Hey guys!

This is my first fic so please be gentle with me. I hope it is ok. Im rating M for what will come later assuming anyone wants there to be a later! So let me know :).

Here I am again, 3:10AM and I'm sprawled across his bed, my limbs entangled with his; and all I can think of is how I don't want to be here. When did this start? When did I stop loving him? Sighing I push off of him gently, so as not to wake him, and scramble into my clothes "I've got to get out of here" I mutter under my breath. The whole situation is smothering me; it feels like my life is slipping out of my control, a control I have clung to for many years now. "This can't be happening."

Most fathers would be concerned if their daughter came home in the early hours of the morning having not contacted them since they left for school that morning. But not mine; no of course not there are clearly more pressing commitments in his life, like sleeping with his secretary. But in all honesty this suits me just fine, my father and I will never have an ordinary relationship, we are merely two people who are forced to share a living space due to genes.

I climb into my bed not even pausing to undress, Beck's scent is still heavy on my skin, a scent I used to find comforting, one that had previously filled me with love. Yet someone else is vividly embedded in my mind. I don't want her there. Her tanned skin, her ever present smile, those deep chocolate orbs that have somehow pierced through my armour, I'm consumed. "What are you doing to me Vega?" I moan into my pillow.

When my alarm sounds I'm torn from the least peaceful slumber I have ever experienced, dazed I pull myself up and stretch, jeeze did I sleep at all last night? Coffee, that is the answer. Immediately deciding to skip my morning shower I grab an outfit for my wardrobe and head to Costa. I honestly cannot understand how anyone could start their morning without coffee, it is my lifeline.

I love school, the building and the classes that is, the other students I can barely tolerate. Luckily for me, the other students have caught onto this and generally leave me alone.

"Hey babe, what happened to you last night?" Beck says from behind me.

"I couldn't sleep, so I went home." I grumble in reply.

"God Jade, what is up with you lately? You've been a complete nightmare all week!" he snaps back at me. "Have I done something?" he asks in a softer tone.

"No Beck" I sigh, "I've got a load of stuff going through my head right now, my feelings are all over the place, and I just can't get my mind straight."

"Your feelings? You mean your feelings for me?" he asks .

"No.." his face immediately shows relief, my heart cracks slightly as I take a deep breath, I have to do this. "No Beck I'm not confused about you, I know how I feel about you, and I'm sorry but I don't love you anymore, at least not that way."

"What the hell Jade! Where has this come from? Last night you slept with me! And today you don't love me?"

My eyes are starting to fill with tears; I never wanted this to happen. Normally I enjoy causing people pain, making them suffer, but not Beck, never Beck. I know I can do this anymore, not here anyway, I cannot cry in public.

"Please Beck, can we do this somewhere else?" I stammer

"Fine" he sighs, and walks towards an empty classroom, I take a deep breath trying to pull myself together before following him.

"Please" he starts, but I cut him off

"Let me explain Beck, because if I don't do this now, I don't think I ever will." He nods in response, there if nothing I can do now but explain.

"Do you remember how hard you fought to get me when we started dating, right at the beginning? When I told you I didn't do guys. But you persisted, and eventually I fell for you, and I honestly did love you. I have for the past two years, please don't doubt that. But what I never explained to you was when I said I didn't do guys, I meant I'm into girls. I guess beck then I thought I was gay, you however showed me that I'm not, I'm bi Beck. I'm so sorry but there's someone else. Nothing has happened but I can't stop thinking about her. I don't want to, but I can't help it and it just wouldn't be fair to you, to carry this on."

His face is scrunched with pain and confusion as he tries to process what I have just told him, I lean my back against the door and finally let the tears fall down my face. Now that I have admitted it, it feels more real, and that terrifies me. I don't want this to be real. I watch him, studying his every move intently; I'm rooted to the spot when I see tears begin to drip down his cheeks. "I'm sorry, god Beck I'm so sorry" I repeat for what feels like an era, till he breaks the gap between us and wraps me into a hug. His tears drop onto my head as mine seep into his shirt. We are both so broken.

"It's ok Jade" he whispers.