Summary : The ordinary people are getting suspicious, Dame-Tsuna is getting a bit popular... Okay, maybe a little bit too popular. They're ranging from love at first sight, the weird and the plain insane. And Tsuna is showing it to them unconsciously. Finally, its pay back time.

I am so sorrry! I got projects everyday, track and field every Saturday, I quit that now but my body still hurts, I can't even stand up! So, I'm really sorry for the late update! And so, I'll just skip to the story.

Thanks for the reviews!

Chapter 7 : The CEDEF Members and Colonello

Tsuna yawned, his mouth opened wide. It was raining for a while now so they're in the classroom eating their food for their break. For some reason, he said, "I feel something bad's gonna happen."

Gokudera looked up at him with alert eyes, "Jyuudaime, is someone going to attack us?"

Yamamoto stopped eating his onigiri.

Tsuna straightened. "No, I just felt like blurting that out. And if something really happens, we could take care of each other, right?" He attempted a smile, but failed. Gokudera and Yamamoto still looked uneasy.

Tsuna picked up his bottle and sipped a bit, checking if Bianchi put anything suspicious on it. When he found none, he drank it.

The classroom door slammed open, along with a loud but tiny voice that yelled to the room, "Everybody, tomorrow is CEDEF Day!"

Tsuna spitted water to Gokudera's face. "WHAT?" He looked at the person who said that, seeing Reborn in his Professor Boreen costume. "Reborn?"

Yamamoto laughed. "Hey, isn't CEDEF the place where your father works Tsuna?"

Gokudera stopped wiping his face with a towel. "You baseball-idiot! Don't reveal confidential information like that!" He angrily shouted at him.

Yamamoto laughed. "Sorry." Everyone sweatdropped.

Reborn stood on the teacher's desk with all his glory. "I got permission from the principal to hold that day." He gave a smirk to Tsuna.

"HIIEEE! B-But Reborn, I thought CEDEF know..." he whispered.

"Yes, its short for the Community of Extremely Dumb Erratic Fathers." He deadpanned.

Everyone who heard fell of their chair.

"Hahaha, I never knew that was the meaning of CEDEF." Yamamoto laughed and scratched the back of his head.

Gokudera shouted curses at Yamamoto. "You idiot! Whatever Reborn-san says, its true! If that's the meaning of CEDEF, then that's the meaning of it!"

I'm sure that's not it...Tsuna facepalmed.

"Anyone who skips or doesn't show up with their fathers, will get tortu-tutored, after school." Reborn casually said, like he didn't nearly said tortured. Reborn looked at Tsuna straight in the eye.

Tsuna shivered, he felt like Reborn is talking to him. He felt the impending doom coming.

CEDEF Day, the day Tsuna dreaded the moment he heard the news. He was sure that Reborn planned something for him.

In the morning, he keeps shivering. Thinking of his father.

What should I do if dad shows up? Worse, what if dad shows up in a suit? With a gun? Probably not a gun but he'll look like from mafia!

He sighed.

"Jyuudaime?" Gokudera walked beside him, looking worried.

"I'm fine, Gokudera. Just...nervous." They walked side by side to school. Yamamoto can't join them since his father and him got ahead earlier.

Gokudera put his hands in his pockets. Tsuna caught it on the corner of his eye.

"Are you nervous, Gokudera?" He asked with interest.

Gokudera blushed, "Yes." After all, he hasn't seen his father for so long. Tsuna stifled a laugh. Gokudera blushed. "Sorry Jyuudaime, I just got the craving for a smoke when I'm nervous."

"No, I was just thinking we're the same. But please don't smoke."

When they went to class, they paused in front of the door. Tsuna gulped. Wishing his father won't show up at the same time wishing he would because he's afraid of Reborn's tortures.

He slid the door open. He scanned the room for a hint of blond hair, when he found none, he sighed. But immediately shivered when he thought of what Reborn would do to him.

"Don't worry, Jyuudaime, I also don't have a father with me!" Gokudera reassured with a grin.

Gokudera, you shouldn't be proud of that. Tsuna sweatdropped.

"Hayato." A man's voice said from the crowd of people.

Gokudera cringed and suddenly had a scary face on him. He slowly turned around and glared at a man wearing a suit and has a mustache, he looked as tall as anyone and looked like a simple CEO if it weren't for the slightly intimidating aura.

"Old man."

The man gave a small smile at him.

Gokudera immediately turned to look at Tsuna, kneeled and banged his head to the ground. "I'm really sorry, Jyuudaime! My father is here so I'm really sorry!"

Everyone in the room stopped what their doing and turned to look at them.

"Wait! Gokudera! Don't do that! You'll hurt yourself and it's okay if you have your father here."

"It's okay, Jyuudaime, I'll kick him outta here." He declared as he stood up and took out some dynamites.

"What?" Tsuna immediately rushed after Gokudera. "Wait! Gokudera, I didn't mean that!"

"Gokudera-kun!" Yamamoto stepped out from the crowd with a laugh. "What are you doing? Are you going to play some fireworks again?"

Gokudera redirected his attention to Yamamoto. "It's not fireworks, you baseball-idiot!"

Yamamoto laughed again. "Maa, maa. So is he your father, Gokudera?"

"Che." He straightened up as Tsuna sighed in relief, and hid his dynamites in god-knows-where. "Yeah, this is my father, Gokudera Corradeo."

If he's Gokudera's father, and Gokudera's the son of...That means-

"Hahahaha, does that mean you're the boss of-" Tsuna slapped a hand on Yamamoto's mouth.

Tsuna laughed uneasily.

Corradeo looked at Tsuna, Tsuna gulped at his presence. Then suddenly, the man smiled and knelt.

"Decimo, I am so glad to see you." Corradeo took his right hand and kissed the tip of his fingers.

"...Eh?" There was a moment of silence as every person's (except Yamamoto and his father) mouth dropped in shock.

Corradeo looked up at him with twinkling eyes as he smiled kindly.

"...What just happened?" Tsuna deadpanned.

Corradeo looked clueless at him.

Gokudera stepped beside his father. "I knew it..." he said seriously.

Tsuna snapped his head at him. "Knew what, Gokudera-kun?"

"...Old man..."

Corradeo looked at his son. "Yes, Hayato?"

"...You should kiss Jyuudaime's feet."

"...HAAAAH?" Tsuna stepped backward.

"Okay." Corradeo replied.

"What did Gokudera-san say?" whispered a student.

"He just said to his old man to kiss Dame-Tsuna's feet?" Whispered another.


"Is it a greeting in Italy?" Yamamoto said, looking curious.

"Probably, should you kiss Tsuna's feet too, Takeshi?" Asked Tsuyoshi, looking really interested.

"You should, baseball-freak! It's the only form of respect to give to Jyuudaime!" Gokudera yelled at Yamamoto, already at his knees.

Yamamoto shrugged and grinned as he also kneeled in front of Tsuna.

"Wait! What are you doing? Yamamoto-kun! Gokudera-kun! Gokudera-san! Wait!" Tsuna yelled frantically as he waved his arms up and down and back off quickly, he hit the wall and was cornered.

Please...Why is my life like this? Why?

Suddenly, the door slammed open and Reborn interrupted (again) in his Mr. Riboyama costume. "Time to start kil-class." He yelled.

Was Reborn going to say 'killing'? Tsuna looked at the arcobaleno with disbelief. Reborn just stared back at him.

"Tch." Gokudera stood up quickly but hesitatingly as he looked at Tsuna, slightly ashamed.

Corradeo also stood up and went back to his posture earlier.

Yamamoto laughed and stood up. "Do we need to kiss Tsuna's feet soon?"

Gokudera still stared at Tsuna with a troubled expression, making him uneasy. After a few moments..."I'LL KISS YOUR FEET NOW JYUUDAIME!" He got prepared to kneel.

"Wait! Gokudera! You don't need to!"

"Are you sure, Jyuudaime?"

"Yeah...Really, really, positively a 100% sure."

Gokudera slowly stood up with a smile on his face. "If Jyuudaime says so."

"Cut the loyalty crap scene and lets start training...studying." Said Reborn.

Everyone snapped out of the shock and returned to their seat slowly, very slowly-

A shot rang out. "Move it if you don't want to die."

So, let's just speed up the story. A few minutes of hell later, Tsuna slumped on his chair, looking burned. But he is, by electricity.

"Wrong. What is the answer, Kanzi?" Reborn's threatening voice echoed in the silent room.

A gulp sounded out, followed by the scratching of the chair as the boy stood up. "Um, 48?"

Reborn nodded. Kanzi sighed and sat down.

There was a deathly silence. No one moved as Tsuna recovered, Gokudera just sat by his chair, his hand under his chin. Yamamoto is doing the same with a grin on his face. But no one still moved.

A sweat rolled down on Tsuna's forehead. "Um, Reborn? What-"

"That is a really long time."

And suddenly, a whirling sound was deafening the occupants. Gokudera stood up quickly, along with Yamamoto, their boxes held in their hands. Tsuna also stood up and immediately looked outside the window, seeing a helicopter disappearing away from them.

"What is it, Tsuna?" Yamamot whispered from behind him.

"I don't know."

"Is it the enemy, Jyuudaime?"

"No...It's...something else..."

"What is it?"

A loud sound erupted from the corridors.

"What is that?" A student asked.

"I don't know!"

"Is it an earthquake?"

Yamamoto and Gokudera raised their boxes up. "No." Tsuna suddenly said, stopping them. "It's harmless-"

The door slammed open. "TSUNA~"

"-or probably not."

Standing just outside is the great CEDEF leader, Sawada Iemitsu, with his construction disguise around him complete with a shovel. He was grinning widely and is prepared to pounce on him. Which, he did.

"Oof!" Tsuna fell on his butt as his father rubbed his cheek on him. "D-Dad? What are you doing here?"

"The others gave me a vacation! Isn't it great?" He said joyfully as he pulled Tsuna up, still hugging him.

A few snickers interrupted in the room.

"Is that Dame-Tsuna's father? He's the same as him!"

"Seriously? A construction suit?"

"I thought it was an earthquake..."

"What an idiot..."

Tsuna blushed and pushed Iemitsu away. He glanced at Reborn who stood motionlessly. He furrowed his eyebrows. I'm sure I know this part before...

Suddenly Reborn spoke up. "Iemitsu, I'm glad you came here unharmed. I was preparing to torture your son if you haven't come, it was a disappointment."

TSuna squeaked. Iemitsu just laughed. "I'm so glad too. I came here as fast as possible."

"Not fast enough."

"Eh?" Tsuna said smartly.

Again, there was a loud sound coming from outside. But this time, it was from below. A black limo came speeding across the streets. It stopped in front of the school gate, it's tires squealing but still, it moved flawlessly. The door opened.

Every people in he room, and probably from all the school, looked out to the window. They spotted a black gakuran top fluttering in the wind standing in the middle of the courtyard, metal tonfas glittering in the sunlight. They shivered as Hibari Kyoya slowly walked (along with his infamous theme song) to the car.

Hibari stopped in front and waited. A woman's leg showed as she stepped out of the car. Hibari looked at her for a moment, nodded and walked away.

Everyone's jaw dropped. That is the only reaction to the scene if they saw it.

A shot rang in the room, the parents and students turned around to Reborn who is holding a gun, a shadow on his face. "No one moves an inch." His voice threatening yet calm.

"Wha-What's happening?" A very stupid student asked.

Reborn pointed his gun at him. "Are you sure you want to know?"

He gulped, looked around and saw the others nodding hesitantly, and nodded too.

"The mafia."

Everyone paled. Gokudera scowled, Yamamoto's expression turned serious, Tsuna gulped, the door (the poor abused door) slammed open yet again.

"Iemitsu." An alluring woman's voice said, pronouncing the name with each syllable more poisonous than the other. A black aura surrounding her as the light shone to her glasses. She is wearing an expensive suit that symbolizes her position.

Iemitsu paled and gulped, he attempted to smile and laugh but failed. "O-Ore-Oregano. W-What a c-coincidence finding you h-here. In my son's school. With a lot of civilians in. Celebrating a day...cheerfully?" He attempted to laugh again. "In my son's school. There's-a-lot-of-civilians-you-won't-kill-me-right?"

"I'm glad you have guts to skip paperwork, boss." She said with the same tone.

Yet again (how many times?) everyone's mouths dropped open.

"...Boss?" Kanzi spoke up. "As in boss? In a company? In-In MAFIA?"

Tsuna stepped in nervously. "I-I-Hahaha, We were just joking. Dad's not part of the mafia, right Gokudera? Yamamoto?"

He turned to look at them to see Gokudera bowing not low but enough to show respect. "Nice to see you again, External Adviser."

Yamamoto was waving his hand at him. "I'm glad you could make it, Tsuna's dad!"

"Iemitsu, so nice to see you here!" Corradeo patted his back lightly with a small smile.

"Wait! Wait-" Tsuna desperately tried to convince the students that his father is not part of the mafia.

"Oregano, did you get the idiot of a boss?" Another voice from outside said. A face appeared from beside Oregano.

Gokudera glared, "You!"

Yamamoto gave an uneasy grin and waved. "Yoh, Lal! What're you doing here?"

TYLLal Mirch looked up at them, she unusually wore a red and yellow kimono. She scowled and looked at her past students indifferently and glared at Iemitsu. "Let's drag the boss out of here already, I don't want-"

"Lal." A slightly high voice said.

Lal froze. She glared at Reborn who was holding a phone in his hands. "You..." She gritted her teeth, a blush flowing to her cheeks as she looked behind her to see a baby with blond hair and is wearing military clothes.

"What are you doing her, Lal, kora?" Colonello looked up at her, from his height, and sounded smug. "You look really cute wearing that kimono...very ladylike, kora."

Lal blushed fiercely, "Y-Y-You b-baka! I should be asking you! What are you doing here?!"

"Well..." He gave her a look over and peeked behind her. "...I got a call saying there's a surprise for me- Oh, Reborn! Thanks for the call by the way, kora!" He yelled when he spotted the said baby.

"I'll need payment by the end of the day." Reborn replied.

"Wha- You didn't tell me there'll be payments, kora!"

"I didn't?" Reborn faked surprise but everyone heard a faint mocking tone in his voice. "I must've forgotten. But you still need to pay."

"You-" He took out his rifle.

"Reborn-" Lal said menacingly.

"Iemitsu-"Oregano started.

"No killing-" Iemitsu started to back off.

"A fight-" Gokudera readied his box weapon.

"What-" Yamamoto looked around.

"WAIT-" Tsuna desperately yelled.

"SHUT UP!" Lal, Oregano, Colonello and Reborn shouted at Tsuna. Tsuna shrieked and backed off as the room turned deathly silent.

A small static echoed after a few moments from Oregano's waist. Oregano pulled it to her mouth sharply and all the while still glaring at Iemitsu. "What is it, Turmeric? I'm not finished yet." Everyone's attention is drawn to it.

"Well...There's a new stack of papers coming in...We need the boss soon." Oregano frowned and glared it.

Iemitsu visibly flinched. Oregano just sighed. "Fine, hang in there, I'll get the boss." She placed it back to her waist, looked up and..."Hey, where did the boss go?"

Every person, sans Reborn, stared at the empty space where Iemitsu stood a while ago before hearing the sound of another door being slammed shut.

Lal, Oregano and Colonello blinked before snapping out of their trance. "After him!"

The other door opened again and a tall Italian looking man with short brown hair wearing a suit stood. "Oregano-" he started.

"No time, Turmeric." She said as she pushed him and ran again. "The boss escaped again." She yelled after him. Colonello followed next without a word.

Lal turned to glare at Tsuna, Gokudera and Yamamoto. "The next time I see you three, I'll make sure you receive training." She sped after them too as the three shivered.

Turmeric blinked, looked at the occupants of the room and bowed lightly and ran after his fellow members.

The students and fathers stood frozen in the room as they absorbed the situation. Tsuna cried inside.

"Everyone looks here." Reborn suddenly said.

Everyone dumbfounded looks at Reborn, now back to his suit but without the fedora, showing his spiky hair and he wore dark sunglasses. He held a small silver pencil-shaped thing in his hands. There was a flash of light. He put the silver thing inside his jacket pocket along with the sunglasses.

Reborn looked at them straight in the eye and said, "Nothing of that happened, you just had a wild dream of mafia people. You are currently just being tortu-taught by Mr. Riboyama in this classroom and nothing of that crap happened." He jumped off the table and went out of the room, the people's stares followed him, he suddenly poked his head in and said with a smug voice. "And Sawada Tsunayoshi will be taking tutor lessons with me after school."

There was a long silence.

Tsuna's knees dropped and thudded on the floor.


Tsuna dodged another explosion just beside him. "HIEEEEEE!" Too near, too near!

"Wrong." Reborn's voice echoed through the clearing at the top of the mountain. "What is the longest river in the world?"


Another bomb was set off. "Wrong, you pathetic excuse of a human being."

"GO JYUUDAIME!" Gokudera shouted with a microphone and a really large stereo beside him.

Yamamoto stood beside him, his hands on his ear, still laughing. "When are we going to kiss Tsuna's feet?"


"Because you didn't have a dad on the CEDEF day." Reborn calmly said as he set off another bomb. "What is the smallest volcano in the world?"

"BUT DAD CAME!" Tsuna ran more, tripped, rolled, stood up and ran again while shrieking.

"Nothing of that happened, you just had a wild dream of mafia people."


Another bomb exploded just in front of Tsuna.

Reborn smirked. "Wrong answer."

"Hmm...Maybe there's a sale at the shopping mall..." Arisa looked out the classroom window.

"Hurry up, Arisa, mom needs me home soon!"

Arisa looked behind her and shouted. "Coming! I'll just fetch my bag!" She calmly walked to her seat, wondering what happened earlier at class. Maybe it's just a dream of mafia people...I mean, it's impossible that Dame-Tsuna's dad is a boss from mafia, right? She laughed at herself.

She walked towards the door, smiling, but stopped when she spotted something on the floor. She crouched and picked up the picture.

On the picture, there were eight people, all of them were smiling except for the blond haired guy at the corner. There were seven men and one woman who was blond and is standing beside a man with melon shaped hairstyle. There were three men sitting on the couch, one is a pink haired man with a tattoo on his cheek, at the other side is a black haired man with old priest clothing. In the middle is a blond spiky haired man with warm orange eyes, at his back is another man who is standing, wearing old, really really old japanese clothes. Way back, behind the japanese man is a green haired man who was about their age.

I've seen them before somewhere...


"I know!" She tucked the picture inside her bag and stood up, stomping to the door.

It's probably not mine but...She blushed fiercely.

"What happened to you?" Asked her friend.


"Jeez, now mom's gonna..." Her friend babbled.

She looked down at her feet as they walked outside, still blushing.

...I can't help it. They were hot.

So...How was it? Was it good? Ugh...Arisa...I'm getting more uncreative (no, there's not a word like this) everyday. So please review! I'm so sorry for not updating earlier! I feel bad but at least I updated! Right? Right?

I appreciate the reviews and the alerts and the favorites! I welcome all of them. I'm jolly now! Probably...

(Let me sleep! I'm begging all of you!)