A/N: I apologize for any mistake. It's 1 AM and later is my graduation and im just aksjdfhaskfhsakf sorryyyy R&R!


Natasha's hand gripped the branch tightly as she hoisted herself up and in no time she was sitting on the branch, where it was nearest to the arrow. She reached out for it and gently pulled it free. The weight of the arrow in her hands, feels familiar, it was like he was there by her side and he fussed about them in the past, which she found ridiculous. He loved them so much, it was his second most love aside from her and Max, he said. She inspected the arrow, it was a fairly normal one compared to the other arrows which had self-detonators which them, but she already knew that since the tree didn't explode. She missed him more than ever as she stared at the arrow, she could only hope that it was him, and no one else.


She turned at the sound of Max, and she saw him by the window, leaning out. "Max! Close the window! You might fall off!" she desperately warned him, almost jumping off but she didn't want to scare him off, or worse, think of her as something like an action star or something.

"Mom, you might fall off! What are you doing on a tree?" she could hear the worry off from his voice, even though he tried to hide it. Realizing it, she quickly hid the arrow, out of his line of sight.

"Don't worry sweetie, I'm okay." She smiled at him. "Just go back inside, go brush your teeth. Okay?" she said firmly and waved her hand for him to follow. He hesitated for a bit, still worried and confused, but he did what he was told.

She waited for him to go back inside and made sure he wasn't looking, she started to climb down the tree. She almost wanted to smack herself for not being careful, she could've used the ladder and she wouldn't have been suspicious. She shook her head, that wouldn't even make it less suspicious at all. She quickly went to the garage and put the arrow where Max wouldn't find it and went inside the house.

When Max came down she was already preparing breakfast, like nothing happened at all. He kept a close eye at her as he went and sat on the high stool. "Mom… are you alright?" he asked, it was the first time she saw her do that, and her mom doesn't do anything weird at all, unlike dad.

Natasha could feel the stare from her son as she cooked, and she mustered up a smile as she turned and nodded, "Of course sweetie, why wouldn't I be?" she asked, Max wasn't an easy kid, he was good for six year old. Clint always commented he's a lot like her, and got good looks from his dad.

He shrugged, "I don't know, you climbed a tree… what were you doing up there?" he asked innocently. He's actually glad to see her do that, maybe they would play outside now, but he was just really curious.

Like in every tight situation, talking to targets, she was in danger for so many times she couldn't even count it. But with her son, she found herself worrying what to say. Or maybe she's losing touch.

"I was just checking to see something… I think I saw something moved there when I woke up, an animal maybe, I'm not sure." She shrugged and quickly went to the eggs, and bacon she was cooking. It was a lousy excuse, but what else could she have said why she was up the tree?

If Clint we're here, he was bound to laugh hysterically.

She really had to stop torturing herself.

"Okay." Max said simply, shrugging too. "But does that mean we can play and climb trees?" he asked hopefully.

As much as she liked how cute he was when asking such things, he shook her head. "Nope, not a chance Mister." She chuckled as she set the eggs and bacon on a plate. Making a face with two eggs and the bacon as the mouth. "Now eat, or we'll both be late."

He pouted at her, which she shook her head again and raised her eyebrows and he knew it wasn't going to happen. "No fun…" he muttered and stuck his tongue out to the breakfast face his mom made him.

"Max, stop that. That's-"

"Bad… yes, mom. I'm sorry." He gave an innocent smile up to his mother and started eating.

She smiled back, seeing Max happy just takes all her worries away, for only a while anyway. And she needed it.

"Oh and mom," Max called as he saw her about to leave the kitchen.

She stopped just by the doorway and looked at Max.

"Good morning." He grinned at her and then continued eating.

Number one rule of the house. Her heart melted with so much warmth, and she smiled. "Good morning."

Natasha quickly came into the bathroom, glad she could be alone for a few minutes. She didn't know what to think, if that was indeed Clint, why he didn't just go home. Or maybe it isn't him- she shook her head violently.

He's alive. She could feel it.

But in the past, she always told herself not to trust just a feeling. It always fail. But call it anything, she knew that Clint was alive. She always believed he was.

What she really couldn't understand is this uneasy feeling she had ever since yesterday, or maybe when she saw that arrow, she doesn't really know. Maybe she should tell Steve about it. But then, she doesn't want to bother him just yet.

She closed her eyes and inhaled a few times, she opened her eyes and stared in front of the mirror after she calmed herself. Whatever was happening, she could only hope that it was something good. Bring Clint back to them.

Natasha tried to ignore all of it and went to take a bath. She had to keep a clean record of no lates. She does her job well, any job at all.

Tony sauntered through the tower as he went to the kitchen and expected coffee, stat. His brows creased as he saw there was none. "JARVIS," he called out. "Coffee."

"Right away sir." In a matter of minutes, black liquid was flowing through the coffee maker. Tony poured himself a cup, and another cup and another. This was probably the worst night ever, more than when he was working. When he worked down at the lab, it was precise, he always came to something in the end.

But this, he didn't know the outcome of it. He didn't even know what's happening.


He turned and saw a curly man who actually looks better than him. Maybe he's used to it, man he was used to it. "Did you sleep Bruce?" he handed him a cup of coffee.

"A bit." He said as he massaged the bridge of his nose. "I dozed off a bit while watching Clint." He told him as he sipped from his cup. "You seemed like you didn't at all."

"Nope, not a wink." Tony nodded. "Steve didn't either, and when we were supposed to have celebratory sex for babysitting Max yesterday."

"Yeah, I didn't need to know that Tony." His mouth grew in a tight close, as he nodded at him. "The sex part."

Tony was going to comment something back, but he just sighed and drank his coffee, he didn't have the energy to comment about anything actually. The event from last night was unexpected and draining. They spent the night keeping Clint from dying, talking about what to do. It was like SHIELD again, minus the one eyed black guy.

"Sir, Mr. Banner is in town." The AI's voice pulled Tony out from his thoughts, and he was relieved to hear news. "Where is he?"

At that moment, the doorbell opens and revealed a curly haired man with glasses, just the man they wanted to see.

"Tony, JARVIS just called me… what ha-" he stopped as he walked in to see what was happening.

"Yeah, we know. The guy came back from the dead-"

Tony stopped as he felt a nudge from Steve, and a stern look from his lover as he rolled his eyes and looked back at Bruce. "-I mean, came back from only he knows where and well, you know what to do."

Bruce nodded, he definitely did.

Cold water touched his face and it didn't even help at all, because he didn't feel tired or sleepy at all, with the serum kicking in his veins, super soldier and all. But he just wanted to do it because it might help him think clearly of what was happening at the moment. They were just at the Barton's house yesterday, and last night…

He was alive. And that was a really big relief for all of them. He knew how much Nat would be happy to see him. She didn't give up at all, when all of them had. He shouldn't have either, but he did. And well, at least he's here now.

But what happens next?

Surely with how Clint showed up last night, there was unfinished business they'd have to take care of. The next question is what. From the looks of it, it was really bad. He'd rack his brain all night thinking who would do this. Any grudge from the Avengers, they had taken care of them, locked in SHIELD, otherwise dead. Fury didn't contact them if any prisoners escaped. There were so many possibilities, he considered if some of them actually survived, or if Nat and Clint had any enemies at all. Nat had already taken care of that though.

"Nat, what happened?" Steve looked horrified seeing her suit with so much blood, and coming in in the middle of the night. He knew what she had been doing.

"I had to…" she stopped to close her eyes and took a deep breath. "Vent my anger."

"What do you mean?"

"I went to the ones I suspected- the one we have issues with, grudges, enemies." She was pacing back and forth, and Steve could only watch as she continued to tell him what happened. "I went to each, even though they were all in different places. But none of them… NONE of them didn't know where he is Steve."

"I know that." He nodded, and he was glad that Nat found someone to watch him for a week. He checked in once in a while. "That doesn't tell the part where you have blood on your shirt Nat." he could tell she wasn't the same Nat who've been in tighter places, situations and she would always keep her emotions on check, but it didn't worked right now. And he understood.

"I killed one of them." She answered as she finally stopped pacing and sat down the sofa. "The last one."

Steve sat beside her and took her into his arms and held her there. Nat cried in his arms, the first time again in a very long time.

They could only wait now for Clint to wake up and tell them what's going on, where the hell he's been and what needs to be done. And he could only hope they can take care of it before Natasha finds out they're keeping Clint from her.

Either way, it won't not be a pretty good picture.

He went out the bathroom and went to the room where Clint was resting. He was so glad and relieved that Bruce came at the very right time. And Clint was out of danger. His face had improved and he was recognizable again. His other wounds seem to be doing well, but all the major ones. Bruce still needs to take care of them.

He decided against watching Clint even though he wanted to wait for him to wake up but he needs to check on Tony since he didn't sleep a wink last night. And he knows how he is when he's out of sleep.

The blond walked to the kitchen seeing the two seated at the dining drinking cups of coffee. Bruce looked better than Tony, at least one of them had some sleep.

"Morning… I'll make breakfast." He said, making a heads up to see if any of them pays attention or they're zoning out.

"Stop looking like that Steve, we're awake." Tony waved a hand at him.

"Barely though." Bruce smiled up at him. "Breakfast would be great Cap."

Steve smiled. He went to make breakfast.

"Okay." Tony wipes his face and hands with a napkin. "That was a great breakfast Cap. You're getting good. Making you a househusband is definitely the best idea I ever had." Tony grinned. "Second best maybe from all my inventions. And the suit."

"Whatever Tony." Steve rolled his eyes at him, but smiled at the compliment. Staying at home so much aside from painting and sketching, he got to practice cooking too. Since he's sick of always the Chinese takeout, and shawarma.

"I agree Cap. It's delicious." Bruce nodded.


They were silent as Steve cleaned up, the sound of water splashing, dishes clattering as he washed. They were pretty much the same last night after much adrenaline from helping Bruce treating Clint.

They knew they'd have to talk about this.

"So," Tony started, the silence was eating him up. He turned to the Captain. "What's the plan, captain oh captain?" his eyelids halfway down his eyes as he looked.

"For starters," Steve shrugged. "Sleep." It was good to talk about the situation, but they also need sleep. Or rather, they need sleep. Tony needs sleep.

"Nice." The brunette rolled his eyes. "Seriously, what do we do about Nat?" If Natasha found out about this, they'd be facing the wrath of the Black Widow. Or not really, but which either is scary enough.

"Wait," Bruce looked back and forth at both. "Natasha doesn't know about this?" he asked, astonished. But then, she would probably be here right now, beside Clint. Like she always does before in SHIELD. He always remembered her staying for hours waiting for him to wake up.

Steve and Tony exchanged looks. It was Steve who explained. "No, she doesn't. Just us three actually-"

"Four. Plus JARVIS." He pointed up. "JARVIS, don't tell."

"Of course, sir."


Steve looked at him and shrugged. Tony had always had that unspoken love and care for the AI, as if he were a real person. "Plus JARVIS." He said, since he knew Tony wanted him to say it. "Clint asked me not to last night. I thought he was going to die while saying it."

"Yeah… okay, but don't you think you- we should tell her about it?" Bruce asked, he saw how much pain she was in even though she doesn't show it. Wouldn't telling Clint was alive make her so much happy? "She has the right to know."

"We know she does Bruce." Steve nodded, he deeply knows what he's doing, "I'm just respecting Clint's wishes. All we can do know it to wait for him to wake up and then we'll know the next step."

Bruce looked at the captain, he realized it was the only thing they could do for now. But he was still bothered with not telling Natasha about it. "I won't keep promises though."

Steve could only sighed and nodded. "Yeah, that's fine." Of course deep down it might not be, he's conflicted really. "And now we-"

Both heads turn when they heard soft snoring noises. And sure enough, Tony was asleep, his head resting on the table. "And to think he survives on days without sleep." The other just shrugged at him.

"Well, I think he really just obeyed your first order."

"Pow! Pow! Pow!"

Max ran with his arms raised as his friend ran before him, and stopped. "Wait, what's pow?" the boy looked at him.

"Uh… it's Iron Man," Max answered thoughtfully. "My Uncle said that's how tiny bombs come out, from his palm." He showed him. "I just make the sound."

"Maybe something cooler than pow…" his friend began to think about another good sound effect. Max waited and rolled his eyes. "Come on, let's just play. It's almost time for-"


Both boys looked at the same direction, and saw the familiar person that was James's mom. Max looked exasperated at James. "See? It's almost time for Ms. Bennett to come." He wanted to play more, since he didn't have siblings, he was alone with his toys. That's why he enjoyed school because he has friends.

"Don't worry Max. We'll play again tomorrow!" he patted Max on the shoulder and ran to his mother.

"Yeah, yeah." He kicked a rock and went back to the bench he was sitting on and waited for his mother to come. The school grounds are relatively quiet, and the noise gradually goes down once the students go home. He glanced at his watch, in just about fifteen minutes before his mom comes.

While waiting, he felt something hard hit him, he didn't give it any attention and ignored it. But it came again and again. And he turned and saw some kids giggling whilst throwing small rocks at him.

"Hey! Stop it-" he called out, shielding his face with his backpack. "Hey!"

"Whatcha gunna do huh Barton?" a fat obnoxious kid spoke out of the bunch. He scowled at him, he hated him. Ever since they met. He didn't do anything to him at all.

"Stop it."

Everyone stopped.

Max turned and he saw a big man behind him, wearing a long coat, looking sternly over the boys. He looked really scary, even to him. But he knew the man was helping him. "Scram." He simply said, or growled more so. And the kids scurried away. Max looked at them running with satisfaction evident on his face.

He slowly turned back to the big man. "Uh, thanks." He said quietly, and he waited for him to say something but he just stood there, and Max felt scared and awkward at the same time. "Uhh…" he looked closely, from under the hat he saw his mouth, and he was smiling. Or that weird smile her mother always does.

The man moved then, and he closed his eyes shut as he thought he was going to be hit. But when nothing came, he peeked and saw the man holding something. He opened his eyes and to his happy surprise, it was a bow and arrow. A small one, maybe a toy. But when he held it, it was heavy, so maybe it wasn't. But he didn't care much, just as long as he had one.

"Thanks so much mister!" he stood up and took the bow and arrow from him. He held it like it was gold, his blue eyes wide and he was excited to use it as soon as possible. He looked back up and saw no one. He wanted to thank him again, but he was gone suddenly. Max looked back down expecting for his toy to be gone, but it was still there. He grinned widely, he finally had one!

He heard the familiar sound of their car approaching and he knew his mom wouldn't approve of it. He quickly stashed the bow and arrow inside his back, thankful having a big bag. He carried it over closer to the street and waited for his mom to stop.

Natasha came out and took his bag to put it in the back seat. "Has your bag gotten heavier? It's supposed to be lighter now…" she shook it slightly, which made Max act and stop her.

"Mom stop!"

Only, he said it too quickly and saw her raised an eyebrow. He shook his head, "Uh, my things would be messed up in it. And there's juice!" he quickly explained.

Natasha looked at him for a while, before nodding and putting it back gently in the backseat and closing the doors, she hopped in the driver's seat and drove off.

Max looked outside, and he could've sworn he saw the man again, looking right at them.