HI! I am SO SORRY it's taken me so long to update! The computer where I had started writing this chapter got a virus and still has yet to be fixed! And it's not just this story either - almost of my other stories on hiatus till I get old computer back. The only reason I've decided to re-write this chapter is because I wasn't too crazy about the first draft. Though be warned: when I DO get the first draft back on old computer (which will hopefully be before I die of old age), I may re-write this chapter again in order to incorporate some of the going-on's in the first draft.

As for my other stories on hiatus, I will be re-writing story chapters that I wasn't so proud of before, including my peter pan fanfic Peter Pan: Utter Insanity. As for my other Disney story, The Outsiders, an apology in advance to those waiting on the next chapter. I promise the next chapter is going to be REALLY long, so I don't want to have re-write the whole thing again, especially after I had just managed to write it to a quality I'm satisfied with (proofreading something five times is a real bitch, let me tell you, and that's just because my grammar has a tendency to suck first time round).

So…yeah, not much else I can do. Don't really have anything else to say, other than I hate my computer, and I'm starting to think it doesn't really like me all that much either. : P

Diclaimer: If only I did own Disney…. Disney would be screwed.

Taking small sips of her water, Ms. Bernnet couldn't help but wonder how things had reached this stage - wait, no that was a lie. She knew exactly what had happen, for a lady never lost control of a situation. However, she was forced to admit that things certainly hadn't turned out how she had wished, in any way shape or form.

In an ideal world, She would never have stumbled across the establishment she now found herself in. Henceforth, she wouldn't have Disney villains breaking into her apartment, or (supposedly) fictional Arabian princesses dropping by to escort her to said establishment. Most importantly, she wouldn't have found herself in the situation she was now facing.

Okay, maybe she had let things a bit out of hand, but she would never admit that out loud. Hell, she would probably never admit to herself either for that matter.

Ms. Bernnet found herself being forced from her thoughts as her brother Chris tugged at her arm.

"Sis! I had no idea there was Disney role-play restaurant near you! And I definitely didn't think you'd be into this kind of thing sister bear! I'm surprised!" He leant forward a bit, elbows resting on the table Daisy had shown them two. Jasmine had all but disappeared the moment they set foot through the door, saying she was off to tell Mickey something and promised to be right back. This only served to confuse Chris even more than he had already been, but he chose not to comment on it at that point in time. A wise move on his part.

Setting her glass down, Ms. Bernnet tapped Chris's elbows so that he knew not to rest them on the table. She loathed poor table manners.

"Mmm, yes, so you seem to be."

Chris's eyes scanned the moving crowd from their secluded spot in the club, eyes shining like a toddler given an extra piece of candy.

"Look at all these costumes sis! They all look so real! Especially the animals! What do you think they are, holograms or robots? I hope they're robots! Hey, do you think everyone works here? Were we supposed to come in costume? I hope not, or I'm going to start feeling really stupid for wearing my work clothes!"

Ms. Bernnet suppressed a chuckle as her brother rambled, but a close look would reveal the tiniest tug of her lips in what could be described as the world's smallest grin.

"I see you still have yet to abandon your childish musings. I must confess I wonder if you will ever act your age."

Chris gave her a playful pout, forcing an obviously fake expression of hurt on his face.

"How mean of you! Besides, you're only as old as you feel!"

"So would you say you are six years old, or seven?"

Chris's eyes bulged and threw himself back in his chair, clutching his chest in an exaggerated show of being wounded.

"Sister bear! How can you say such cruel things?" He then threw his head back laughing, earning more than a few curious stares from other patrons. This quickly set Ms. Bernnet's nerves on edge.

"Christopher Jonathan Bernnet! You ought to know better than to be so loud in a public place!"

"Aw shucks, it's alright!"

She immediately tensed.

Christopher gaped.

Mickey stood there staring between the two of them.

"So-o how's your food?"

Chris leaned closer to the giant mouse, eyes narrowed in curiosity and fascination. He stood and started circling Mickey, seeming to look for something before throwing his hands into the air.

"Wow sis, this is the most realistic robot I've ever seen! I can't even see any wires or where they the batteries! It's so cool!"

Mickey exchanged a look with Ms. Bernnet, who busy using every ounce of her will to not sigh in relief …or face palm at her brother's show of stupidity. Really, she should be used to it by now.

Squaring her shoulders, she gave Mickey a subtle shake of the head as if to say 'Do not correct him if you please.' Micky caught it, but was clearly still beyond confused.

"Yes Christopher, it is indeed. Now if you would be so kind as to remain seated during supper? You are drawing unwanted attention from other tables."

Christopher winced at her clipped tone. Craning his neck over his shoulder, he found his older sister was quite right - people both sitting and walking past were shooting him all sorts of expression, from interested to surprised to just plain confused - and he couldn't help but wonder why the mixed reaction. It would make sense since his sister was regular here (after all, a staff member did drop by her house and insist they both come), but she was never the chatty type that made friends with a whole lot of people.

'Hmm, something else is going on here, and I bet it has nothing to do with robots.' he thought.


The young male jumped, earning a small chuckle from the Mickey-Mouse-robot-something. Flashing a big grin at …ah, it, he put on his best kicked-puppy expression when turning to face 'Sister Bear'.

"Do not even try that to gain an advantage with that expression Mr. Bernnet! I am sorely disappointed in you! Your table mannerisms have done naught but deteriorate since our last meal together! Mother and Father taught you better!"

"Aw shucks Ms, how can you be so mean to face like that?"

Trying to gain favor with Mickey, Chris slumped his shoulders and pouted a little. Ms. Bernnet held back a snort.

"Not to be rude Mr. Mouse, but he is a grown man who by far more capable of acting like the adult he is, rather than the child he wishes he was."

Mickey put on his own hurt look - complete with oversized shiny eyes, tail between the legs, and exaggerated pout and shoulder slump. Chris kneeled down so that both males were practically the same height, with their hands behind their backs and looking towards Ms. Berrent with cuteness in full-force.

Ms. Bernnet could swear she felt her eyebrow twitching all on it's own.


Chris's eyes widened just a fraction. "Yes dearest sister-bear?"

"Kindly get off the floor, and resume dinner if you please."

Giving a defeated sigh, Chris dropped the act and stood back up to his full height.

"You're so mean sister bear! You need to have fun more!"

"Yeah babe, just chill."

Ms. Bernnet felt her blood run cold. Three sets of eyes turned to face the source of the new voice. A crooked grin spread across the eavesdropper's already quite frightening face as he extended a hand towards Christopher.

"Name's Hades, Lord of the Underworld. Hey, how'ya doin', who are you? Sunshine's brother I'm guessing? I can see the family resemblance. Got a name kiddo? "

The three of them stared.

Hades waved a hand in Christopher's face. "Are ya' gonna say something or are you just gonna stand there looking stupid?"

Then something unexpected happened.

Chris laughed. Not only did he laugh, but he grabbed Hade's hand and gave it a rough, hearty shake.

Dropping the Greek God's hand, he spun on his heel to grin at his sister and point his thumb at the aforementioned villain.

"Sis! Can you see this? His costume looks so real! His head looks like it's actually on fire!"

It was all Ms. Bernnet could do not to step just a little closer so she could slap some sense into her brother. Not for the first time, she wondered how one person could be so dense. How he graduate high school was a mystery, never mind college.

Hades and Mickey exchanged a look that clearly read :What?

Letting out a small, barely audible sigh, she rummaged around in her purse for her wallet. Pulling out several bills, she wordlessly walked over to Mickey, placed the money in his palm, gently (but firmly) took hold of Chris's wrist, and guided (dragged) him out of the building before he further make an ass out of himself (regardless of his rather loud protests).

Hades and Mickey blinked.

"Hey Mick?"

"Uh…yes Hades?"

"What in the name of the Underworld just happened?"

"I…I have no idea."