Bleach and Cardcaptor Sakura Collide

Ichigo's P.O.V

It's late in the day and the sun has gone down. I'm at the Urahara shop talking Kisuke. He said something about another town getting more hollows than usual. "What's the town called?" I ask.

"The town is called Tomoeda." Kisuke said. "That town doesn't get too many hollows and for some reason the rate of hollows is exceedingly high."

"So you want me to there and protect the town?" I ask.

"Yes, Ichigo," Kisuke said. "I want Renji to go along with you as well."

"Why Renji?" I ask.

"So that the two of you can cover more of the town," Kisuke said. "Renji is coming to The World of the Living tomorrow."

"Alright," I said. "But who's going to look over this town?"

"There's more than enough Soul Reapers to do that job." Kisuke answered. "I want you to leave tomorrow at seven in the morning."

Sakura's P.O.V (The next day)

I am in the middle my school yard. There's a monster right in front of me and it's starting to extend its arms. My guess is that it wants to grab me. I hold my staff tightly in my hands ready to fight it.

The sound of my alarm wakes me up from my dream. I take the alarm clock and turn the alarm off. I put the alarm back on the mantle behind me not wanting to get up.

"Sakura," Kero asked while getting out of his drawer. "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah," I said while putting my feet on the floor. "I just had a weird dream again."

"What was it about this time?" Kero asked.

"Something about a new enemy, I think." I said. "I'm not really sure."

"A new enemy?" Kero asked.

"Yeah," I said. "It looked like a monster."

"Don't let your guard down, Sakura." Kero said.

"I know, I know." I said while getting up.

I changed my clothes, go downstairs, grab some bread, put on my skates, and head off to school. "Hey Li," I said as I saw him walking.

"Hey," Li said. "What's going on?"

"Nothing much," I said. "I just had a strange dream last night is all."

"What about?" Li asked.

"Just a new enemy," I said. "I think it was some type of monster."

"Did it attack you?" Li asked.

"No," I answered. "The sound of my alarm woke me up before it did."

We enter the class room just before the bell rang. Tomoyo was already in class sitting down. "What a way to make it to school before the bell rang, Sakura-chan." Tomoyo said.

"I usually get here at the last second." I said. What luck, the teacher got here right after Li and I did.

I look outside and the same monster shows up. I'm glad it's almost lunch time. The monster is in front of the school. "You see the same thing as I do?" Li asked.

"It was the same monster as in my dream last night." I whispered.

"What monster?" Tomoyo asked in a whisper.

"I'll explain it later." I said. The bell finally rang for lunch and I pull out THE SLEEP Card.

"Sakura-chan," Tomoyo said. "Is everything alright?"

"Yes," I said. "But I see a monster and I don't want it to be here anymore."

I take off my necklace." Release!" I yelled. "Make everyone that cannot see this monster fall asleep."

I open the window so I can get out. Li-kun sets Tomoyo on the floor gently. I pull out THE FLY card. "Fly!" I said. Wings grew on my back. I also pull out THE SWORD Card. "Sword." I fly out the window and I'm in the air next to the monster.

Ichigo's P.O.V

"Getsuga Tenshou!" I yell. "I can't believe the hollow completely dodged my attack."

"You can't kill every hollow on the first hit you know," Renji said.

"Oh be quiet." I said. I see a strange girl in the air with wings and a sword in her hand. "Renji, do you see what I see?"

"If you mean the girl flying in midair with a sword in her hands?" Renji asked. "Then yes."

Sakura's P.O.V

I take my staff, raise it, and go towards the monster. I see Li coming out of the school now. I'm right in front of it but the monster hits me and I go flying.

"Sakura!" Li yelled. Li runs up to me and catches me.

"Thanks, Syaoran." I said.

"Don't mention it." Li said.

"I'll take care of this." Renji said. "Roar Zabimaru!" Renji's Zanpakuto went to its Shikai form. Renji moved Zabimaru and was able to cut off one of the hollows arms.

"Show off," Ichigo said.

"Hey," Renji said.

I get up and see to two guys in kimonos. The guy with the orange hair says his attack name, "Getsuga Tenshou!" His attack defeats the monster this time.

Syaoran and I walk up to the two guys with the swords. "Thanks for helping us defeat the monster." I said.

"Don't mention it." Ichigo said. "How can you see us anyways?"

"What do you mean by that?" I ask.

"Ichigo," Renji said. "I sense some kind of power from them but I can't tell if they have spiritual pressure or not."

"I don't know what spiritual pressure is or anything but I do have magic if that's what you're feeling from me." I said.

"Sakura," Li said. "You shouldn't be telling these strangers about magic."

"Well," I said. "The orange haired guy said that we shouldn't be able to see him so I thought it would be okay."

"Could you guys stay here until schools out to explain all this?" Li asked.

"Sure," Ichigo said.

"We can go to my house to talk." Li said.

My wings go back to the card form of THE FLY Card and same with THE SWORD Card. "And I'll explain my magic to you too." I said as I put my key necklace around my neck. "We should be getting to school now."

We went back to school and everyone was awake. We entered the classroom. I guess that means no lunch today. School finally let out and we all went to Syaoran's house.

"Nice place kid." Ichigo said to Li-kun.

"Thanks." Li answered.

"Where's everyone else?" Renji asked.

"I live by myself." Li answered. "The rest of my family is in Hong Kong."

"Why are you all the way here instead?" Ichigo asked.

"I'll explain that after you explain the monster that was at school." Li said.

And so Ichigo and Renji explained what they do as Soul Reapers and explained the Soul Society and everything that deals with them including the monsters called hollows. We also explained our magic as well along with my Sakura Cards.

"So that explains why you can see us." Ichigo said.

"Yeah," I said. "That's my guess since we have magic."

"I was wondering if we could stay here for a while." Ichigo said.

"Why?" Li asked.

"I don't know how long we'll be monitoring this town and we'll probably need a place to live." Ichigo said. "Kisuke can probably bring our gigai's here by car or something."

"Gigai's?" I ask.

"I forgot to mention that didn't I?" Ichigo said. Ichigo told them about the gigai's too.

"I guess not as long as you bring your gigai's." Li said.

"Thanks," Ichigo said. "I just hope that there won't be too many hollows though."