The irritating snoozes of the alarm clock caused him to reluctantly open his eyes and finally silence the device. When he read the time it was 7:02, time to get up I guess. Stretching his limbs he sat up and suppressed a yawn. He noticed that his body was somewhat sore, probably from that sparing match with Falco yesterday. Damn bird knows how to land some good punches.
Yawning once more, he dragged his feet towards the bathroom to follow through with his habitual morning routine. Brushing his teeth was always his least favorite thing to do. He thought it was tedious and that's why it was first to do. After that, came showering. Same thing every day for the past year to the day, it's starting to get a bit repetitive. I didn't exactly sign up to be a mercenary to clean myself for a living. Part of me wishes some new buffoon would try to threaten the universe…. After turning off the water and drying himself, he opened the door back to his room and clothed himself in his usual casual attire: a t-shirt and sweats. His stomach then growled and it was brought to his attention that he was hungry. Better get some food in my stomach.
As soon as he had the thought he was off to the kitchen to find himself something to eat. Before he did however, he decided to check if Slippy was up to see if he'd already eaten. He made his way to the flight hangar and, to his expectations, found Slippy working on the underbelly of his arwing.
"You're always working on something, aren't ya Slip."
The amphibian smiled and replied to his life-long best friend, "As long as there's room for improvement, of course!"
"Well how's about you take a rest and we get some breakfast, sound good?"
"Sure thing Fox! Lemme put some of this stuff away first. I hate it when Falco sees that I'm working on something and messes with it just to tick me off."
"That's fine, though I hardly doubt that he'd be awake at this time. That would be something short of a miracle." They both laughed and Fox decided to start walking towards the hall. "I'll wait for you in the lounge to start eating."
"Alright, sounds good!"
You're always so cheerful Slip, I don't know how you manage it.
As he was walking to the lounge Fox heard a loud thud from Falco's room. The hell? He opened the avian's door and found him tangled in his blankets on the floor next to his bed. Ha, fell on his ass and didn't even flinch. He took a few steps closer with the intent to wake the bird and his eyes spotted the nearly depleted bottle of whiskey sitting on the night table. That makes sense, better leave him be then. He exited the room and left the ace pilot to sleep off the alcohol.
When he entered the lounge he was surprised to see Peppy already awake and watching the Cornerian News channel. "The Cornerian military forces are doing their best to safely investigate the barren planet of Ficihna due to the strange energy rays being emanated from the planet's atmosphere. At first scientist thought the unexplained rays were coming from Solar, however they have found that the real source is indeed Fichina. Because it is currently uninhabitable, researchers believe that there may be a possibility that Andross may have created a base underground while he was still alive. Any further information has not yet been released to the public but we are all hopeful that Andross had no involvement. That's all for New Alerts, I'm Sue Troph, now back to Adam. Thank you, Sue. In other news, there was an accident at the airport today invol-" Peppy turned off the TV and faced Fox.
"I had a feeling you were standing there." Somehow the hare always had a way of knowing when someone was near. It's like he has eyes in the back of his head. I barely made a sound when I walked in.
"You've always had a way of knowing when people are behind you."
"Just always on my guard."
"I can tell." Should I bring it up now? Yeah, Peppy is probably the only one I can ask about this. "Peppy… Do you think it would be a good idea to go after Star Wolf?"
"Well, I certainly wasn't on guard for that." They both exchanged a laugh. "Why would you want to do that?"
"Well for obvious reasons like-"
"Stop right there. I can tell already that all you want is revenge and that's not the way to go about this. I know you're upset about what Pigma did to your father and you fought them a couple times during the war but Fox, that won't change anything that has already happened."
"Gee Pep, you make it sound like I want to kill them all… Even though it would be nice to bring the pig to an end… But I'm just throwing it out there because I heard there's a pretty big bounty on their heads right now and the extra credits could do us well. Plus we haven't been exactly busy this past year. I just thought it might have been a decent idea." But way to shoot me down.
"Well, when you put it that way it doesn't sound like such a bad idea at all." That's right, think it through. "But I would still advise against it." Ugh.
"Okay… On a different note, you eat breakfast yet?"
"Indeed I did. It's the most important meal of the day." Before Fox could even open his mouth to respond, the telecommunication radio began to ring throughout the Great Fox. Fox, surprised, immediately answered the call on his wristwatch and a hologram of General Pepper appeared before him. The general hasn't contacted us in months, what could he possibly want?
"Fox, Peppy." The general nodded to them both. "I have a mission of utmost importance, are you up for it?" Fox's eyes lit up with excitement.
This is the first thing that's come up since we blew Andross to bits. Fox turned to Peppy and received a nod of approval. "Of course we're up for it." This is great! We finally get to go out and do something again! Plus we could probably use the spare credits…
"That is if the rest of my team is alright with it."
"Well, where are they then?" As if on cue, Slippy appeared in the doorway.
"Sorry I took so long Fox I had to- Oh hiya Pepper!"
"Good morning Slippy. You seem cheery as usual."
"No reason not to be General."
"Slip, you up for a mission?"
"Sure thing, count me in!"
Awesome. Now the only person left is Falco… who is still asleep and most likely hungover. Shit.
"Knowing Falco, he'd say yes. He's not the type to say no to some action."
"Splendid! I'm transferring you the information on the mission as we speak."
I don't know how much longer I can handle this captivity any more. I need answers. Who am I? What am I? Do I have a name? Does anyone know I'm here? What are the other voices I hear in my mind that I cannot control?
You'll find out soon my dear…
Who are you!
AN: So there it was: the first chapter of my first fanfic. I hope I did an alright job! I really would have liked to make the chapter longer but I didn't quite know what to say without sounding too boring or repetitive. It's an intro right? But anyways, Fox is ecstatic that he finally gets to get out from being dormant for a year. This is supposed to take place a year after SF64 so they're all still pretty young (which means Peppy can still fly an arwing etc. yay!) And that also explains why Fox might sound a little immature. Also, the character thinking at the end (whose identity is probably pretty predictable) will be introduced in the next chapter. Anywhoo, not sure what else I'm supposed to say so, ta-ta!