*sees angry mob carrying torches and pitchforks*

Oh shiiiiiii-*runs away*

I'm SO sorry! I swear I didn't mean to take so long! But whenever I try to draft Chapter 10, I get Writer's Block and then I got addicted to forums! I'M SOOOORRRRRYYYYY

Oh, and…


Review answers next time, Interlude for now!

I know you guys are sick of my Interludes, but please*puppy eyes* This is the last one before Chapter 10, I swear! I'll give a week until I upload that! Just don't kill meeeeeee!

Interlude 2: Part 3(Valentine's Special)

Miyuki groaned as she was dragged away by Kyoko and Haru. It made no sense really. She had always been the recipient of gifts whenever Valentine's Day came, and she honestly found it weird that women were the ones giving the men gifts. The very thought was stupid to her.

But clearly, they didn't think the same way…

Kyoko turned to her. "Here in Japan, the girls give guys chocolates for Valentine's to display their affection." She explained.

"And one month after, March 14, guys return the favour!" Haru finished the thought.

"You're gonna make some for Hibari-san, right?" Kyoko asked, smiling innocently.

Miyuki really wanted to hit her head against the wall.

Haru squealed. "HAAAHHHHIII! That's sooooo cute!"

Miyuki really wanted to kill something.

Kyoko nodded at Haru. "Don't you think their kids are going to be cute?"

Miyuki really wanted to massacre an entire town.

"Yes!" Haru agreed, still squealing.

Miyuki really wanted to set the world at war.

"Kimimoto-senpai, are you alright?" Kyoko asked, sensing the evil intent

Miyuki gave a strained nod. "Just… start."

The next day at school, Miyuki was flocked with gift from admirers, both male and female. She put them in a separate bag, which turned out to be quite heavy, and yet the box in her school bag seemed to be much heavier.

In the classroom the girl was flocked with more gifts. She sighed in annoyance. Where were her guards when she needed them?

"You're EXTREMELY popular, Kimimoto!" Ryohei exclaimed when she set her bag on the chair.

Miyuki merely ignored him as she left for the Reception Room

Hibari was quiet. So very quiet as Miyuki did the task he assigned to her. He kept staring and staring and staring but he got no reaction from the girl, so he cleared his throat.

Miyuki looked up. "Is something the matter?"


And she looked back down. Hibari kept staring however, but then stopped. What was he doing? Did he really expect her to give him chocolates? He didn't even like that stuff!

With that he left the room to bite some poor herbivore to death.

Miyuki exhaled the moment the door shut close. The tension in the room had been awkward for her, especially since she knew Hibari was staring at her.

How was she going to give him the chocolates now?

Kyoko managed to corner the bluenette at lunch.

"Kimimoto-senpai! Have you given them?" She asked. Miyuki merely shook her head and walked off with the people who had seen the scene staring after her.

Miyuki wanted to headdesk so badly. There were rumours about her going around the school and some 'awesome hot guy' whom she would be giving chocolates, and she hated it. So she shot the glass with her pellet gun. Repeatedly. Until it shattered. She would pay for it later.

"Whoever this dude my lovely Miyuki-sama likes is gonna die when I see him!" Some boy announced.

She proceeded to destroy more windows.

And now Hibari was seriously pissed. He's heard the rumours and he is pissed. Like hell.

Total students who have fallen victim to his rage: 63 and counting…

Total students who had to be brought to the hospital immediately:109…

Total students who ran away screaming: 43…

Total students who got caught: 43…


Make that 64…

The bell rang for dismissal. She didn't care anymore. Wherever she would find him, she would give him the bloody chocolates so that she could get it over with. And that was final.

Unfortunately for her, he was near the gates, so people would immediately see it transpired.

The girl drew breath.

"Hibari!" She called.

"What?" He snapped.

Miyuki blushed a scarlet red as she shoved the box to his chest and stormed off, only to have him grab her wrist and pull her back, planting his lips onto hers.

Students need to be brought to the hospital: EVERYONE!