Guys, I am so, so sorry, but I will not be continuing this story. This notice is long overdue, since it's been almost a year (I think?) since I've done anything with this story. I've lost all muse for this, and actually for fanfiction in general. I feel so awful for letting all of you down. Again, I'm really sorry.

As for my contest, I loved ALL of the entries. It was pretty hard to pick a winner, but congratulations to Calm-Waters for winning. I'll still be doing the prize of a oneshot with characters that you've picked, if you want.

Again, my apologies. I may pick up this story sometime in the future, though the chances of that aren't very high.

If any of you are in the literate RP community on instagram, PM me and I'll let you know how to find me on there.

I'm bad with endings so...see ya soon!