First off: I'm sorry! I'msorryimsorryimsorryimsorry! I'm sorry this is so late and a little short. Vacation + no internet = no muse. Blah, would make it longer, but if I didn't post this someone would probably have killed me...


Shut it, you!

Alright, so here's what happened: After some more arguing and blah blah blah everyone all agreed that we'd be staying with the Autobots and N.E.S.T. until Starscream stopped attacking me and we were sent to bed. They were very skeptical, thinking that that would never happen, but I knew it would. Otherwise that bitch wouldn't have anyone madly in love with me for no damn reason. Gag. Anyway, since N.E.S.T. came to Canada on reported Decepticon sightings and since the Decepticon's haven't left, we're still in that air base near Toronto.

This morning I woke up in a strange military issued bed with Eddie still sleeping beside me. They only had one bed left but that was fine by us -beats sleeping in a chair in some interrogation room-. We've slept in the same bed before. In fact, it's quite often that we sleep together. Not like that, you moron! Now get your mind out of the gutter before I hit you.

Eddie started to stir.

"Good morning bed head." I greeted when she opened her eyes.

She sat up with a "Huh?", her messy red her covering half her face. She gave a big yawn and a stretch before greeting me back. "Goo'mornin' Whitey..." Whitey? Oh right, my hair... Eddie lazily rubbed at her eyes before looking around the room. Quiet cute. "Where are we?"

I felt like a parent telling their kid it's Christmas morning. "In the barracks, remember? Autobots? N.E.S.T.? Bitch with a magic computer?" And like a child on Christmas morning she visibly lit up with joy and squealed. My poor ears...

"Ohmygod ohmygod." Eddie squealed, now fully awake and jumping on the bed. How could she be jumping on such a small bed with another person on it? I'll give you a clue, I was now on the floor. "Oww..." I whimpered as the burn on my back decided to through a bitch-fit with my ribs. Something tells me getting tossed off the bed was not a part of the medic's 'take it easy' orders. "Getupgetupgetup!" Eddie shouted, pulling me up by my good arm. Yep. Sooo like Christmas morning.

I heard a knock on the door as Eddie ran off the bed to find clothes. "Is everything alright in there?" Came the male voice of our 'guard'. That's right, we have to have someone with us at all times. They say it's for our protection but we all know it's to keep us from getting into places we shouldn't be in and keep an eye on us. Probably taking notes on our behavior to see if we give out any more info at the same time. This guy (prison guard) was assigned to watch our door for the night. Someone else would escort (baby sit) us for the day.

"We're alright. Just fell off the bed is all." I groaned loud enough for him to hear me. Eddie was already dressed -don't ask me how- and dragging me towards the door shouting "Hurryuphurryuphurryup!"

After we were dressed, fed, and I got some painkillers from the medics (mmm, painkillers), we were off to the Autobot hanger, dragging along the poor soul who got stuck with us. Eddie had somehow suppressed her fangirl yesterday and was now ready to blow. I could just see the excitement and questions ready to burst from her small form as she dragged me by my good arm. Even with the sunglasses on, no one could miss her expression. However, despite her determination to get to the Autobot hanger, I had us stop when a man with brown hair and eyes caught my eye. I pointed him out to Eddie and we both changed our course of direction to straight for the guy. "Oi, Washington!" I shouted, waving my bandaged -and now sling-less- arm at him.

He paled a bit before greeting us. "H-hey ladies." He turned to Eddie. "Edna, I see you're still in existence." She gave him a cheerful "Yep!" before he turned to me. "And actually look like a girl today, Miss... um... I'm sorry, I was never told your name. We were just given a picture and told to look out for you."

"Really? Huh, that's weird. I-" I started but was cut off by our escort, who had only now just caught up to us.

"Don't... just... run off... like that..." He muttered in between huffs. Where we really that fast, or was this guy just out of shape? "Hey, D.C." He greeted after catching his breath and wiping back his moppy, squid-like black hair. You'd think, being in the military, he'd have that cut short... I'm calling him Squid!

"D.C.?" Eddie and and I both voiced our confusion.

He absently rubbed the back of his neck, embarrassed. " name is Dale Collard Washington, so..."

"Oh I get, Washington D.C. Haha! Now that's a name." His parents probably did that on purpose. "Though I really shouldn't be talking. So, whatch'ya been doing for the past few days?"

"Oh, you know." He waved his hand nonchalantly. "Getting debriefed, giving my report followed by getting my sanity checked, mildly panicking over two strange girls who have highly classified and unknown information, staring at the sky knowing I might be being watched by an alien pervert, getting scared for life after the major orders me to find out what tentacle hentai is and then having to explain it to him. Very awkward. All in all... I've busy." He gave the slightest bit of a glare.

I made a show of my sympathy. "Ugh. Sanity tests. I hate those! I always have to study normal-boring people for hours just to pass." Worst way to waste time ever!

"Ha!" Washington barked a laugh. "Sooo...why do you have egg in your hair?" He asked Squid.

Yeah... I may have skipped over the part where I started a food fight in the mess hall at breakfast... "Squid here was stuck with me and Edds behind a table while Edds sniped with grapes and I went mad throwing eggs from a catapult. Best food fight yet. They still don't know who started it... And Squid is not gonna tell, ri~ight?" Squid visibly twitched. Violently.

"Squid?" Washington snorted, trying with all his strength not to laugh while Squidsy glared at him.

Eddie decided to explain the nickname in the only way she knows how. "I shall call him Squidsy and he shall be mine. And he will be my Squidsy!" The twitch became more prominent when Eddie glomped him.

After a small laugh, Wash turned to me. "So where are you two headed?" He asked, amusement clear in his voice.

"Autobot hanger." I answered, now standing beside him. "For our 'protection' and the possibility of us saying something important, we will be hanging out with the 'bots."

Before he could reply, Eddie let out a happy squeal from her position on top of Squid's back. "Oh, right! The Autobots!" Another squeal. "Let'sgolet'sgolet'sgo!" She jumped off of Squid and with speed that shouldn't be possible, she took off with "vroooom" in speeds that no teenager should be capable of, dragging Washington with her. I swear there was a dust cloud coming from her feet.

Turning to the undescribable face of Squid, I grinned madly. "Well, you heard the girl; 'vroooom'!" Before he could finish that groan, I grabbed his wrist and ran after Eddie with a vroooom!

I leaned back and relaxed against the wall of the hanger, watching Eddie go nuts before me. She was literally all over the 'bots. One second she was on... wait, I know this... Ratchet! One second she was on Ratchet's head and the next she was on Optimus Prime's shoulder (don't ask me how), then hanging off of Iron-something's canon. All the while asking random questions that I don't even understand half of the terms used. Really, quite a sight. The reactions to her questions are hilarious! I swear all of them tripped or stumble or choked when she asked something about interfacing or whatever she called it. No idea what that is but it gets a good reaction.

Washington was standing to my left, watching the show with great fascination. "How does she do that?" He whispered to me.

I shrugged. "Power of a fangirl, dear Wash. Never underestimate it. It defies all logic and common sense." I'm no stranger to the power of a fangirl. It's the memes you have to look out for.

"That's scary."

"Indeed." At that voice, I almost jumped. Almost.

She jumped.

Shut up! Wash and I turned around to find Ratchet had somehow escaped the grasp of the fangirl and pulled a ninja, sneaking up behind us.

"Dude! How the hell did you pull a ninja on me?!"

He stared at me for a second, eyes dimming before answering. "I have my ways." Creepy. "I was hoping you could answer a few questions of my own."

Leaning back, I sighed and closed my eyes. "I knew this was coming. Shoot."

"Well for starters, it's about your age." Huh?

I opened my eyes, arching an eyebrow in suspicion. "I'm eighteen. What about it?"

"Yes, according to my scans, that is your physical age. However-"

"Wait a sec, what's a scan?" I hear that word used yesterday, but I forgot to ask Eddie about it.

"Ooh! Ooh! I know!" Same the voice of Eddie, now standing beside me. If I wasn't used to Eddie doing that, I would have jumped sky-high. Like Washington just did.

Eddie sucked in a breath as if to start a long explanation that would probably leave me lost. So I interrupted her before she could start. "Wait, wait, wait! Use dumb words so I can understand you!"

She gave a huge sigh and deflated. "Basically he can scan your body -like you can scan a picture to the computer- to find out information. Ratchet, it be easier if you just showed her." She pulled me up from my comfortable position on the ground and had me facing Ratchet.

"Alright" Ratchet pressed two fingers to the side of his helm. A bright green light came from his eyes, going through me and giving me that strange tingly feeling I felt yesterday. My eyes widen. From that explanation, I could only think of one thing and I felt violated.

"PERVERT!" I shouted pointing at Ratchet then covering my chest with my hands.

Ratchet looked shocked. "No-no! I merely receive information regarding your vitals-"

"VITALS PERVERT!" I shouted again, summoning a fish and throwing it at him. Hey, fish count as a weapon too. I'm getting better at that. Eddie face-palmed.

Ratchet gave a frustrated sigh and rolled his eyes. A gesture which surprisingly suits the alien. "Regardless, you age does not add up. Neither of your ages add up."

That caught my attention. "Watchya mean 'doesn't add up'? It's 2012! I was born 1994! Do the math!"

He stiffened. "Miss, it's the year 2010, not 2012."



My eyes narrowed. "Watchya talking about Ratchet?"

"OHMYGOD!" Eddie shouted from beside me. "We went back in time!"

How's that- wait a second. Bitch said we where being sent to sometime in between the second and third movie... The third movie aired in 2011...the second in 2009... My eyes widened. "Oh my fucking- Eddie quick! YouTube!"

"On it!" She ran towards the computer set at the end of the hanger (don't know why it's there) and kicked guy off it. Frantically, Eddie searched the internet. As suddenly as she got there, Eddie turned to me with a face of pure horror, clenching the sides of her head. "There's no Party Rock Anthem!"