Author's Note: Hey, guys! missed me? i forgot my log in info for my previous account. I'm not saying that's the only reason why I've been gone for more than a year but it's also a reason. I don't like unfinished stories so I'll continue this one. I'll be uploading the other three chapters plus the new chapter in a few hours if anyone is still interested. For my other stories, you could search for zchynard. So once again, here's the first chapter.

Disclaimer: Not mine.


What the Hell?

I heard the cold and heartless laugh that haunted me at night.

I turned around a corner on my way to the great hall and saw her pointing her wand to a third year Slytherin who seemed to have been jinx with jelly-legs.

"What are you doing?" I asked her sternly.

"Oooh. Potter." She said sarcastically. "You know what? I think it's none of your business so bugger off."

"You're a prefect just as I am. Stop it right this moment, Granger." I raised my wand and performed the counter spell.

The kid might have been a Slytherin and a bully but he is still a kid and he was on the verge of crying. As a prefect, I can't let Granger's light torture continue. He ran as fast as he can away from us as soon as the jinx was removed.

I saw her moved towards me. I swallowed the lump in my throat as I felt the deadly stare she was giving me. She stopped mere inches away from me and despite the fact that I'm taller and bigger than her, she still somehow intimidated me. I felt her wand poking my ribs sharply.

"Watch it, Potter. The next time you mess up with me and what I'm doing, I'll make sure that you'll regret it for the rest of your life which wouldn't be that long." I stared at her brown orbs and saw the usual emptiness with just a small glint of anger.

No matter how angry she is, her eyes don't show it. Her eyes can't show any emotion of hers if she even has one. She's like a dead and empty shell.

"Aguamenti." The next thing I knew was that she was showering me with water and I got soaked in no time. It shocked me that I wasn't able to react fast. She also whispered something but my ears didn't catch it.

"Take heed of my warning, Potter. I'm not one to give empty threats." She walked away and I could only stare at her retreating figure.

I wonder how a beautiful woman like her could be so cold and cruel.

I remember the first day I saw her outside the great hall when we were waiting for Professor McGonagall to let us in and let us be sorted to our houses.

"Hello. I'm Harry. What's your name?" I asked trying to be friendly with the bushy, brown haired girl standing beside me.

She turned to face me completely. I felt my heart beat faster. Wow. She's cute. She smiled at me with a warm smile.

"I'm Hermione Granger." As warm as her smile was, I can't believe how emotionless she sounded. Still, I smiled back.

"Nice to meet you, Hermione."

"Nice to meet you too, Harry."She smiled again and I saw a glint of happiness passed through her eyes.

That was the last time I saw her warm smile or that her eyes shone.

Malfoy distracted me and McGonagall arrived and told us to go inside. I had hoped then that we would be sorted in the same house. I wanted to know more about her. I wanted to know why she sounded so cold or why her eyes were empty of emotion. She got sorted in Slytherin and I somehow knew that it would be hard to achieve what I want.

I saw her sat down beside Malfoy that time and like a real Slytherin, she had that boastful smirk on her face most of the time. I didn't really like it.

Since then, there was no hope for us to continue the forming friendship between us. She started hanging around with Malfoy and his cronies and she was even part of bullying other students. She drifted deeper and deeper to their side and the time came when we had to fight each other. It wasn't a physical fight. I didn't want to hurt her or anything. It was verbal and emotional. Being the brightest witch of our age, she was able to hurt me more than I could ever hurt her. If I'll even try to hurt and if she will even be able to feel anything.

She's like a robot. She associated, laugh that cold laugh, study, and everything that a normal person usually does and yet, there was no life in whatever she did. She remained to be an empty shell. But deep inside me, I have this feeling that the little girl with a warm smile that I met five years ago is just hiding in the deepest part of herself. I want to see that girl again.

I realized that I was standing in the middle of the corridor for some time already, and that I'm about to miss dinner. I tried to dry myself off using the drying spell but it didn't worked. Hell! That was what she was whispering earlier! She made sure I won't be able to dry myself with magic. Hmmp!

"Damn you, Granger." I said as I walked towards the direction of the Gryffindor tower knowing that I won't be able to have dinner. Thanks a lot to her. Damn.


I woke up earlier than usual and went down to the great hall to eat breakfast. My stomach was grumbling already because I did miss my dinner last night. I sighed remembering the events last night.

As I entered the great hall, my eyes automatically scanned the Slytherin table and saw her slowly eating her food. She raised her eyes and met mine. There was only emptiness and she went back to eating her food. I went to my own seat to get some food down to my stomach and decided to think about her later.

I was already on my third helpings when the door opened loudly. Pansy Parkinson entered the great hall and I rolled my eyes. What's with the entrance? I shrugged it off and decided to mind my food again but she suddenly shouted.

"Granger!" The Slytherin witch yelled. She stormed off towards Hermione who only raised her brows and looked at Malfoy who was sitting beside her. When did he get there? My brows furrowed.

"What the hell are you doing?" She pounded her fist on the table.

"Pansy, what's the meaning of this?" Malfoy drawled.

I looked around the great hall and saw that there weren't any staff member at the moment and there are only few students. Like me, they were all watching the scene.

"Shut up, Draco. You know as well as I do what I'm talking about!" Parkinson snapped at Malfoy.

"You're attacking your own housemate!" She hissed. I leaned forward to get a better view.

I'm pretty sure that she was talking about that third year Slytherin from last night.

"What's that, Parkinson?" Hermione asked emotionless and I'm sure she would have sounded innocent if she has that missing emotion for the past five years.

"You attacked a Slytherin! And for what? Because he was playing pranks on a mudblood? What are you? A mudblood lover? Supporter? Savior?" Parkinson shouted.

I saw students cringed when she kept on saying 'mudblood'.

"That boy was acting as if he could do anything he wants. I only wanted to show him whom he should fear. And besides, I didn't harm him that much." Hermione said nonchalantly.

"I think she did the right thing, Pansy, so calm down." Malfoy told Parkinson but once again she snapped at him.

"Stop siding with her, Draco! She's only using you for goodness' sake!" I saw Malfoy's eyes narrowed and my curiosity rose higher than ever.

"Admit it, Draco. She used you." She said pointing her finger at Hermione. "She used your status to gain respect and make her own name. And now that she's feared, she doesn't need you anymore." Parkinson stated viciously.

"I lost my appetite." Hermione stood up and tried to walk away but Parkinson held her wrist.

Hermione looked at the other girl's hand holding her wrist with a more blank expression if that was even possible and Parkinson let go of her as if she was burned.

"I'm right, aren't I, Granger?" Parkinson drawled.

"You are." She said and started walking away.

I watched Malfoy's face turned red with anger and he stood up to follow her. I didn't like the way he looked so I stood up to follow them too. I saw Malfoy on the right corridor turning around the corner. I sprinted to follow him. I slowed down as I heard their voices.

"What's wrong with you, Hermione? You're not like that before." Malfoy hissed.

"Don't you get it, Draco? I used you just like what Pansy said." I heard her say with that cold tone.

I walked nearer and nearer noiselessly and leaned on the wall and peek to see them. I saw Malfoy holding her wrist on the middle of the corridor.

"What did you say?" I saw his hand tightening on her wrist but she didn't look like she got hurt.

"I used you."

"Damn you, Hermione. I'm tired of sticking up with this attitude of yours. I've reached my limit. I've been trying to get you for a year already and now you're telling me that you used me! You'll pay for this!" I saw Malfoy pushed her to the wall and kissed her hard.

I felt anger consume me and I took my wand out and stupefied him. It seems that it wasn't only me. Malfoy flew a few feet backwards and hit the wall. Hermione also casted a spell on him the same time I did.

She looked at me but ignored me as he went near Malfoy. She bent and raised his head with her hand in a not so gentle way. He looked at her with fear.

"Keep your hands off me, Malfoy. I hate being forced and you should know that by now. You'll suffer more than this if you try to pull another stunt, Malfoy, so be careful." She threatened and she let his head fall.

She looked at me once more before walking towards me and passing me without a word.

What the hell?

A/N: Bear with me. ^_^