Chapter 1- Words Can Be Worse Than Knives

Hola! This is my first fanfic for HG, actually first fanfic EVER! *squeals and jumps* Anywho I know that Annie won the 70th Games but for this story she won the 66th. This first chapter is kinda slow, but as with most first chapters, it introduces you to important people. Italics means Angel (Main char.) is thinking. Italics and centered means she's singing. (The songs will suck just warning you) Also, for now I'm rating it T for the "General Hunger Games Idea" and there will be swearing. Later I'll change it to M because there will be lemons. *plugs ears to avoid loud high ptiched squealing* Anyone who is a diehard Fannie and/or Gatniss DO NOT READ THIS, YOU WILL UNDERSTAND LATER YOUNG KUMQUATS!


Enough talk, on with the story!


The water heater in the back of the room makes a loud weezing noise as hot water oozes down the sides. Conor, a boy who's got curly hair and freckles all over, runs over and puts some ice to the metal. There's steam, a puff, and a gasp before it goes back to its usual hum. Our teacher Mrs. Knell nods to Alexa Vain, signaling to continue her "What I Would Do If My Name Were Called At The Reaping" essay. I hum a sailor song quietly to tune out Alexa's stupid speech. I am nice to just about every person I meet, but Alexa has always hated me, and today her kind twin brother isn't here to keep her from getting too snarky. First it was my dress (Frayed, dirty, and patched) then my hair (it's usual fishtails) and then my pale, pale face. In District 4 food and housing are better than most other districts, but that doesn't change anything for people like me. Sixteen year old girls with no mother and seven siblings who have to take tessera to survive. In fact, I'm lucky to be in school today. It's a wonder that I'm not in that cramped shack that smells of rotting fish and copper making fishing hooks and nets. But I need to stay in a good mood today. Travis' birthday. No matter how mean Alexa is, no matter how tired or hungry I am, I need to seem happy despite tomorrow.

The Reaping.

In my family oldest to youngest there's Daddy in his late forties, Travis who turns 18 today, me and I'm sixteen, fourteen yr. old Emily my closest sister, 12yr. old Christina who takes after Daddy, 10 yr. old Bella with Mom's blonde hair, and 3 yr. Baliey who's stuck being a redheaded ginger with me. There's also the 6 month old twins, Rose and Jasmine, but they're both bald as an egg. And like everyone in the family- execpt me- they have Mom's rosy glow. Right now it's too early to tell who they take after. I finish humming the lullabye and unfortunately hear the end of Alexa's speech.

"... And furthermore, I would win the Hunger Games not only for myself," Insert fake sob here. "Not just for my family," And here. "But for the pride," At this point she stands on her chair making her hand into a fist and pumps it into ther air. "Of District 4!" Her friends stand up and clap madly. "Also," Alexa adds. "I would marry Finnick Odair and we would have three children, two girls one boy. They would never get reaped and if they did people would love them enough to volunteer." It literally takes all my strength not to vomit. Mrs. Knell dismisses us and I bolt outside.

"Hey, are you trying to imitate the Capitol trains or did Alexa's speech stink worse than I thought?" My best freind Abigal asks. We're like sisters and she can always cheer me up.

"I tuned out all of it but the ending and that stunk worse than Travis that time he got seasick on himself when he was twelve." I joke. I stick my nose high in the air and in a nasal tone I mimmick, "For the pride of District 4! I'm in love with Finnick Odair because of the one time before he won the Games and he let me borrow his pencil. I'm going to have his children!" Abigal looks like she'll wet herself.

"Okay, I get it! Look, I'll bring the fruit, raspberries right?" She askes. I nod. "You're making your mom's raspberry tart? You are going to make Travis so happy."

" 'Kay Abbi. See you tonight." I say waving as she heads to the twon square. A Peacekeeper salutes her. After all, she is the Mayor's daughter.

"Oh look, it's fishface freckles with her red hair on top." Alexa says. God her voice is nasally. "You look like hell today. With that dress and your hair. Ewwww. I'm soooooooooo glad that my dad makes boats and doesn't go out to catch smelly fish all day. I'm sooooooooo glad that I can wear my OWN Reaping dress tomorrow and not one borrowed from my friends."

"You know what Alexa, you should stop obsessing over tourturing me. It's not healthy." I snap. For a moment she's stunned. Then she comes back.

"You know what I'm MOST glad about?" She askes. "That I don't have a cripple for a sister and a dead whore for a mom."




"Shut-up you bitch. Don't you dare talk about my mom." I clench my hands into fists.

"How did she die agian? Having another child? How many siblings do you have. Nine?"


"Well, I don't want to make you cry. They'll do that to you in the arena when you name is called tomorrow. Stay away from Finn though, he's mine. I know you take after your mom, but don't become a slut like her too."

I lunge for her throat. But something grabs my waist. I don't even have to look to know that it's Travis. I'm kicking, screaming, crying.

"You bitchh! You'll never be anything! Finnick Odair would have to be drunk to date you! No, he'd have to be Haymitch Abernathy to date you! You don't know anything, you hear me?"

"Oh, my G-G-God." Alexa stammers. But I'm not done yet.

"You don't deserve Collin for a brother, you deserve to die in the Games slowly and painfully. Killed by another Career!" I'm on a roll now. "Leave me alone, why do you do this to me? I never hurt you?" I'm sobbing, but still screaming. "You have a full family, money clothes. I don't! Why rub it in?"

"Oh, I-I-I'm s-s-s-so s-s-s-sorry." She stammers.

"Why?" I sob.

"D-d-d-don't call the Peacekeepers. Please!" Alexa shouts. Why would I call the Peacekeepers? I wonder. Then sobbing, tear streaked, more pale than usual, eyes most likely red I turn around. Oh. My. God.

Finnick Odair.


Cliff hanger! So now you know that Angel is a fighter. But she doesn't go in unless she has to. So Angel has a big family, and a cripple sister. (that would be Emily-14) She's also close to her older brother Travis just because her dad is always working so they are somewhat the parents of their home. (or shack, I tried to make it very clear that Angel is poor) Chapter 2 soon...