AU future fic where magic is real and heavily regulated. It's about ten years after Kurt and David graduated from their respective schools. And Mid summer of 2022 (Monday July 04 2022) a few months after the end of Blood.

Rated M only, no seriously this is not a nice fic. Read at your peril (sounds more dramatic than it is).

Warnings: Most of them. Including torture, rape, general abuse, I have no idea what your personal triggers are but please feel free to skip ahead or stop at any point. I'll post the triggers where needed at the bottom of the page on the A/N there.

Don't like don't read, though constructive criticism is always welcome (plus any reviews).

I own nothing, literally. Dave's POV is normal text, Kurt's is in italics (because he's fancy like that).

Blood, Lust and Magic

Lust 001

Sitting back Dave watches Kurt playing with the dolls and the dollhouse. It was amazing what a few months of physio, steady food and some time could accomplish, the Familiar had put so much weight back on in muscle and bone, he was moving much more easily, had much more energy and with Finn having started healing his hands in the last few weeks he had more use of those too.

After all the giant leaps and bounds the man had made to come this far mentally Kurt was now stubbornly sticking his heels in and not advancing anymore. It was frustrating, most of the time Dave can feel Kurt's further along than he's acting but he can't prove it.

"Relax," Simon the therapist is sitting next to him on the padded therapy room, "I know you're frustrated but think of it this way, Kurt feels safe enough with you that he can coast along at this level, when he's ready he'll heal some more. And..." the man grins, "He's probably waiting for you both to move into your new home together."

Groaning Dave grunts, "Don't, just don't," and he glares at Alice who's laughing at him, "It's not funny, he's still asking me for the S thing and he's arguing that he's strong enough to have the inside stuff too," and fuck was he mentally vocal about that, the little bastard had even complained to Santana and the two therapists about it, though it had been funny to see their faces when Kurt had merged with them the first time so he could 'talk' to them.

"Fury," Alice starts and he still hates that name, it might mean he's a Special Wizard in the Lima magical centre and has more perks but the name sucked, he'd been a teen when he'd thought it up. "Remember you did promise him that now he's stronger you'd have that type of relationship with him once you moved into your own place, that it was private, just you two and that it had to be done with love and gentleness."

Master is talking about sex with the fun Empaths.

Master was still refusing to have full sex. Master was too sweet and protective sometimes. He wants Master inside of him.

Lifting up a doll he shows the doll to not rabbit and puts the doll in the house for dolls. He is going with Master to a new home soon, a home with more than one room. Master has told him that now he is stronger they will live together in their own home.

And then they can have sex.

He likes their room but he is excited because they will have a kitchen, bedroom, bathroom and, he frowns, he thinks the name is TV room but the Before memories call it a living room.

There is no under place or basement, Master was firm about that, there will be no things kept in the under place.

He picks up not rabbit and points to the bedroom because they will sleep in the bedroom with Master, he mock merges with not rabbit so he can 'talk' to not rabbit like he does Master, Empath ally and fun Empaths.

Kurt's doing it again. It was weird to feel the man go through the motions of merging with a toy. Thumper was a god send to the man, it might squeak a bit but Kurt took it everywhere to the point that the Special Leader Oak had put a tracker in the toy so they couldn't lose it.

With only five minutes left of the therapy session Dave stands up, "Hey Kurt, nearly time to go," he gets a mental acknowledgement and then the Familiar was padding over in bare feet and asking for some physical playtime. As usual they end up with Kurt on his back scrunching his t-shirt up so Dave can hunker down and blow bubbles on his much firmer stomach, Kurt was still enamoured of the game and it never failed to make him giggle.

The timer alarm goes off and they get to go back to their room where lunch and the table were waiting for them. Now all Dave has to do is distract Kurt from eating anymore of the giant singing grasshoppers currently plaguing Lima and the rest of the world.

Sitting down to put their shoes on, or in Kurt's case his socks and shoes, Dave keeps encouraging him and fusses him when he gets it right. They've recently gotten new clothes for Kurt with old style velco catches now he can use his fingers better. The Familiar very quickly learnt how to dress himself and was faster than lightening at stripping himself naked too.

He knows Kurt's getting stronger mentally as the little argumentative bitch whines about clothes and still prefers being naked. He's managed to convince Kurt to accept certain rules and out side of their room, or if they have guests Kurt has to have clothes on. Even if it's only him and Dave he has to have underwear on. Only at night when they go to bed can Kurt be completely naked.

Saying goodbye to the therapists they walk out to find the two new guards. They still have Rip and Torn but Oak had decided that they needed more in case of any emergencies and so they have ended up with Valour who's built like a frigging tank and makes Dave feel tiny next to the dark skinned man, and Sparkle a too thin slip of mischievous femaleness who scares the shit out of him.

He's never been around someone who makes his magic play up. Never. But Sparkle, there's something about her that calls to his Fire, something that makes him want to unleash it. It's not his strongest element, his Earth is much more powerful, yet he's always been drawn to Fire and the colour red, his control of Fire is phenomenal and his teachers had remarked on it, enough that he knows he has a strong affinity towards it.

Smiling at them he pretends he's fine and then they leave the cool quiet confines of the therapy area and set out into the bright loud sunshine. All around them the grounds are a riot of greenery and flowers, the summer sun is beating down on them hot and welcoming. And dotted about are grasshoppers as big as his fist all of them competing to make as much noise as they possibly can, the sound is just shy of deafening and Dave's glad they only have another week of this and then they'll all be gone for another fifty years, fucking cicada grasshoppers and their stupid life cycle.

Grabbing Kurt before he can run off to catch and eat one, he and Valour swing Kurt up onto the big guy's shoulders, and Dave uses his Air to gently call butterflies over to distract the Familiar.

The grasshoppers turned up two weeks ago and Kurt had hunted them from the word go, and that was when they'd learnt how Kurt had supplemented his diet as a Broken Familiar owned by a Dark Wizard shut away as a thing to be used for when ever the Wizard had wanted power, basically he'd eaten bugs. The therapists thought it was a huge breakthrough but now Dave's the one telling him not to do it because he has enough food and doesn't have to eat bugs.

Kurt, however, seems to think they taste delicious and is refusing to obey Dave on this, one more reason for Dave to think Kurt's faking his lack of progress.

He is enjoying being on the big man's shoulders and Master has brought butterflies over for him and not rabbit to look at but he knows that Master is also doing it so he will not eat any of the loud bugs.

The loud bugs are really tasty and he likes eating them.

Master is being too nice and gentle again and he sits up on big man's shoulders while Master and flame girl walk near them.

Master does not like flame girl, flame girl is dangerous, she is a magic user but not one he has met before, but now he knows that the flame inside her is not Fire like Wizards use, it is different and that Master has a tiny bit of what she has a lot of.

He thinks she must be like dangerous woman, like them but different, and he thinks butterfly man is different too, he is not sure and it is like butterfly man can push things somehow.

A big butterfly lands on his nose and he crosses his eyes to stare at it, he might not be able to eat a loud bug but this is fun anyway.

A/N: Sorry for any and all mistakes, I've tried to catch those I could, but I'm only human.

We'll say a new chapter every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, I should be able to stick to that.