Moonlight flowed into the bedroom of the vampire and witch happily married couple as they were nude in bed together making love. She laid underneath him her chocolate locks spreading across the pillow as he hovered over her. She moved her hands over the rippling muscle of his back admiring how the moonlight bounced off of his pale skin. His icy blue eyes swept over her naked body admiring the beauty of her.

Damon caressed her naked flesh with his hands causing her to writhe in pleasure under him. He lowered his mouth to her body starting at her torso licking and kissing his way upwards until he came upon her breasts with the nipples hardened from arousal. He took her breasts into his mouth sucking hard on her nipple and he twisted the one on her other breast between his thumb and forefinger. Bonnie panted and sighed in pleasure at these movement tunneling his fingers through his black hair.

Damon lifted his head eyes scanning her face as he slipped his hands between her thighs, slipping two fingers inside of her hot, wet dripping center. He began moving his fingers in and out of her causing moans to escape from her lips. He keep this up until her hips were rocking to the movements of his fingers. He extended his fangs and softly bit into the meaty part of her breasts drinking down some of her sweet and powerful blood. Instead of bringing her pain the bite brought her pleasure, he flicked his thumb over her clit just as he was drinking in her blood causing her to have an explosive orgasm around his fingers.

He licked the puncture wounds allowing it to heal. She grabbed his neck pulling him down for a kiss tasting her own blood on his tongue. She flipped them over so that she was on time. She lowered herself on top of him taking his hard cock into her heated wet pussy. Damon groaned in pleasure taking a hold of her hips in his hands and she began to move over him. She kept her eyes on him as she circled and rotated her hips over him loud moans escaping her lips. He watched in amazement as she rode him looking like some erotic Goddess and her breasts bounced her with movements. He soon felt that built up inside of him knowing that he was close and that she was too. Grunts and moans slipped from his lips as she quickened her riding of him. He reached between them pinching her clit and sending her over the edge. She threw her head back crying out in ecstasy as she came around him, he joined her in his own release seconds later.

Afterwards she laid with him her head resting on his chest. They quietly enjoyed the afterglow together. It had been a year since Bonnie had succeeded in killing Klaus and because of that things back in Mystic Falls had been more safe and peaceful. Thanks to her Mystic Falls had become a safer place to be for humans and this allowed Damon and Bonnie just to enjoy their life as a married couple together, they would visit Mystic Falls every few months or sometimes their friends had driven up to visit them. But with Klaus no longer in their lives Bonnie hadn't needed to use her magic to put her life on the line to save lives for a while. Klaus being gone was the best thing that happened for all of them and they were glad for that.


Bonnie woke up the following morning feeling happy and content. Seeing that Damon wasn't in the bed next to her she got out and went to the bathroom relieving her bladder and washing her hands then brushing her teeth. She jumped in the shower for seven minutes and got out getting dressed. She walked into the kitchen seeing him over the stove a kitchen towel slung over his shoulder she could smell the food that he was cooking. She watched him as he cooked. He was wearing black pajama bottoms and a black tank top. Bonnie smiled to herself in amusement her husbands entire wardrobe consisted of black or either dark colors, he only owned a handful of things that were white or light in color.

But he really pulled off black and dark colors like no other man could. He looked good in his clothes just as he did at this movement. She stood there taking in his appearance with her eyes.

Damon looked over his shoulder and saw her watching him. He smirked . "Hey Judgey if you keep eye fucking me like that then I 'm going to end up having you in this kitchen."

Bonnie laughed and rolled her eyes. "Good morning Damon."

"Morning." Damon told her. "I made you some breakfast before you have to start your day."

"How nice of you." Bonnie said with a smile

Damon turned off the stove and for out the plates. He transferred the food onto the plates and took them over to were Bonnie was now sitting at a table. She was sipping on the coffee that she had poured while Damon was fixing the plates. He put a plate down in front of her. Bonnie looked down and saw that he had made eggs, bacon, and toast.

"Thank you husband." She told him.

"You're welcome wife." Damon said.

He went over getting out a blood bag and pouring it into a cup before joining her at the table.

"So what are you going to do today besides taking classes?" Damon asked her.

Bonnie was now in her last year of college at James Madison. She couldn't wait to graduate so that she could get out into the world and start the career of her dreams.

"I have classes from morning until late afternoon." Bonnie answered "Then I have some errands to run and places to go after that so I might not get home until tonight."

Damon sipped down a little blood. "Alright I'll have dinner ready for you by the time that you get home."

"Fixing dinner and breakfast for me on the same day." Bonnie said with a smile

He winked. "Damon Salvatore takes care of his wife."

Bonnie ate some eggs. "What about you, what do you have planned for today?"

"I might go out to the gym and work out for an hour." Damon answered.

"That would be good." Bonnie told him.

Damon bit into a slice of bacon. "But the one thing that I have to do for sure is re stock up on some blood bags today, I'm almost out."

Bonnie nodded her head. "Okay."

Damon looked at her.

"What why are you looking at me like that?" Bonnie asked

"I just told you that I'm shopping for blood bags today and you act like it's no big deal." Damon was amused

Bonnie shrugged a shoulder. "I have been with you for a while not I'm used to the whole my man needs blood to survive thing."

Damon chewed some toast and swallowed before speaking. "Yeah but some people in the Supernatural world they might think that a vampire and a witch being married and in love as sort of weird."

"We're not weird." Bonnie said

"I don't think that we are, I'm saying that others might." Damon said

Bonnie cocked her head to the side. "But we don't care about what others think do we vampire?"

"No we don't witch." Damon said "Speaking of blood and our relationship I have your blood in my system but you don't have mine in yours right now."

"Yeah it has been a couple of weeks since I last had your blood, right." Bonnie commented

"At least that." Damon confirmed.

Bonnie sighed. "We can exchange some blood tonight during some hot sex."

Damon grinned. "I'm all for that."

Bonnie ate a few more bits of food and drunk a few more sips of coffee looking at her watch. "I have to get ready to go and get to James Madison before my class starts."

"Alright see you when you get home tonight." Damon told her. "I'll take care of the dishes."

Bonnie got up from the table walking around to meet him. "See you tonight." She agreed.

Damon stood to his feet leaning down and planting a kiss on her lips. "You have a good day."

"You too." Damon told her. "You know that I love you and all of that stuff."

Bonnie smiled. "I love you too and I'll never stop loving you."

Damon smirked "You promise?"

Bonnie took his hand and put it to her chest where he could feel her heart beat. "I promise that I Bonnie will never stop loving you Damon, you'll always be in my heart."

"How did I ever get a wife like you?" Damon asked in aw

"I guess you're just lucky like that." Bonnie winked at him.

Damon watched her leave with a smile on his face and love in his heart for his witch, not knowing that it was the last time that he would see her alive.


Later that night Bonnie headed towards her car having just run her last errand. She had just called Damon to tell him that she was on her way home. Bonnie slipped her cell phone into her purse and walked down a side street to where her car was parked. She heard the roar of a car engine and the sound of tires moving on the road she paid no attention to it until the car suddenly swerved in front of her blocking her path.

Heart in her throat. Bonnie glared at the car. The door opened and the driver got out.

"What in the fuck was that you almost ran me over." Bonnie yelled at the male driver.

The driver who had sandy brown hair and grey eyes looked Bonnie over. "My bad." He said

About five other men who she guessed were his friends got out of the car. They seemed to surround her but she was too pissed at the driver to notice.

"Are you drunk or something? Because if you are I'm calling the cops to get you off of the streets." Bonnie fumed.

"There's no need to call the cops Bonnie." The grey eyed stranger told her.

Bonnie was taken aback. "I don't know you, how do you know my name?"

He stepped forward. "Oh we know all about you Bonnie the witch."

The tone of his voice and the look in his eyes made Bonnie's heart drop. She knew that this grey eyed man whoever he was and his 'friends' meant her some kind of harm. But before she could even think to act to defend herself on run she felt a heavy object hit the back of her head as one of the others hit her then she saw nothing but black.


She woke up with a headache pounding at the back of her head. She blinked her eyes several times as her vision was blurred. She could see that she was surrounded by trees and that she was in the woods. Trying to move Bonnie realized that she couldn't, she couldn't because she had but chained to a tree. Her hands pinned above her head by chains, her ankles were chained and the mid section of her torso was chained. Bonnie grimaced against the pain of the chains digging into her chain. Panic setting in as she realized what had happened.

Her eyes darted around as she heard movement and foot steps. In front of her appeared the man who almost man her over and his five friends. She wondered what was going on and why they were doing this to her. She couldn't speak because they had a gag in her mouth.

"You're awake, good we want you to be awake for what we are about to do to you." The grey eyed man said.

Bonnie struggled against the chains but couldn't move. Her eyes widened with fear as the men got closer.

A cruel smile spread across the mans face. "I bet you want to know what is going on, I'll tell we like to hunt down filthy creatures such as yourself, you know witches we've been killing witches like you for a while."

Bonnie swallowed protesting against the gag.

"To us we don't think that people like you should grace this earth and we will see it that the witch race is wiped clean until they are no more." He coldly chuckled "Never had one as powerful as you though, Bonnie Bennett oh no wait it's not Bennett anymore is it, you're married. Where is your vampire husband by the way?"

Bonnie shook her head tears streaming down her cheeks. Where was Damon. He'd usually show up to save her by now.

"Don't worry ,soon your life will end." He told her.

The six men proceeded to beat and torture her as she was helplessly chained to the tree. This went on for minutes racking her body with agony and pain. She screamed and sobbed which ended up muffled against the gag.

She was now weak, beaten, and bloodied. With one last desperate cry she called out to Damon in her mind. "Help me Damon."


Damon was at home putting the ending touches on dinner. Bonnie had called him telling him that she was on her way home and he couldn't wait to see her face.

Suddenly he heard her fear and pain filled voice in his mind. "Help me Damon." He knew that something was wrong with her. He turned off the stove and dropped back he was doing grabbing his car keys he rushed out of the house and drove like a mad man to the location that he felt her in.

Parking his car on the side of the road next to the woods he got out running into the woods. Panic and fear at his throat. He used his vampire speed hoping that he could get to her in time. But when he came upon her he could already see that he was too late. She was chained to a tree unresponsive and unmoving. Below her feet was a spray painted symbol of some kind. Her body and face was covered in blood and bruises. His heart shattered and the world around him came crashing down. He already knew even without checking for a pulse. He couldn't hear her heart beat, couldn't feel her life source like he usually did. She was dead.

Realizing this Damon fell to knees in front of her. His heart emotionally squeezing painfully in his chest. In his over One hundred and seventy years of living he had never felt such heart ache as he had at that moment. His wife had been killed at the hands of a person or persons and there was nothing that he could do to bring her back, nothing that he could do to save her this time. He stared helplessly with wide icy blue eyes as tears of emotion pain filled his eyes and ran down his cheeks.

It hurt him so much to see her chained to the tree dead like she was. Damon got to his feet his vision half blurred from the tears that he was shedding. He broke the chains from around her body using his vampire strength. Took her limp body that was already getting cold and cradled her in his arms. He looked down at the woman that he loved, his wife, his witch gone forever.

Damon threw his head back face towards the sky and let out a grief filled yell of. "Nooooooooo." Then he just carried her dead body in his arms helplessly pacing around as he broke down and cried and sob like he never had before in his life.