
"What?" Sky looked at Brandon. "Dude?"
"What! No!" Brandon blushed and used his hands to explain what he couldn't say "He's just... You know?"
"No, we don't know" Nabu joined in with a huge smile on his face, his arms around Sky and me.
"Explain" Timmy laughed as well.
"Nevermind!" Brandon walked further.


"Really? Astrum?" Bloom whispered to Stella.
"Hey, it means star and I am a star" she grinned, even as a boy Stella was as harming as ever.
"Just don't blow our cover!" Layla hissed, watching the boys in case we needed to act out again.
"I won't, but maybe Flora can help you with that" Stella smiled at Flora who looked like a wreck, I didn't she was this nervous.
"I'm sorry girls, I panicked." Flora bowed her head.
"No worries Flo, we know you were nervous" I patted her back.
"Heads up lads, our mentors are taking us to the arena" Tecna pointed over to a huge door.

Sky and Riven pushed the two doors open; a hint of light blinded our view for a couple of seconds. I walked forward hoping I could block the sunlight away from my eyes but I got a rock hard body on the way, the sun was blocked but when I looked up Riven was staring down at me.

"Hey" I smiled.
"Watch it kid" Riven scoffed.
"What?" I raised my eyebrow.

Riven ignored me and entered the arena, man was he a jerk. I know he doesn't like socializing but come on, was he this much of a douch?

"Pst! Uhh... Cresendo!" Bloom called out, she was waving me to go over to her.
I ran and whispered. "What?"
"The girls and I thought of a way on how to get the guys to talk about us and why they didn't contact us" Bloom smiled.
"Okay, lay it on me" I looked at Riven and back to Bloom.
"Try saying that you know, well Musa, and that you've seen her all sad and mopey." Bloom winked, her devilish little brain working its gears once again.
"That's good but what if Riven gets mad? You know him, all jealous and stuff" I rolled my eyes but I had a smile on my face.
"Then tell him that you and Musa don't know each other, you just see her." Bloom nodded, determined to help me fish out answers. "You can even find out how Riven feels about you."
I smiled and hugged Bloom. "Great! But maybe I can make him a little jealous, a punishment for not contacting me."

She laughed while I ran and waved goodbye to her since Sky was at the other end of the arena, we were all scattered so no use trying to talk to the others. Anyways, I was headed to Riven and he didn't look too happy. His face was in a frown and his arms were crossed, I ran faster so I wouldn't have to get more in trouble.

"Hey, boss." I waved at him, trying not to push his buttons even though I wasn't trying to from the start.
Riven backed away a bit but he instantly brushed it off. "What took you so long?"
"Sorry, Blake told me to watch my actions when I'm training with you" I smiled at him. Compliments, compliments.
"Why?" he coldly asked, turning his back to me while he fixed whatever equipment we were going to use.
"W-well he just reminded me on how strict you are. A lot of boys in my realm just admire you. They say you're the best" I paused, waiting for any trace of pride in him.
Riven looked back at me and walked away "Whatever, come on"

Review please :)