My Warrior Angel

As always, I own nothing.

M (for rape and domestic violence)

Romance/Drama (with, of course, my signature twist of angst)

JDox (JD/Perry)

So, basically, what this story will be about is JD is in an abusive relationship with this guy I'm creating, Michael. When Perry finds out about it, he decides to go and check in on "his Newbie" and catches the son of a bitch in the act while he's beating JD and rescues him. Yeah, I've probably already said too much. Just read on (please) and (hopefully) enjoy the show!

Lyrics Used:
"Fragile" by Megan McCauley

Author's Note:
This is my first ever Scrubs fic, so, kind. I also feel I should mention that this was written in a fit of boredom while I was stuck in a laundry room for over an hour without wifi. So, it is admittedly...not my best work. I'm keeping this chapter short to make it more of a preview of sorts. I'm really just testing the waters to see if there's enough interest in this story for me to continue to write it. So, please, leave me a review. I really would love your opinions on this story so I can decide whether to finish it or not.


I'm not worth your truth anymore
I'm numb to the pain that made me sore
Bring me hate watch me bleed again
Lie to fate let her break what doesn't bend

It had been another long twelve hour day at Sacred Heart and I should have been exhausted. But, my body was too full of a cocktail of fear and anxiety to allow any room for exhaustion to take over. I knew what awaited me back at home. Michael had undoubtedly been drinking for God knows how long and would be frustrated that I spent so much time at the hospital and not with him. Though, it wasn't my fault, really. I've told him many times how much I work. But, that didn't seem to matter to him. In his mind, he should come first above all else in the universe. I can just hear it, now.

"Where the hell have you been? Do you have any idea what time it is? Huh? DO YOU?" I can already smell the liquor on his breath as he grabs me by the shirt collar and drags me to stand inches from his face. "Ya wanna know what I think?" No. No, not really. "I don't think you were even actually at work! I bet you were running around with some skanky little manwhore, weren't you? Weren't you, ya little slutbag?" Yeah, right! Do I honestly look that damn stupid! If this is how he treats me when I haven't done anything wrong, just imagine what he would do to me if I had actually cheated on him! Yeah, no thanks.

SMACK And, there it is. The first of many physical attacks sure to be lobbed at me before the night is through. "Come on! I'm gonna show you what we do with cheating little bitches like you, around here."

"Well, answer me, you worthless bitch? Where the fuck have you been, goddamn it!" SMACK. I feel Michael's solid fist collide with my face with a force sure to leave me with a black eye. I'll have to figure out a cover story for that in the morning. Shit. I must have wandered off while he was ranting. Before I can answer him, he drags me through the apartment by my scrubs. Here we go. Is all I can think while I mentally brace myself for what I know is about to happen, next.

I bounce violently as Michael throws me down on the bed before proceeding to rip my clothes off, throwing them here and there all over the room. The next thing my mind registers is the smell of whiskey as he crushes his lips against mine violently while pinning my arms down above my head. Once he's satisfied I won't fight him, he forces my legs apart with strength that I'm sure will leave bruises in the morning. The next thing I know, he's forcing himself deep into me with no warning. It's all I can do to hold back a pained scream. He continues thrusting in and out of me while roughly kissing and biting every inch of skin he can find from my face and all down my chest. It's going to be a looooooooooooong night. Is my last coherent thought.

The next morning I awake to see Michael gone. Thank God. He had evidently left for work already. Slowly and painfully climbing out of bed, I make my way into the bathroom to assess the damage. Looking in the mirror, I see a few dark hickies along both sides of my neck as well as bruises up and down my arms and along my inner thighs. Well, I guess it's gonna be a turtle-neck kind of day. This would prove to be rather interesting as I would have to devise two cover stories now. One for the sizable bruise surrounding my left eye and another to explain why I was wearing even a lightweight turtleneck in mid May. It certainly was not cold out and it wasn't even that cold in the hospital. Here we go. I thought to myself as I proceeded to get dressed and as ready as I would ever be to face the day.