Hello! Here I am again with another luscious tale that is unfolding between two very delectable men. I found out about Gears of War a few months ago and immediately fell in love with both Marcus and Baird. I love everything about them.

I've tried to make their personalities as close to the novels and games as they could be (Yes, I did say novels. I've read all four. Now five since The Slab came out). If you disagree or see any discrepancies, I'd like to hear about it. :)

A few things before you begin to read:

1) I don't own Damon S. Baird, Marcus Michael Fenix, Gears of War, or anything related to them.

2) This story contains HEAVY sexual content. If you're too immature or abashed at the thought and images projected from the words, then you shouldn't read this.

3) There is HEAVY language that will be used throughout the story. If you don't like it, then this story is not for you.

~*~*~*~Chapter 1: Only A Meaningless Romp~*~*~*~

Baird gritted his teeth to keep from moaning. The tough asshole ramming his cock inside of him was only grunting like a frigging animal. Baird didn't want to let him know that he was feeling so good that he couldn't even think. And he didn't want to show that he liked how much Marcus seemed to be enjoying him.

He hated the emotions he felt. They were nothing but trouble. Sex wasn't supposed to be like this, at least not for him.

He rested his head on the bedsheets, both hands flat against the mattress. All he could hear was the squeaking of the bedsprings, his own quiet puffs of air, the loud thwap that Marcus' balls made when they slammed against his ass, and Marcus' rough pants.

Fear began to grow within him as he felt Marcus' cock begin to grow inside of his ass. The blonde germaphobe didn't want anything to be discharged inside the entrance of his backdoor since there was no expert medicinal care that could keep him from falling ill. Even so, he was surprised to find out that he was a bit curious about what it would feel like...

This is dangerous...

He felt Marcus go from fast and short strokes to slow and long.

Oh shit! He's getting ready to cum...

Baird relaxed his mouth, realizing that he was hurting his jaw by clenching his teeth. He wanted to tell Marcus to pull out and bust his load on his ass like he usually did. Why was he changing the way they had set things? He'd never been in Baird this long before. And he had never felt Marcus lessen the pace of his cock inside of him.

His vocal chords wouldn't cooperate with his internal wishes though. His lips wouldn't part even if he could produce sound. He realized, as anxiety seized his heart as if to freeze it, that he wanted Marcus to empty himself inside of his ass. His cheeks began to redden with embarrassment.

He could hear Marcus' voice quicken, making his eyes widen and increasing the tension that he felt. His body became rigid. The unexpected effect was the explosion of pain that he felt as his muscles clamped down around Marcus' cock. The heartless bastard hadn't let up pistoning his ass hard and deep even though it was obvious that Baird's face was twisted with painful pleasure.

Baird wondered how it would feel when he took his Sergeant's cum inside of him. More than likely wet, warm, and uncomfortable. Not to mention the other risks involved: disease and the unfamiliar unwanted territory of intimacy.

The most important risk, though, would be Baird's loss of respect for himself. If Marcus happened to release inside of him, Baird knew that he wouldn't be able to hold himself together around the man. They would both have the knowledge that Baird had been Marcus' dumping toilet and that Baird had allowed it to happen. Nobody would ever use him that way!

Oh shit. No. I don't want it. I don't want him to. This dipshit can't have leverage over me! He thought, a low growl escaping his lips before he could stifle it. The fact that Marcus would always have the upperhand in future arguments if this happened was something that his pride couldn't nor wouldn't take.

But he could take his cock inside of him as much as he wanted. It was too damn amazing to pass up.

He berated himself for not being able to move his tongue and just lying in wait, as patiently as a fish, for what was sure to come. The only part of him that could move was his right arm. It reached under him so that his fingers could close around his cock and beat him off as he waited for the heavier man above to breed him.

Like a bitch.

Something had to happen and soon, before-


Baird yelped unwillingly as Marcus quickly pulled out of him. He shot an angry look behind him, stilling his body since pain was spreading across his backside. The man wasn't known for his tenderness, but he wasn't the one having his ass torn up by a massive cock. So he'd better be careful with his...

Baird displayed his thoughts through his eyes, making sure that Marcus got the hint. The man seemed to tower above him, holding his hip with a large hand and swiftly stroking himself with the other. His expressionless face seemed to display that Marcus had complete control over him.

And oh how Baird hated that.

He narrowed his eyes, trying to decide if the cold look in Marcus' cerulean blue eyes was transmitting a message or if it was blank. Or if he didn't care that Baird was a man that easily bruised.

It didn't help his analyzation any that Marcus was wearing the bandana that symbolized the bastard among the Gears. He had to turn his eyes away so that he wouldn't have to acknowledge the fact that he was screwing the man that had gotten the promotion that he should have: Sergeant of Delta Squad. He repressed those thoughts whenever he bent over for him. If he didn't, neither of them would be satisfied for the time being.

The static of the comm radio broke him from his thoughts as he felt Marcus silently cum on his right ass cheek, clutching Baird's hip to steady himself. His cock smacked against his ass as a feminine voice broke through.

"CIC to Sergeant Fenix."

Baird was impressed at how light the older man was on his feet. He had gotten off the bed, pulled his boxers and pants up, and grabbed his radio from the bedside table in less than a few seconds.

The moron that risked his life for people that probably wouldn't do the same if the roles were reversed. Baird knew he wouldn't.

"Control. This is Fenix."

Baird could see the less tense look on Marcus' face that usually came over him whenever he spoke to Anya Stroud. He settled himself on his stomach, grimacing at the fact that his cock was throbbing against his stomach and his hole was a bit sore due to Marcus' hurried exit.

He watched Marcus speak to Anya in low tones as he put on his boots. How funny it was that the supposed morally uncorrupt Marcus Fenix had feelings for this woman and yet found it easier to talk a man out of his pants and lie with him. And only the two of them knew this.

A less confident person would think of themselves as the whore in this situation. But Baird knew that 99% of the world was stupid before the Hammer Strikes and 99.9% were stupid now. In this new world, it was fend and care for oneself. It was the only way one would stay alive and fit. Survival of the strongest...and all that shit.

He rolled on his back carefully, trying to ignore the overshadowing pain of his nether regions.

All Baird needed to relieve some stress and keep him going was appreciating mechanics, staying away from ignoramuses (which was most everyone), and no-strings-attached hard-core sex. He had to get the latter any way he could.

It was only natural for him to do anything to keep himself alive and feeling well, since he was the single most important person to look after. No matter how or what anyone thought, Baird was getting a really nice cut from the sex deal.

He realized that the room had become silent and found Marcus staring down at him. The right side of his lips were turned up in some kind of smirking expression as his frigid eyes were still unreadable.

What was that jackass amused about?

"You're not going to finish." His deep voice made it clear that what he said was meant to be taken as a statement, not a question. But Baird still treated it as one.

"Finish what?" His well-known leer grew on his face, politely telling Marcus to shove whatever thoughts he had up a dark place.

Marcus shifted his weight onto his other foot as he adjusted his ammo belt and put on his chest armor. Without looking at Baird, he said, "You're still hard."

The words registered within Baird's brain and he flushed. He realized then that he was splayed openly on the bed, in full view of his unaffectionate sergeant to gaze. He winced at how his cock pulsed, aching for release. How had he ignored the pain up until now?

He caught Marcus' gaze at his quivering cock and interlaced his fingers behind his head. No way in hell was he going to finish himself with Marcus just standing there, putting on his gloves. Time to get him to leave.

"Don't you have to go to CIC to-oh, I don't know? Kiss the Lieutenant's ass?"

He could see from the corners of his eyes that he had succeeded in souring Marcus' mood, for his smirk fell away. All he did was emit a low grunt, telling Baird that he better shut the hell up, before he exited the room.

So Marcus wasn't too keen on departing words? Baird snorted. Neither was he. Unconsciously, he let a hand drift down towards his thick pink uncircumcised cock and began to slowly, but firmly stroke it.

Something was bothering him though. He just couldn't figure out what.

He rested his free arm above his head as he slowly began to gyrate his hips with his strokes.

It wasn't the fact that Marcus and he were rolling in the sheets, detested adversaries in the public eye but fuck buddies in secret. Baird honestly didn't care what people thought of him. And he cared less of what people thought of the glorified war-hero.

He widened his legs so that he could watch what he was doing to himself, curling his fingers into the pillowcase. He began to jerk himself a bit faster.

It also wasn't because Marcus was secretly betraying Anya. He found that to be somewhat comical. The woman wouldn't put out as much as Marcus, a man, needed her too. He had to seek outside sources to tame his intense hunger for human flesh although he really cared about her. Baird understood the meaningless sex really well.

That's all that the women he'd bedded meant to him.

He was quietly moaning, pumping himself furiously now. He bit his lower lip as he began approaching that state of heavenly bliss that was called orgasm. Arching his back, his fingers holding his swollen cock tight as well as the pillowcase, he shot streams of hot sticky fluid onto his belly. He couldn't stop convulsing as more of his cum spilled out of him.

When he was spent, he laid his head against the pillow in a state of exhaustion. He couldn't even pay attention to the dulling pain that surrounded his ass. He let his fingers trace up his body, picking up some sperm along the way. His eyelids were heavy and he knew that he was about to drift off at any second.

As he brought his wet fingers to his face, it dawned upon him why he was bothered. And it made him shoot straight up in bed, his chest filled with anxiety and disbelief.

He was disappointed at the fact that Marcus didn't finish himself within his inner walls.

"Fuck." Baird muttered.

Emotions were nothing but trouble. And he could tell that this was the start of something intense brewing.

Note:...I love steamy sex scenes. And I love writing them. There is nothing better to read, in my mind, then the most intimate moments of people captured through words. And I hope I was able to give you that. If you like, please continue reading!

*A "dumping toilet" is just how it sounds. People use toilets to toss their wastes into. So Baird feels that Marcus would just be using him to relieve himself whenever he needed to.

*I know that it is "survival of the fittest"; I just changed it because I wanted to.

*Baird is uncircumcised. How do I know? He told me. ^~^

* I was alerted that some people may not understand what I mean by "patiently as a fish". When a fish is taken out of water, it flops around trying to breathe. But then it resigns to its' fate: that it is going to die and can not expend any more energy to survive. So it just lies there "patiently" waiting for itself to expire. Similar to the fish, Baird is just waiting for Marcus to cum inside of him which would bring about the end of his self-respect.