The Tumbler turned round and round, so fast it probably could have broken the sound barrier, which would have been a blessing to everyone's ears. Robin and Conner were screaming so loud their ears could've bled if their blood, along with everything else contained inside them, wasn't spinning at speeds mankind could barely take.

Course, neither was a man, one being a kryptonian, and the other a 13 year old kid, both of which were fighting the sick that fought to escape them. Conner was a brilliant vermilion, while Robin had turned a slight forest green.

"This can't last much longer." Zatanna commented, staring at them through the screen outside the ride.

"Good, because I'm out of nachos." Kal said, tossing the empty nacho container in to the nearest trash can.

Artemis was drenched in sweat. She'd gone three rounds against Wally, always tying with him.

"Urrgh!" She grunted, picking up her game even more, determined to win. Wally grinned, he went speeds like this all the time. This was something akin to a warm up to him.

But he had to admit, he felt a little bad, seeing Artemis try so hard to beat him at this game. His speed powers gave him an edge in this department, while Artemis was bound to the laws of speed. She only had agility, and fine tuned muscles that were much more used to going at normal speed. This was an easy victory.

Especially when he spied her potentially fatal flaw: she'd danced so intensly she'd tread on one of her shoelaces, untying her shoe. Now it flopped about, waiting to be stepped on again. She was most likely going to trip soon.

Or now. Now was good to. Wally decided when she did step on the glittery lace and she fell forward, into one of the bars and off the foot pad she was supposed to be on. The pad flashed red and she began losing points. Wally picked it up, gaining the lead by ten points, fifteen points, twenty points, then the song ended.

"And," He cried out, jumping over the bar and landing on the floor, "I," He took a step infront of Artemis, "Am the Winner!" He began his victory dance again.

Artemis groaned heatedly and pushed the speedster out of the way before marching towards the Tumbler.

"Ooh, someone doesn't like to lose." Wally teased before dodging one of Artemis' fists.

Zatanna and Kal, deciding their stomachs gained higher priority than watching people barf, walked to the snack bar. M'gann had decided to stay and wait for them to barf, promising them images through psychic link of her memories should they hurl before they got back. And by the color of Robin and Connor's faces, Kal guessed they had a fifty fifty of making it back in time to witness such a thing themselves.

"Robin's totally gonna win." Zatanna grinned as she recieved her order of nachos.

"I am not so sure," Kaldur challenged, "Conner has the stomach like that of Superman. He'll probably win."

"Wanna bet?" Zatanna asked, a sneer spreading across her face. Kaldur appeared to consider the offer, then grinned and thrust out his hand.

"Loser is in charge of keeping Robin's cookie stash out of his reach for a month." Kaldur grinned, happy to dump that load off onto someone else for awhile.

Zatanna paled, but kept shaking his hand. She was not about to be called the Team Coward. Besides, how bad could one thirteen year old boy be when denied of cookies?

The two nodded and returned to the Tumbler with their nachos, where they noticed the screaming had died down but neither competitor had given up yet. M'gann sat there, looking bored.

"How 'bout I lightly brain blast them so we can go do lazer tag?" She asked. Kaldur smiled and shook his head.

"There is a competition riding this competition M'gann." He said, "Do not interfere."

"Oh really? What's the bet?"

"Loser's in charge of the ongoing war of Robin and Cookies." Kaldur grinned, "It'll be nice to have a break from that." M'gann looked at a non-worried Zatanna.

"Are you stupid?" She almost shrieked, "Robin's insane when given cookies! He tries to kill us everytime he has any!"

Zatanna took a step back, "Uhh, seriously, guys, I can do this. Besides, Robin's gonna win."

"For your sake, you better hope so!" M'gann said ominously.

Zatanna gulped.

The Dance Battles had come to an abrupt halt when Artemis, furious she was about to lose, had danced so hard she'd put a hole through the already worn dance pad. The manager, having half a mind to just throw the two out, chased them away so the employees could tend to it.

Artemis, intent on proving herself better than the speedster, dragged poor, still gloating, Wally toward the Lazer Tag station.

"You, me, to the death." She growled.

"You have to have teams for this one Arty." Wally said before getting smacked across the face.

"It's Artemis, and fine! I know just who to ask to help me pummel you!" Artmeis cried, dragging the red head towards the Tumbler.

"Hey Guys!"