Chapter 12

In the early morning hours, as they snuggled together in her bed, Chloe thought things had finally turned out the way she had hoped they would when Oliver had walked into her Talon apartment less than forty-eight hours ago. Except, she had to admit to herself that make-up sex was far better than even she could have imagined. Everything with Oliver was better, she was slowly realizing.

The minute they had entered the apartment, they were grateful to discover a note Lois had left saying she was spending the weekend in the city. They couldn't get their clothes off fast enough, which were now left scattered across the floor and furniture on a path leading to her bedroom. They had been thrown off each other quickly and haphazardly in their lustful state of desire as their mouths and hands greedily explored one another.

All the pent up emotions between the two, with the anger, confusion, fear, and relief they had experienced in this short period of time exploded into a passionate and intense union.

Underneath the covers, laying together in the afterglow, his arms wrapped tightly around her soft, naked body and his fingers entwined in hers, Oliver spoke softly to her.

"You know Chloe, I've been thinking, we should get away, far from here, just the two of us, even if it's just for a weekend. You have got to be exhausted from your late night adventures and I am worn out just from trying to keep up with you. It could be a wonderful time of no work, no Lois and Clark to worry about walking in on us, no distractions. And of course think of the amazing sex we could have. Hey, maybe we could put all your newly found talent to good use and play strip poker!" His voice was was becoming increasingly more excited.

She let go of his grip, and turned to face him. She gently caressed his face and smiled seductively.

"I'm not sure if strip poker is such a great idea. I'm really good at the game, you know. You might lose all your clothes, and not just the shirt off your back," she teased.

"I can live with that," he replied smiling back at her. "Who knows what you could do to me. And I'll start practicing the game more so I can get all your clothes off of you, too."

"Just remember this; a royal flush beats everything."

"Oh, I am sure we will be royally flushed when we get done playing our indoor games," he retorted.

She laughed at his comment, and then leaned in to kiss him deeply on the lips.

But then she thought seriously for a moment about what he had just suggested.

"You know, I actually think it would be nice to get away from all this craziness," she spoke softly as she lay back down on the pillow. "I don't think the Kandorian problem is going to disappear anytime soon, and I think we could have a lot of fun, just the two of us. Because that is what were having. Fun. Right?" she emphasized as she turned to gaze up at him, her eyebrows raised. She knew she couldn't afford to read any more into their relationship than what it was. She did not want to get hurt and she did not want to blow what they had, because she was grateful for this much; so very grateful.

"Oh, yeah; definitely having fun. Soooo much fun." Oliver answered back, nodding his head at her in agreement. He would be the first to admit that their physical relationship was beyond amazing, the best he ever experienced with a woman, but he was secretly hoping that she would take down her walls and fall in love with him as he had with her. He felt that every day though, they were definitely making headway, even if it was just one brick at a time.

"I have a brochure for this kind of quaint looking Scottish bed and breakfast that I found at the coffee shop," she continued. "Someone had left it on my table. I think it's still around here in the apartment somewhere," she said as she leaned up on to her elbows and glanced about the room. "Maybe that would be a good place to go. It's out of the way and we could check in under false names so no one will know we're there. It could be really relaxing. I'll look for it later."

"Sounds like we have a plan," he said grinning at her.

She nodded and smiled back at him, before turning around again to fit the backside of her body perfectly into his, as she contentedly closed her eyes, ready to fall peacefully asleep for the first time in a long time.

Oliver, too, closed his eyes, but lovingly stroked her hair. He then ran his fingers lightly over the curves of her body of which he was becoming increasingly more familiar with, and whispered playfully in her ear, "Just don't forget to pack a deck of cards."

Snuggling into him even closer, she replied sleepily, "It's a deal."

The End.

Thank you so very much to all of you faithful readers who took the time to write such nice comments and reviews, or put this story on your favorite lists and/or alerts or just simply read it. You don't know how much that means to me. It definitely is an encouragement.

I want to apologize that my action scenes in Chapter 11 were rather weak. I really struggled with writing and editing those these last several days and finally just came to conclusion that I suck at it. I like writing the romance parts much better! I just hope it didn't end up making the story too lame!

Thanks again, everyone!