I could feel my mouth moving, but the words I was screaming were lost on me. I saw Gale pick up a screaming Prim and carry her away.

"Primrose Everdeen." I looked up in , Effie, the woman who looked as though a rainbow had just puked on her, had not just said my sister's name. I turned to see my little Prim slowly walk to the stage. Everything seemed to move in a blur from that point on.

"Come on up." The preppy woman was saying to me, waving her hand in encouragement. What I had done was slowly sinking in. I slowly walked towards the stage. It took every fiber in my being not to turn and run from this madness. Everything was going by in a flash, as if I have no control over what's going on. I watched as the crowd raised their hands to me, for me. I felt something side of me move and I stood a little taller.

"Now for the boys," Effie said as she dipped her hand into the giant class container. "PeetaMellark. Come on up, Peeta, and join Katniss."

I winced as I heard my name in that sickly sweet voice. I could have never imagined that I would be the one up here waiting for slaughter. Better me than Prim. I just hope it's not too hard on her when I leave. There's no point in relying on Mother, she will just "go away" in the head again.

Gale. He is how she will survive. He will take care of her, I know he will. I started to look for him in the crowd, but he's not with the boys his age. Hemust have left with- There he is! Wait! Why is he walking up to the stage? Out of the corner of my eye, I saw that Peeta guy walk back to where he was standing. My blood ran cold and my heart stopped. No. This is wrong. He couldn't have.

"Ladies and gentlemen, for the first time in the history of District 12, we have TWO volunteers! How exciting!" Effie said in her polite voice, clapping like a crazy person. Gale stepped up beside me, taking his hand in mine. He caught my eye for a moment before thrusting our hands into the air. "Give it up for Katniss Everdeen and Gale Hawthorne!"

"Don't worry, Catnip. You're going to make it out."

SO! I got a Beat to go back and edit this! Can we give a warm round of applause to Pantherae! She is so cool!