The Twilight Twenty-Five


Prompt: Island

Pen Name: maxandmo

Pairing/Main Character(s):ExB

Rating: M


Photo prompts can be viewed here: thetwilight25[dot]com/round-six/prompts

I don't own Twilight. Extra special thanks to Twilly for encouraging me to write, and Sarah for beta'ing! Luv ya's! (maxandmo on Twitter and Maxandmo Fanfiction on FB)

1. Island

"Boss, they'll be here soon! I'm so very excited to meet these couples."

"Yes, likewise. I've been told there's some interesting things going on with them."

"Boss, da plane! Da plane!" Jake took off running toward the small landing strip that acted as the island's airport on their secluded island.

Carlisle Cullen owned the small island and had made his living accommodating thousands of travelers throughout his many years. It was unknown how old Carlisle was, as he never seemed to age.

Jake was his loyal employee and was an exuberant little man. He stood nearly four feet tall with bulging muscles and many tattoos. It was rumored that he came to be on the island after being let go from a traveling circus. His acrobatics weren't to be rivaled; the little man could do a record seventeen back handsprings in a row.

Carlisle had spent many years as a doctor, and though he no longer practiced medicine, he still thrived on healing and helping people. It was his gift, and he felt it was his duty to use it.

He watched as the twin engine plane landed with ease. They were expecting ten passengers, as that was the maximum allotted on the small aircraft. It was also the size of a group that Carlisle preferred to entertain on his island.

Carlisle loved to show off his island. With its lush vegetation, and near perfect weather, it was paradise. Located off the coast of Brazil, the ocean water was a translucent turquoise; a snorkeler's dream. There were many hills for hiking and several gorgeous waterfalls making it a haven for romantic interludes.

Cullen even regarded himself as a wildlife preservationist, setting aside a few precious acres for the Brazilian wildlife to thrive. Only Cullen himself was allowed to take care of the animals; he trusted no one else.

Carlisle's staff had the reputation for excellence. Jake was entertaining and ever cheerful, and Carlisle expected nothing but impeccable service for his guests. Carlisle insisted on professionalism and could most often be seen in an impeccable white suit with one for Jake to match.

Mr. Banner was his loyal chauffeur/butler, while Mrs. Cope was the estate keeper/chef. The whereabouts of Mr. Cope and Mrs. Banner was a mystery. It was a subject that was strangely never talked about. Both Banner and Cope were happy, accommodating people, and if one didn't know better, they almost seemed to complete each other.

Coach Clapp was in charge of the activity schedule for the visitors. It was unknown where or what he may have coached in the past, but the man was a stellar activity director. He kept things fun and catered to many different interests. The man did, however, have a love for the sport of volleyball, always including it in the week's events somehow or another.

Carlisle felt excitement pulse throughout his body when the travelers began to disembark the plane. It was always interesting to gain insight on them before they even realized they were being observed. First impressions could sometimes last a lifetime, while other times people weren't exactly who they seemed to be.

Always welcoming, Carlisle had a group of island woman meet the travelers upon their landing. He just didn't feel right if his guests weren't lei-ed upon arrival.

Jake seated the visitors on his prized tram while he loaded their luggage. It was enlightening to see several of the men insist on helping him, while another sat down without a care in the world.

Carlisle waited patiently for Jake to finish, which was challenging because he was so excited to meet his visitors. After a few long minutes, the team reached him.

"My dear guests! I am Mr. Cullen, your host. Welcome... to my island. I hope you find the peace and tranquility you all desire and are rejuvenated and inspired after your visit. Let's make our way to your accommodations, shall we."

With that, he gracefully got into the tram and motioned for Jake to take them to the main house. He sat there gazing out at the grounds of his island as in awe and in love with it as he ever was. It was his true paradise; his home.

The travelers seemed to be in awe as well. Jake gave his standard, perfect description of the grounds, and Carlisle could see exactly how much his little friend loved his home also.

As Carlisle quietly observed his guests, he was shocked to feel the discontent rolling off some of them in waves. Only two of the five couples seemed to genuinely care about each other. He was curious to find out what was going on with the others, and desperately hoped they would open up to him.

He was pulled from his inner musings by a gasp that came from a slender, sad looking brunette in the back. She quickly covered her mouth and started to blush a deep shade of red, looking uncomfortable. Carlisle was none too pleased when he saw her companion glare at her, nudging her in the ribs.

The couple next to them didn't seem to notice because they were too busy staring at the same thing she was; the beautiful structure in front of them. Carlisle became more curious when he noticed a man across the aisle clenching his fists and taking deep breaths. Carlisle smirked and thought that by the looks of it, it could be a very interesting week.

Carlisle was proud of the main house. It was a vast and elegant home with tropical decor and themes that made it feel like home to the guests. The entire back was covered in windows, which allotted a breathtaking view of the ocean.

There were many different lounging areas, some private and some set up for group settings. Some of Carlisle's past guests made such connections that they remained friends forever, and some called it a truly life changing experience. People regarded his island so highly that there was a waiting list for visiting. There was an actual application process to visit, and Carlisle himself had to approve the guests. He never divulged who was chosen and why, but it was clear he had his reasons.

The guests followed Jake inside as if in a trance. Though some of them seemed troubled, Carlisle could tell they were relieved and more at ease then they had probably been in a long time. It was what he strived for, and quite honestly, why he existed.