A/N hi! This is my very first fanfiction! I should start and say that my first language is not English. I'm from the Netherlands. Also I have dyslexia so I'm sorry for any mistakes. Feel free to tell me if you notice some.

I love these kind of crossovers. (the Harry Potter characters go to Lima thing) but I always find myself imagining things that could happen instead of what the writer made happen. So I decided to write my own story! Yaaay so exited :D I really hope you guys like it.

I do obviously not own Harry Potter or Glee. If I did Drarry would be canon and Klaine would have a lot more cute happy couple scenes and more kisses…



Harry, Hermione, Ron, Luna and Fred are leaving to lima, Ohio. Voldemort is getting stronger and they need to hide. They go to WMHS and meet the new directions. but Can they keep their secret from their new friends? And what happens if Voldemort finds them?

Chapter 1:

Harry, Hermione, Ron, Luna and Fred are saying goodbye to the order and their family to leave to Lima, Ohio, That's a town in America, of which they are sure of that Voldemort or his Deatheaters will never find them.

"Don't forget me" Ginny said to Harry.

Harry kissed Ginny sweetly "How could I?" he said "I Love you"

"I Love you too"

They are about to kiss again when they got interrupted by Ron.

"Mate, we.. uhm… really need to go now" he said awkwardly. He may have accepted them being together, that didn't mean he liked to see them acting all couple-y. she was still his little sister.

"Okay… I'll be there in a second" Harry said to Ron. Ron then turned around and went outside to the portkey that would bring them to their new home in Lima.

Harry gave Ginny a quick peck on the lips. "don't do anything stupid, okay?" She says.

"Of course I won't. You know me." he said lightly. She slapped his arm.

"Yeah and that's why I'm worried." She mutters. He smiled and they walk outside to the others outside and Harry joined Luna, Hermione, Fred and Ron, who were standing around an empty bottle.

"Are you ready?" Fred asked to the others. They all nod and touch the portkey as it starts glowing. And they have the feeling that a hook is being jerked behind their navel. The floor disappears under their feet and they fly forward through a whirlwind of color and sound, and suddenly appear at their destination. everyone stays quiet, but then Ron breaks the silence.

"Wow" Ron said. They were standing in a beautiful big living room with on the other side a huge kitchen. There was already furniture in the room.

"Well, let's take a look around then." Hermione said. Exited, everyone started opening cabinets in the kitchen but, except kitchenware like pottery, knives and spoons, there was no food.

"I think we have to buy our food ourselves" Luna told them with her Dreamy voice.

"Yeah I think you're right, Luna. So.. who wants to come with me to the market and take a look around town?" Hermione asked.

"But I thought we first had a little tour in our new house?" Harry, Fred and Ron complained.

"Fine, then we go to the market after" Hermione said a little irritated "but if you get hungry, it's not my fault." she was just as curious about their house as the others, Though.

Luna found a letter on the kitchen table and read it out loud. It said:

Hello Luna, Fred, Ron, Hermione and Harry,

I hope you like your new house.

Tonks decorated it. And it has a Undetectable Extension Charm on it.

In the hallway you find a cupboard under the stairs.

Behind it you find a room that is familiar to the room of requirement in the state that the DA used it.

There you can practice and study magic. And with the mirror on the wall you can talk to us every Sunday at 8:00 Pm. So we can check up on you.

Take care of your selves, and make sure you don't draw to much attention!

Remember you are just normal teenagers who transferred to America.


For a moment they just stood there but then everyone ran to the cupboard under the stairs to take a look in the secret room.

"there's a whole library in here!" Hermione said exited. "think of all those amazing spells and other things we can learn!"

"Hermione, do you really think we are just gonna sit on a sofa and read book while we can use the.. uhm.. what's it called again?" Ron asked.

"You mean a computer?" Harry asked him a little amused.

"Yes, That! A computer. So awesome.." Ron said, sank in thoughts.

"I think that there are no spells you can learn on that computer, Ron" Luna said, while they walked out of the secret room and looked at the other chambers.

Upstairs there were 5 bedrooms with each their own bathroom! When they all had their own room, They unpacked their stuff and Luna and Hermione decided to go to the market to buy some food and go look to the rest of Lima tomorrow.

"we'll be back in an hour" Hermione called before she shut the door behind her. It wasn't far away so they decided to walk.

"What do you think about this?" Hermione asked Luna a little nervous.

"About what?" Luna said to her.

"You know… the whole moving to a small town in America and hiding thing." Hermione told her.

"Oh well, it's okay I think, I mean it could be worse. I'm going to miss my father though" Luna said sadly.

"Yeah, I'm going to miss the others too" Hermione replied quietly.

They continued walking in silence. they arrived at the small market, and were just looking for some meat, vegetables, bread and other stuff they needed, When Luna bumped into someone and dropped her apples.

"Oh my god, I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention" said the stranger, while he was hurriedly helping her picking up her apples.

"It's alright, I wasn't paying attention either" Luna said dreamy.

"You're new here right? I haven't seen you before."

"Yes, me and my friends just moved here. I'm Luna"

"My name is Kurt, Kurt Hummel." Kurt said shaking Luna's hand. "are you going to WMHS?" at this point Hermione joined them.

"Luna, who are you talking to? She asked.

"I'm Kurt. And who are you?" Kurt answered.

"Hermione Granger"

"Are you from Britain?"

"Yes." she smiles. "And Yes we are going to William McKinley high school, we start on Monday"

"That's great! I'm going there too. Can you sing?" he asked excitedly.

"Excuse me?" Hermione asked stunned

"I'm in the Glee club and we can use some new members.." Kurt Said apologetically

"What is a Glee club?" Luna asked confused.

"It is a singing group" Kurt answered "have never heard of that before?" he added in disbelief.

"At our old school we didn't have a Glee club." Hermione explained

"I like to sing" Luna said

"That's great. And what about you Hermione?" Kurt asked enthusiastic.

"Uhm.. I don't know. I actually never really sang before" she said thoughtfully

"We should join Glee club, Hermione." Luna said happily "maybe the boys also want to try?"

Hermione laughed "Ron and Harry?" she pushed out between giggles. "sing?"

"Why not?" Luna said. Hermione took a deep breath to calm down.

"Okay, I join if they do." she said. "this could be fun."

"Okay, if you all come to the choir room after class on Monday you can audition right away" Kurt told them, his eyes lit up with excitement.

"We'll be there" Hermione said and Luna nodded.

They chatted for a little while until Kurt found out he should've been home half an hour ago. So they paid for their stuff, said goodbye to Kurt and headed back home.

A/N I started writing this story last year and now looking back on the first chapters, I found out they were pretty bad. So I re-edit them and repost them. Yay! I know it's still not perfect but it's better than before!