*The only characters I do not own are Lady Tremaine and Cinderella! Enjoy *

Sorry for being so late to update. More will come soon…

Part 6 : Revelations

A chubby and short woman with grey wavy hair up in a bun, a kind face, wearing round glasses, a blue dress and a blue cone-shaped hat, appeared before Lady Tremaine's bewildered eyes.

"HELLOO there! It is your Godmother, honey!"

-For heaven's sake who are you and what are you doing in my house?

-Huh? Oh! Pardon me, Madam! My mistake, I think I am at the wrong house hehehe! I am new at this. You see, it is my first "Godmother" job since I graduated from the fairy school…

-Graduated?! Just how old are you exactly? You look older than me!

-Oh and I am, Madam! Fairies' years are an equivalent of 10 times human years! And since we live for centuries, we find that we should dedicate our first century to refining our magic powers and wisdom in school! So we go to college and then to university and graduate at 101 years old.

-Well obviously, you still got some refining to do, my dear, because I don't have a godmother whatsoever.

-I'm really sorry to bother you. But I honestly don't know what happened. I came to the address the Counsil gave me.

-The Council?

-Yes, the fairy godmother Counsil, sent me here, supposedly to meet a certain Cinderella's lover, to whom they said I was the new Godmother. But obviously there seems to be no young man around. Well, good evening Madam!

-WAIT! In that case, you are where you should be!

-Huh? I don't understand.

-Yes. I am Cinderella's lover.

-What? HAHA sorry for a minute I thought you said you were Cinderella's lover haha funny eh? I'm sorry. You were saying?

-I said I am Cinderella's lover.

-WHAT?! No way!

-I'm not kidding and frankly, I'm not in heart to joke right now.

-Well well well. They had warned me I'd be surprised! Hehehehe.

-Because I'm a woman?

-That too, and sorry to throw the age back at your face, little lady, but you ain't so young either! Hihihehe

-Listen, no one calls me "little lady" am I making myself clear. Also, are you here to insult me and my relationship or are you here to help, Godmother?

-Oh of course darling, of course. They don't call me "Corrine the flash" for nothing!

-Corrine the flash? As in "hot flash?"

-Ha-ha very funny... No as in "as fast as a flash!" I'm efficient! I will be a good Godmother! You wait and see!

-Well, I never thought I'd have a Godmother. But I suppose you could be of use.

-Neither did they, up there! But they said you deserved to have one now that you've become a good person.

-Never too soon, never too late… But why today?

-They said you were in trouble. And also, Cinderella's godmother has mysteriously disappeared.

-She died?

-We don't know, we haven't heard from her in quite a while now, and can't find her anywhere.

-Oh, I can see why that would be a problem. That also explains why Cinderella's protection was poorly ensured, lately.

-That's why I came to help. See, when a godmother isn't officially declared as dead, she cannot be replaced, which means that I couldn't be Cinderella's new godmother. I had to become yours.

-I see. Thank you, I guess.

-Now I need to know what the problem is.

-Do I need to explain the whole thing? Because you obviously don't know what you're dealing with.

-Oh no, no need to explain. See, I can read your mind! Just sit down and stay quiet. Like that. Here we go. I am closing my eyes and focusing. I am seeing things. Ohh good!

-What good?

-I know all that happened!

-What just like that? By reading my mind? So fast?

-Yes, all through you, and also was I able to feel Cinderella's spirit through you. That is only possible with true lovers. Now I can see everything! All that's happened, through her recollection of it!

-WHAT?! Really?

-Yes. My dear Eleanor, I see you are concerned. Insecure. You feel betrayed. You think Cinderella walked out on you! With some Henry guy…

-Is it what happened? Can you see them?

-Eleanor, listen to me. I have good and bad news.


-The good one is, Cinderella would never do such a thing. She still loves you with all her heart.

Lady Tremaine sighed with relief, which also hid the shame of having doubted in her lover. "And the bad?"

-I sense she's in some serious trouble. Wait! I see where she is.

-You know where?

-No, I mean, there's an image of her in a dark little tiny room. It is blurry now, but she cannot move her arms and legs. I picture her, in her blue dress, but it's ragged, and she's tide to a chair.

-Oh God. So she really was kidnapped afterall.

-Cinderella is held hostage, yes.

-Is she hurt? What's her condition can you see her?

-Woah woah calm down. I can't see anything anymore. Fairies' visions are limited. They are clear and short, then start getting blurry and fade away. We'll have to wait at least 2 hours before I get another glimpse of our Cinderella. No no no don't stand up. Don't you wanna hear what happened?

-Yes tell me all what you saw please, I am begging you.

-Alright. But be ready cause there are some juicy stuff!

-This isn't funny. My Cinderella is in danger.

-I know, but we should keep our nerve. Now listen, this is what Cinderella is trying to do herself, and that's why I used the word "juicy".

-What do you mean?

-Well, Cinderella has been trying to find ways to… take her mind off things. To not think of her abductor and her fear. And it's working so far.

-How does she do that?

-She fantasizes.


-Yes. She changes the context of her actual situation, by adding elements and intentions.

-Like what?

-Like you. Now listen. Cinderella has been tortured.

-Tortured? My goodness no! Why Ella… What has he done to her? Tell me.

-He has beaten her up. Tightened her arms and wrists, leaving red marks everywhere.

-I am going to kill him and make it a slow death! Send me over there!

-Sorry no can do.

-But why has he taken her why is he mistreating her I don't get it. She's been so sweet to the man.

-Eleanor. Henry was attracted to Cinderella since the first time he saw her. He had chosen her!

-Chosen her for what?

-He wanted her to be his wife. But he also knew she didn't love him. She was only polite to him. And that bothered him so much he had to do something about it.

-So he just kidnapped her? That is so low and stupid!

-Wait. He had a plan all along. He and his family. A bigger plan than it appears.

-His ugly mother is involved in this?

-Mrs. And Mr. Dupont are both involved.

-Her husband is ill, they said. Was that a lie?

-Actually he is ill, and is about to die. They aren't the "Dupont" family, that's the lie. They are evil thieves, who used to be known as "the sorcerers of dark magic from the south," the evil Barrows. The Barrows had managed to kill the King and Queen of Cremazy, Gustav and Leticia, and overthrow the kingdom. But Queen Leticia had a little girl they had never shown to anyone. Princess Clarice. Princess Clarice was illegitimate, because she was born from the love between Queen Leticia and the good wizard Adrian White. King Gustav forgave the Queen for cheating on him with the magician, but when her daughter was born, to punish his wife, he gave the child to an honest peasant couple, who raised her like their own daughter. Only a year later, Mr. And Mrs. Barrow, the sorcerers, fought against King Gustav and killed both him and his wife, to become King and Queen. They spread terror into the hearts of the people of Cremazy, never knowing the existence of the princess. One day, young Clarice was playing outside, when she saw a bunch of guards hitting a man and stealing him. She ran towards them and screamed "leave him alone". When they started laughing and one of them came to grab her, she clenched her fists and said "no" loud and clear. As soon as she did, they all fell to the ground and started moaning, clearly in pain, their muscles twitching. That's when she felt there was something about her, something that made her special and powerful. She had inherited her father's magic powers. She started using her magic more often to do good, until she became famous in the country and it came to Adrian White's ears. Only his daughter could do what they said she could do. That's how he found her, in the woods, and presented himself as her father. After he told her everything; her being the princess, daughter of his lover Queen Leticia, who was killed by the Barrows, she suggested that she should overthrow the evil king and Queen, with her father's help, and take what was rightly hers, the throne. Princess Clarice and Adrian White planned every action. 3 years later, they fought against the Barrows and won. The evil Barrows weren't killed, but they lost all their powers and were forced into exile. Since that day, they've changed their identity at least 46 times, stealing and selling jewelry in different towns across the continent, hoping for revenge. It is written that they will only get their powers back when their son, Claus Barrow, will marry a girl whose beauty surpasses that of Queen Clarice. Claus is Henry, and his soon to be wife is Cinderella. Once they get their powers back, Mr. Barrow will be cured and his son will fight for the crown again. When the son become king, Cinderella will be forced to become Queen and stay at his side.

-This is ridiculous! Grotesque.

-It is a true story, though.

-If it is, the Barrows' plan is even more silly. What if she won't marry him? How can he force her? No priest will marry her without her consent!

-They don't obey to any church. A sorcerer can marry them. Sorcerers have that power, just like good magicians do.

-And supposing they get married and become the new king and queen, why would Cinderella stand by him and reign the way he'd wish her too?

-Once the Barrows will have gained their magic powers again, they will be feared by everyone, in and outside of the kingdom. Cinderella won't have much of a choice but to respect the king, her husband's wishes, and will be confined in the castle for the rest of her days.

-We gotta do something, it's outrageous! I won't allow this to happen. We must free Cinderella from these monsters and lock them up forever! Tell me what I should do and I'll do it. My poor Cinderella is waiting for me to save her. When I think of the last conversation we've had...

-You had an argument.

-Yes, about Henry. I doubted her, said hurtful things. If only I could talk to her right now… Apologize, tell her I love her.

-She knows all that. Don't worry.

-Oh I'm worried and I should be. My love, trapped with this monster! I can't bear the thought of him touching her! But I have to keep my composure, and stay strong. What should we do now?

-We don't have enough information or resources to act now.

-I don't agree. Let's go to the kingdom and ask for help.

-What? You want Queen Clarice to use her resources and help us? But it's too far away, we'll never get to Cremazy in time to save Cinderella!

-No you fool! I am talking about asking for the help of my daughter Anastasia, the princess! She can use her resources at the palace and help us.

-Hang on a minute. Princess Anastasia is your daughter?

-Yes. Now let's go! Let's not waste a minute. There are guards outside, assuring my security. They mustn't see me sneak out.

-Don't worry, I'll make us invisible to them. That I can do. I'll make a carriage appear for us.

-Good. The ride will take an hour though. It makes me sick to not know what's happening to Cinderella, meanwhile.

While on their way to the castle, Corrine has a vision… "Eleanor! I am feeling Cinderella. She's asleep. They are all asleep. They won't make a move until tomorrow morning so you don't have to worry for now."

-Is she okay?

-Yes, it seems they have untied her and let her sleep in a bed.

-Is she in pain?

-I told you, she's asleep. But I will say this. She is dreaming.

-She's dreaming?

-Hm hm

-How can you tell?

-I can see the dream and it's quite interesting. But I shouldn't…

-Oh? I'm curious. Is there no way for me to see it?

-Well, there is, but I don't know if you should, I mean it's her dream. Although it will involve you in some dirty way..

-Involve me? Well let me see it, let me. Cinderella always told me her dreams. And besides I have more right to see it than you do.

-Well, when you put it this way… But this dream may be quite different. But alright. I will make the dream appear in a halo right in front of you, so that only you can watch it while I am taking a nap. Enjoy! And wake me up when we're at the castle.

All Corrine had to do for the magic to operate was to say "may your dream be seen by your lover and may you never hold it against her!" And then she fell asleep.

Lady Tremaine was amazed at the yellow oval shape that was emerging before her eyes that opened wide at the sight of Cinderella, laying on a large table that was designed for human bodies, her hands and feet tied to it. She was naked. The lights were off. "So this is your dream my poor Cinderella, it's a nightmare," she thought. In the dream, a man was approaching Cinderella. It wasn't Henry or anyone she knew in particular. He came on top of Cinderella. Lady Tremaine swallowed loudly. She knew what was happening. He was going to rape her. "No! No I don't want this to happen to you, not even in a dream," said Eleanor to herself. But then, what she saw was a little more disturbing, because she saw herself appearing in the dream. "Oh, but that's me. Cinderella is dreaming of me now. That's good to know," she thought. She watched herself in Cinderella's dream, hoping her character would stop the man from doing whatever he was doing to Cinderella. But what she saw next, in the dream, wasn't at all the way she'd expected it to be…

**In the Dream**



-Please, don't

-I'm sorry Ella, I have to.

-No, no! I don't want this! Please! I don't want him inside me!

Cinderella was sobbing. She was on her back, with a man, lying down on top of her, and the silhouette of a lady Tremaine right behind him, standing in the dark, with only one spotlight on her face and green eyes, riveted upon Ella and him. "I know, my child, and that's why I have to inflict this on you," she said, looking directly into the blonde's eyes.


-I have no choice. It is the law, you have to suffer to gain your freedom. Only the prettiest young girl has to undergo this torture as a sacrifice for all the evil forces of this earth. It is the only way for you and I to be free again.

-So you are going to let him r-r-rape me? And watch and not do anything?

-Yes, I'm sorry my child. I'm allowing this for it's the only way.

-Noo please! Please I love you!

Tremaine took Cinderella's hand in hers. She had a sad compassionate look on her face, and yet it seemed as though she was enjoying every bit of it. She felt bad for the girl but aroused."I love you but there's nothing I can do."

The man seemed average but his face was blurred, as if to alter the importance of his role in the dream. but he wasn't randomly picked. His male organ seemed huge, compared to Cinderella'ssmall sex. Both women noticed. Tremaine's mouth watered, although she worried it wouldn't "fit" and it would tear the poor girl's labia. When she saw the man was to penetrate the young woman in the second, Lady Tremaine squeezed the girl's hand because she knew it would hurt at least as much as her "first time" did, if not more. She saw Cinderella was shivering, watching and biting her lips in anticipation. So she squeezed the girl's hand even tighter and said "forgive me". "Aaahhh! Ah"!

A sharp cry escaped from Cinderella, followed by soft short cries, while the strong man was forcing himself inside her. After a while, blood started pouring out and down from Cinderella's folds, with each painful back-and-forth, which made Lady Tremaine hesitant to let it go on. But she thought she would let it last a little longer.

"P-please, Step-mo-ther, it's- too-rough."

-I know darling, I know.

-I-can't-take it no-more-I'm dy-ing.

-Alright hold on, it's almost over.

It finally did end. The man was asked to leave, so that only the two women were left alone.

Cinderella moaned quietly from the pain that had invaded her and that she still felt through all her body. Fresh tears that had built up on her cheeks were now drying up. She didn't want to look at the woman standing in front of her, the woman who had allowed this torture to happen and had witnessed the whole situation of vulnerability Cinderella was in. Lady Tremaine looked hurt too, hurt for Cinderella, and hurt that she wouldn't look at her. "Cinderella"

She came closer to Cinderella to wipe her tears with the back of her hand, but the blonde turned her head away from her, to the left. "Don't touch me! How could you do this to me?"

-I'm so sorry.

-You're sorry? That's it?

-Yes and I feel ashamed. Please let me make it up to you.

She started to untie her."No, don't! Don't touch me I said."

-Please, let me, let me untie you.

-I mean, don't touch me there, touch me where I need you..

-What are you saying?

-You wanna make it up to me?


-Then you gotta treat my injuries.

-Of course, I want to make you heal.

-Then heal my wounded flesh.

-Where does it hurt?

-You know where it's aching.

There was a short silence while they both gazed in each other's eyes, and Eleanor understood. Her gaze went lower and lower, to Cinderella's aching center. She looked back up, for her eyes again. Cinderella went on. "You were the one I wanted inside me, all along, and now, only you can heal me the way you know you can." Lady Tremaine licked her lips, before responding.

"It'll be my rewarding pleasure."

**End of the dream**

The real lady Tremaine could not believe it, but she liked it. She enjoyed watching this twisted dream. She had crossed her legs, as if the throbbing between them would drive her less crazy than it did.

"Boy that was quite a dream hehehe! I bet you liked it Eleanor!"

-What? Oh I thought you were asleep you!

-I was, but you started moaning and I sleep light so...

-How dare you watch it this is private.

-Hmm, I had already seen half of it before letting you do, remember? And please you wouldn't have witnessed any of this if it weren't from me. Now you and I can talk about everything, I'm your godmother afterall hehehi! I bet you didn't know your Cinderella liked 'it' rough!

-I don't think she does. Sure this was kind of unexpected, but she wasn't in real pain now was she?

-I don't think that either. It's only a dream. But then again, that's irrelevant. Let's face it this dream was intense. It looked like she was being so vulnerable and taken advantage of, when in fact she was the one in control of her dream, of her fantasies.

-Yes… and she made me do things in it, things to her, that I never imagined myself doing before. Shocking things, But she liked it, she requested it, even though she was pleading for it to stop.

-Yes yes, she enjoyed every second of this torture session, that didn't look fake at all in this dream, and only because in the story, it is commended by you, and the idea of voyeurism is quite arousing to her as well. Stepmother is doing this to her but not directly, which allows stepmother to watch, and allows Ella to wait for the real treat, while she can have the candy she deserves in the end; stepmother right where she needs to be! Now be honest, Eleanor. You liked it too, didn't you.

-Honest? I wouldn't mind recreating this fantasy in real life. It did make me...


-Oh why am I even discussing this with you!

-Because I can read your mind and see through you whatever and whenever it pleases me anyways, so you'd rather talk to me. It's simpler.

-I suppose. By the way, Corrine, I can see the castle, we've arrived! Now let's go talk to the princess, my dear Anastasia! Let's go.