This is a story that's a clipit from my friend Le'Strange Awesome's fan fiction 'What nobody knew'. I suggest you read her story because it puts this into context. Here's the link u/3462865/Le-Strange-awesome

He thrust deeply into her as he broke her band of virtue, grazing across her smooth pearl white skin. Watching as her eyes widened in delight and she writhed under him. He ran a trail of kisses from her neck to her soft had stolen his heart. With her curly raven hair falling over her bare shoulders, her deep green eyes, she had taken it right from his chest. Every time he saw her, he would glow. It was rare for him to feel like that. In fact he had never felt like that until she showed up.

With just a single touch he made her shiver with delight. His kisses were electric. Tom was gentle with her, because he loved her. If it had been any other person he would have been greedy and taken them for all he could get, not given a thing. Ivanette could attest to that. But she didn't care, she was just thankful to be sharing a bed with him. She would moan his name into his ear and he would ransack the cushions to keep himself from coming right there.

He was faithful to Violet now, the one giggling as he nipped at her ear.

"Tom!" She whacked him with a cushion that he batted away swiftly, her attempts to subdue him were not very forceful. She was tired now. She stretched her arms around him and pulled him closer to her for a passionate embrace. She rolled him over so she was lying down on his chest.

"Vi?" He asked, as he stroked her hair.

"Mm?" Her face was nested in his neck. The warmth of her body made him drunk with euphoria.

"I love you." His simple words didn't alarm her or make her jumpy in anyway.

"I love you more." She stated, as if it was a fact.

He chuckled at her stubborness and turned his head to hers. "Not possible." And he pressed his lips against her forehead, closing his eyes as he did. He didn't want this moment to ever end.

She was there. In a forest, dressed in the most mesmerizing wedding dress. But her face was sad as she looked at him. All he wanted to do was hold her in his arms. But what happened next was his worst nightmare. His hands brought out a gun and before he could scream at himself, he pulled the trigger. The bullet ripped through her and the scene shifted.

She was lying in his arms, but not as he wanted, she was covered in blood.

"I love you Tom." She whispered. The glow he loved that flitted in her eyes, the aura that radiated passion and romance of hers, left. All that was left was her beautiful, hollow shell. She died in his arms.

He awoke drenched in sweat. Violet was next to him, sleeping soundly, safe. But her sleeping form remided him too much of her dead self. Maybe that's all she was doing in the dream, Sleeping. He knew she wasn't, he knew he had killed her. Silently he vow to save her anyway he could.

"Tom..." She said groggily as she half opened an eye. "What's wrong..."

He caught his breath and looked at her.

"Be my queen Violet." He said.

"Okay..." She rubbed her eyes and pulled him closer to her. She wrapped her arms around him and covered him protectively.

He went to sleep in her arms, feeling safe.

If only he had known then, that he would kill her.