(A/N) It's not very good, but I was bored so I wrote this. -Amateur Blogger

I can see them playing out in the field right now.

Little Maggie and Jackson don't know that the meadow they play on started out as a graveyard for the people that died in the district twelve bombing. That was thirteen years ago. Maggie is now eleven years old and Jackson is nine. He can't quite keep up with her as she runs around because he still has the chubby legs of a little kid. He'll grow out of them eventually.

I'm sitting on the porch watching them play. Right now, Peeta is inside making a batch of cookies. When I think of everything that Peeta and I have been through, I sometimes get choked up. We've been through two Hunger Games, a war, the Hijacking, and everything else in between, yet we still love each other.

Some days are hard. I still have nightmares of the times when the Capitol was still in power. I pray every day that the Capitol never takes control again. Now, Panem is a Democracy, much like the country of America was before the Dark Days.

I feel his arms wrap around my shoulders from behind. It's days like today that I fear. Peeta and I have decided that we are going to tell Maggie and Jackson what the Hunger Games were. Well, we're going to tell them as much as we can without scaring them. After all, they're just kids.

We start by asking them what they know about the Hunger Games. They don't know much; just that Peeta and I played a part in them.

They don't understand why the Capitol would want to kill innocent children.

We tell them that no one really understood it, but the Capitol put it this way: "To remind of us of what we must never go back to."

I tell them about how the Games changed everyone. It made Cato into a bloody murderer, it made Foxface smarter, and the Games made Peeta and me weaker. Peeta tells them about the second Games and how Mags and many others were willing to give up their lives just so that we could make it out alive.

Peeta tells them that even though he and I fought through two Hunger Games and a war, the Capitol could never take us away from each other. He tells them to an extent about his hi-jacking, leaving out the part where he tried to choke me.

I tell them that many people gave up their lives so that Panem could have the bright future that it has today. I tell them about Boggs, Finnick, and even about Prim.

Prim is the hardest to tell them about. How do you explain to your kids about their aunt that they've never met and never will meet? How do you explain to them that you volunteered to take her place in the Hunger Games? How can you explain to them that the back of her shirt used to hang out like a duck tail? How do you tell them that Gale killed her with his bomb?

They can understand when Peeta and I tell them about Finnick because they've already heard about him from Annie.

It's hard to tell them, but somehow we manage to tell them what we can.

Peeta and I grew up too fast and never got the chance to just be young and enjoy the innocence that they will get to have without the threat of the Hunger Games.

Someday, I'll tell them about my nightmares and why they won't ever go away. Peeta will tell them why he sometimes clutches the back of the chair at the table and doesn't let go until the hi-jacked memories go away. Someday, we'll tell them that even though life is hard and all the hope might be gone from the world, life can be good again. That life can go on, no matter how bad our losses are. All they need is to find their dandelion in the spring. The bright yellow that means rebirth instead of destruction.

There's still so much to tell them. We will one day, but for now we'll let them enjoy being young.