Q & A
by Colleen Hillerup

Buffy sat the little girl at the kitchen table. "Can I have my sippy cup?"

"Meredith, you're too old for that sippy cup." She couldn't resist the tiny pout. "Oh, okay. But you drink all your milk."

"Yes mommy." She took a little drink. "Mommy, how did you meet daddy?"

[He tried to kill me.] "At school, honey."

"And he was really, really nice. Right?"

[He was a homicidal vampire with a nutcase girlfriend.] "Yes, baby. Drink your milk."

"What did you do on your first date?"

[Got drunk and watched him cheat at kitten poker.] "We went out to a club with your Uncle Clem."

"Oh." She took another drink, as Buffy stacked the dishes. "When did you know you loved daddy, mommy?"

[When I yanked down his zipper, jumped on him and looked into his eyes. Not that I'd admit it to either of us.] "Oh, honey, I just knew."

"And then you got married right away, right?"

[And then I treated him like garbage for the better part of a year. Until he finally snapped.] "Not right away. We didn't want to rush things."

"And then you decided to have me," the little girl grinned, knowing that every important story would inevitably lead to her.

[The souled vampire manual had a few blank pages.] "Sure, honey. Mommy and Daddy wanted to make someone else special to love."

"And you were both very, very happy."

[Oh, yes.] "Oh, yes."

The little girl climbed down from the chair, and pulled her mother down to her level. Putting her little arms around Buffy's neck, she said, "I love you, Mommy. Do you love me?"

[I love you both so much I think I'd die again if anything happened to either of you. I love you both so much that sometimes I think my heart will burst right out of my chest. I love you both so much I would kill to protect you.] "Yes, Sweetheart. I love you and daddy very, very much."