The Search

Everyone is sitting in Li's living area at the moment. Renji, Kisuke, and Ichigo are on the couch, Li and Sakura are sitting on the two chairs. Kisuke is also joining them. Kisuke has his laptop pulled up. "It's been a month and there are still more hollow's than ever." Li announced.

"I'm trying to figure out where they are all coming from." Kisuke is looking at a map on his laptop. "All the hollows are attracted from the park by some sort of power."

"What source of power are we talking about?" Renji asked.

"It's not completely spiritual power, that I know for sure." Kisuke responded.

"If it's not completely spiritual power, then what is it?" Ichigo wondered.

"Could it also be magic?" Sakura suggested.

"It could be." Kisuke agrees. "I'm not an expert on magic but that could explain why you were able to capture that hollow."

"That would explain some things round here." Li said. "Also, there have been other strong magic's here before and that never attracted the hollows."

"You do have a point there." Kisuke agrees. "Maybe it has two powers, magic and spiritual power."

"But that wouldn't explain why we can see them." Sakura said. "We don't have spiritual power, just magic."

"The source could have both magic and spiritual power mixed into one." Kisuke answers.

"Could we try finding that source in the park and destroy it?" Ichigo asked.

"We could try that." Kisuke said.

"Let's get going then." Ichigo stated.

"Right now?" Sakura asked.

"Why not? It's dark out so I think it's a good time, no one will question us about what we're looking for." Ichigo responded. "Besides, I also want to get home too."

"Alright then, let's go." Kisuke said as he closed his laptop and stood up.

They all head to the park to find the source of power Kisuke was talking about.

"Where is it?" Sakura wondered. She released her staff.

"You're group is bright!" Someone said.

"Where's that voice coming from?" Li asked.

"It's coming from up here!" The same voice said.