Disclaimer (again, yeah): I don't own Korra or Tahno. Or Tenzin's kid. And anything else here. Yeah. Weeeird.

I had plans to make this a bit more darker, but it end up turning quite fluffy somehow. That's why I'm changing the story genre. LOL

Have a good reading!~

It was early in the morning that Korra started a new day of air bending treinament. No, she didn't like it. Especially the part about waking up with the birds. She knew that she'd probably spent the rest of the day yawning and being lazy at everything because of this. And that's what she was doing - yawning and being lazy - after a few hours of training.

The sun was a bit more higher in the sky, and she guessed the lunch time was only a couple of hours away from her. Pouting and muttering about how much she hated mornings and air bending movements, she made her way through the training camp of Air Temple Island to repeat a sequence of movements that Tenzin just ordered her to train. Well, that was very nice. While he could have a nice normal morning in Republic City after tossing some bending exercise at her - and, more important of everything, being able to lunch whenever he wanted -, she had to spent the damn morning training something that was amazingly difficult and boring, and hoping that lunch time would come sooner.

After spending what felt like two years - but in fact, it was only two more hours - being divided between giving all of her attention to the urge of freedom she felt or training properly to fulfill her daily duty as the Avatar in training, Korra decided to try something even harder for her - to meditate. She didn't like it a lot, but she knew it was the best way of focusing on a task. Specially if the said task involved air bending. Korra sat on the floor, taking a deep breath as she closed her eyes and hoped for the best.

Korra couldn't tell if it was because she was hungry or something like that, but she managed to concentrate much more easily and quickly than she ever did before. Taking the utmost care to not let the feeling of accomplishment destroy the calm atmosphere she spent so much time building up, she let a small smirk appear across her face as she breathed heavily one more time.

This time, she'd definitely do it. She would leave that camp bending air, leafs, flowers, and everything else that existed in her way.

Apparently, Ikki didn't share that feeling.

"You won't believe it, Korra!" the piercing voice of the youngest daughter of Tenzin made Korra almost jump out of her skin. "Guess what just happened!"

Korra couldn't help but pout at that situation. She was so close.

"Uh, I don't know", she answered briefly, letting her left eyebrow raise up a little. "Actually, I was training-"

"Forget it!" Ikki sure was excited. "There's this super creepy weird guy looking out for you! I don't know who he is, but he smells nice! He smells like candies! Do you know Mr. Creepy?"

The unnecessary amount of unrelated information collided against Korra's sleepy mind. She blinked twice, trying to understand the situation.

"Wait. Did you said someone is here, looking for me? Mr. Creepy, you said... is it Tarrlok?"

"No, not the three-ponytails guy! It's much more younger than him, and much more creepy!" Ikki took a small breath, before adding: "And Naga is about to eat him!"

"Yay! Eat him!" Meelo appeared behind his sister, bending the air around him and messing with Ikki's hair.

"What?" Korra's brows disappeared under her hair. "Naga doesn't eat people! I've left her in the south entrance, I don't see how-"

"Hey!" The annoyed voice of Jinora came from behind. Korra wondered why the hell Tenzin's kids were gathering around her out of nowhere. Airbender qualities, she thought. "You didn't tell me a thing about this other boy, Korra! I know you have your issues with your firebender, but now there's this really charming guy with this really charming voice looking for you-"

"He's not charming! He's creepy!" It was Ikki's turn to cut her sister words. "And I already told her about Mr. Creepy!"

"Eat him!" Meelo screamed again.

Korra felt herself going into the verge of sanity. She wasn't sure that her woke-up-early-self was the best to deal with all of Tenzin's kids at once. And for some creepy charming guy being eaten by Naga, also.

"Wait a minute. Didn't he said his name?"

Jinora raised her hand to answer.

"No, he didn't. Not to me. He only asked me to bring you to him in a very nice voice. Who is he, Korra? Don't tell me, is he your boyfriend? What about the firebender guy?"

"What? What makes you think that a guy looking for me is my-" she couldn't help but gasp at the weirdness of the word in her mouth "-my boyfriend or something?"

"Your boyfriend? Spirits, Korra, you need to go! Naga's sure going to eat him! I've just saw her going all RAWWR at him!" Ikki's excitation with the situation made her float around in the air.

Korra rolled her eyes. She could spend the entire day arguing with them.

"Well, whatever. I'm gonna find out by myself. Just calm down you all, okay?"

"Good luck with Mr. Creepy!" Ikki screamed as Korra jumped over the small fence that surrounded the camp. Even when she was already much more far, she was still able to hear Jinora's voice:

"You better tell me everything about your date, or dad's gonna hear about you abandoning your training for some pretty boy!"

Korra rolled her eyes again. Yeah. She sure was going on some wild adventure with the prettiest boy in the world. Sure thing.

In her way to the south side of the Air Temple Island, Korra couldn't help but think at Ikki's words about Naga eating the visitor. It wasn't like Naga to attack people out of nothing, and Korra couldn't think in a reason for her to do that out of the blue. Maybe that was just Ikki's craziness. Or maybe she was right about the creepy part, and Naga probably felt it too. The only time she could remember Naga being a little close of what would be an angry polar bear-dog was when she scared Tahno in the noodlery, but only because Korra asked her to...

That's right.

So it was a pretty boy, after all.

"Tahno!" She exclaimed in realization, at the same time she saw a playful Naga chasing around a small mess of black hair that could be Tahno.

Getting closer to the situation, Korra was able to understand better what was going on. Apparently, Naga was greatly interested in Tahno's hair, and kept trying to grab it with her mouth. Instead of trying to put the polar bear-dog out of his way, Tahno was simply running around and doing his best to not scream for help. He could have lost his bending, but his pride was as strong as ever.

"Over here, girl!" Korra tried calling her best friend. "C'mon, I feed you properly every day, there's no need to eat Tahno's hair!"

After some insistance, Naga gave up and ran to Korra. A not very amused Tahno stood up to face her, his hair as messy as ever.

"You should have warned me that would be this dangerous to see you."

As much as Korra wanted to laugh, specially considering the weird combination of his annoyed face with what was supposed to be his hair, she didn't. She could feel from his voice and manners that he was doing his best to not scream at her, and it wouldn't be fair if she couldn't supress herself a little too.

"You should have warned me you were coming, pretty boy! We haven't talked in ages." She grinned, deciding that it wouldn't hurt to mock him a little. "Are you up to some armored combat private lessons or something?"

"How graceful of you, Uhvatar." Tahno returned her grin, and she noticed how much it changed since the last time he grinned for her, when he still had his bending. There was something sad surrounding it. "But not yet. Actually, I've came to talk about that invitation of yours."

Taking a little more time to look at him, Korra noticed he looked a little better than the last time she saw him. In the first time they encountered after Tahno had his bending taken away, he was in a soaking-wet pro-bending uniform, with a sad face and a couple of tears in his cheeks. After that, she managed to saw him wandering in the marketing, with a messy hair and some heavy bags under his eyes. Now, he seemed to have regained a little of his old self - the bags were smaller, and he was wearing his old nice clothes that made him look like some arrogant spoiled boy in Korra's eyes; and she supposed he probably tried to do something about his hair too, but Naga was very efficient destroying it.

"Well, that's great!" She smiled at him, resting a hand on Naga's neck. "Did you decided to help me taking Amon down?"

"Does the almighty Uhvatar needs any help?" He grinned a little, though his eyes weren't smiling at all. "If that's the case, I might just go and do my best. It's not very nice of me to leave tough issues to a lady alone."

"What's with the chivalry, pretty boy? I'm not alone at all! Don't forget Mako and Bolin."

Tahno rolled eyes.

"Oh, right. I've forgot the annoying pro-bending bros." The way he said 'pro-bending' sounded almost painful. "So, do you expect me to go on a nice life-risking adventure with you and your two boys?"

"Yeah, kind of. Oh, and they're not my two boys. It's more like we're friends."

Tahno didn't say a word. For some reason, he was deeply interested in staring at Korra's shoes.

"You know, that could be really good for you", she added, hesitantly, "Friends and stuff. We're together in this, Tahno."

"What? Do you expect me to be friends with your boys?"

"Yes. And no, because they're not my boys, as I just said. But yes." She grinned. "And with me too, if possible."

Tahno smiled. It was a sad smile, and it matched his eyes very well.

"Sorry, Uhvatar. I'm not looking foward to the nice rainbow-ish friendship path. The only thing I want is to have my revenge against Amon."

Korra pouted; there he goes, being the usual unfriendly guy he was. She was about to change it. The sadness on that face - that face that used to grin so ironically at her - was annoying Korra.

"Well, I don't think so." She pointed a finger in his direction. "You wouldn't go out in the streets smelling like candies and taking proper care of your hair, no matter how much you're depressed, just to take Amon down."

Smelling like candies. Spirits. Where the hell did Ikki get that phrase?

Tahno raised a brow, being confused and amused at the same time.

"Do you think I smell like candies?"

"Well, yeah!" She couldn't back down now; Korra was determined to make Tahno see it. "Actually, that's pretty much how I found you! Yeah! And probably also why Naga was wanting to eat your hair!"

The sadness on his face was having to fight for space against the confusion going through him.

"Uh, thanks, I guess."

But the sadness was still there.

"Also, I think your hair looks much better like this!" She gestured to the messy hair above his forehead. "You know, you shouldn't even worry about trying to make it look like it was before. It suits you better this way. I can see more of your face like that!" Spirits, what was she talking about? Was that the right way to cheer someone up? "And I think you'd look really nice with a sword. A knife, maybe. I've used swords once, I think I can teach you a bit! We could get you one, and then you'd be perfect! What did that stupid chi-blockers got against swords and stuff, huh? I'll tell you: nothing! Those guys are a pain in the ass for me, since I've got no weapons and stuff, but I'm sure you'd kick their asses and they wouldn't be able to do a thing about it! What do you say, huh? Sounds tempting?"

Korra took a break to breath properly. Tahno was staring at her in the same way he stared at Naga when they first met - his eyes reflected fear, confusion, surprise and a weird urge to run away.

But there was no sadness. Not anymore. "At least for now", Korra thought.

She couldn't help but smile.

"See? A few words and you look great!" She coughed. "Not that you didn't looked great before, of course. I'm not implying it." Korra kept herself quiet for a bit, until the akwardness going through the air made her realize that she just said some weird stuff. "But I'm also not implying that I think you look great. Of couse, you do, but I'm not saying this in a weird way. Yeah. Uh."

For some reason, her last words just made the akwardness around them become even more intense. Tahno kept staring at her in a confused way, and she only hoped that he could stay like that for a while - quiet. And not sad. Confused, but not sad.

She only hoped.

Korra felt the angst going through her veins when Tahno's confused face slowly turned into a wide smirk, and he looked like he was about to make the funniest joke ever.

"Well done, Korra", she thought. "You tried to cheer up the guy in the weirdest way ever. He'll never let me leave in peace after today."

She was ready to deal with anything that could came out of his mouth - she was ready to even punch him, if it was necessary - but she didn't got a chance.

"Look! I've found Korra and her boyfriend!" Ikki's voice echoed all over the place. Korra froze. Oh well.

"Don't say it out loud! She'll notice us!" said Jinora in a whisper that could be heard very well, thanks to the akwardness that made the place so silent.

"I've already did! Stop it, would you?" Korra's voice was mixed in anger and akwardness. Always the akwardness.

The two small airbenders came out from a bush, flying all over the air and laughing. Korra could feel her veins pulsing furiously.

"Get down here, you two! It's not nice to eavesdrop on people's conversation, you know?"

"We just wanted to see your new boyfriend!" Jinora shouted from the air.

"Spirits, he is not-"

"And mama asked us to call you for lunch!" Tenzin's eldest daughter smirked. "You can bring your boyfriend, if you want!"

The sisters kept laughing as they floated away from Korra's angry form.

"These girls! Seriosly, what's up with kids these days? They're always like that!"

As the sisters were gone, the akwardness got more intense. Tahno's smirk was still there. Korra almost missed the sad, frail Tahno with teary eyes. Almost.

"So", he said in a calm voice, "I thought you said you wanted to be my friend. How did it turned out like that?"

"Like what?" She raised an eyebrow, silently daring him to defy her.

"Like me being your boyfriend. Things sure happen quickly here."

Korra tried to give him the biggest pout she could make.

"Shut up, pretty boy."

N.A.: So yeah, this turned out to be a lot more happy and fluffy than I expected. I guess that the reviews I've got made me so happy that I couldn't bring myself to do something sad. The first chapter was written before that Korra Preview of ep. 07, with poor baby Tahno with bags under his eyes and all. That preview really got me emotional, guys. I've got so excited to see my Korra OTP going all emotional that I've got all like AJSDKDFJDSMFOSK FEELINGS and had a headache for 3 days because of this. LOL Here, I tried to make a somewhat worried Korra trying to cheer Tahno up, even though she's really confused about how doing it. And then he just goes all cocky on her, because it's his specialty. I'm sorry if they're OOC or something, I've done my best to keep them on character. Thanks for the amazing feedback and I hope you all have enjoyed it! I might do as well an epilogue or something, just a special history I had in mind. But I don't know yet. Again, thanks for reading!