I do not own Winx Club or the song The Seas Loneliness. They belong to Iginio Straffi and Houko Kuwashima respectively.

Voice of an Angel

With your eyes closed, no longer will you see the aching sorrow buried in your heart.

Sitting in the room with my eyes closed I could feel the tears welling up trying to escape from the sides of my eyes. It was another Day of the Roses and I was still missing my mother. This one was different it was the day that Riven and I decided to get married.

If you forget the warmth inside, no longer will twisting pain bring tears to your eyes.

I tried to tell everyone that this was not the day to have our marriage but the girls convinced me that it would be the prefect day. No longer would I have tears of sadness on this day for missing you but I would have tears of joy to take their place.

I tried so hard to recall the gentle voice that was yours, lost in the labyrinth of my own heart.

I have been trying to think what you would say to me, would you be proud? Would you tell me that I look lovely in this dress? It is so hard for me to try and remember your voice from my memories of when I was younger some days it is easier then others but not today, the one day that I wish that you were here more then any other day.

Echoing from the depth of my mind, someone calls to me from forgotten memories, asking me when I will once again be able to take sorrow back in my hands.

I could hear someone calling out my name before I turned to see that no one was there. The room was empty of any other person. Again I could hear someone calling out my name. Tears started to flow from the corner of my eyes as I realize that it was your voice.

In this moment that won't come again, you are the only one I see in front of me.

A flash of light caused me to cover my eyes, as the spots dissipated from my vision I could see a figure start to coming into view. A smile on her face that made my heart melt, a comfort entered my body as I heard your voice. I know that this must be some type of vision but I am just happy to see you again even if it is for a moment.

In the distance, the glittering ship sways evenly on the blue waves, alone.

The smile that was on your face, brought back the memory of when you took me to the beach when I was little. The crystal clear water that we were playing in was just at the right temperature for that spring day. I was so happy when you pointed out the single ship off in the distance.

The grief I hold came crashing down, and the ship disappeared beneath the waves of my heart.

The memory then changed to one that I never wanted to see again. It was the one that dad told me you had left us. I asked him if I had done something wrong but he hugged me and told me that it was not my fault. At times I fell like it might have been my fault that you had gotten sick.

Why won't my eyes cease to search the ocean depths endlessly, looking for the warmth that I should not have known?

The nights after you had passed away I had dreams where I was searching for you. At times they would take me back to the same beach but you were never there. The feeling that I could never love anyone was consuming me whole as I had the same dream over and over; it felt like I had lost a part of myself.

Overcoming the powerful waves, the ship of life continues to sail on.

Slowly as the years went by I started to gain the ability to make friends at school. It was hard but with fathers help I did make a few close friends that have told me that they are happy that I had finally found someone to love.

Under the darkened starless night sky, once more it sways with the ripples in the night.

The night before The Day of the Roses my first year at Alfea, I had snuck out of the dorm room. I needed some time to myself to think about what had been happening. I had met someone that started to melt the hurt that was in my heart. When I reached the dinning room of the school I ran into Flora. She could not sleep that night she was just too excited to go home and visit with her family.

As I look blindly in the dark you are the only one that I see.

Flora had asked me if everything was alright when she noticed the tears that were slowly flowing from my eyes. I tried to tell her that I was fine but she has a charm that makes people open up to her. All that I could say was that this was not the best of times for me because of how much I missed you. She then wrapped me into one of her comforting hugs and all that I could see when I looked at her was your face as you hugged me when I was younger.

Calming down from the fierce storm in me, the waves flow to serenity.

The day that I found Riven with Darcy was one that raged the hurt inside of me again. I could not believe that he was with that witch. The only thing that made it bearable was I had the other girls.

Softly now, flowing to the kindness that disappeared underwater.

It was not until the spell that was on him was broken that my anger finally started to calm to the point that I thought that I could open my heart again, I did not want to feel the hurt of losing anyone close to me like I did when you left our family.

Into the future I know we will without a doubt love each other again.

It has been so hard at times with Riven; I wonder what you would think of him? We would break up once a year but then by the end of the year we were back together. I am sure that you would love him and that he would have loved you.

Until the time when my heart decides to take sorrow back into my hands once more.

The view of you smiling was what my heart needed for today. I know that I will always be sad on this day but now like the girls told me the tears that I shed as time passes will be ones of joy no longer the ones of sadness and hurt that they had been.

In this moment that won't come again, you are the only one I see in front of me.

I could feel tears slowly trickling down the sides of my face as you looked at me with the kindness that you always had. I don't care if this was all a vision because it was exactly what I needed. Even with the door opening to reveal my father waiting to guide me to my husband to be I could only see the love that was in your eyes. At that point I knew that you were so proud that I had found someone to love like you did when you and father had found each other.

I walk down the isle, dad's hand on my arm, guiding me to my awaiting prince who smiles the moment he sees me. It will all be ok, I know, because you always told me so.

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