Title: A Side of Strawberries

Rating: T

Disclaimer: There's not enough money in the world for me to even own The Mentalist. I doubt I have enough money to buy one of the characters.

Summary: "Now Teresa is that anyway to talk to the love of your life?"

Lisbon woke-up to the sound of her alarm clock buzzing in her ear by her bedside, she rolled over and looked at the clock. Six a.m., she thought and she groaned. She rolled back over and closed her eyes, only for the alarm to go off again, but louder. She reached back over and slammed her palm atop the clock to get it to be quiet. She managed to get herself to sit up in the bed and shook herself awake.

Another day, she thought, another day for Jane to piss me off. Oh, how exciting. She then remembered that it was Saturday. Her day off; she then got angry. Who the hell had put on her alarm the night before her day off? She heard a noise outside of her bedroom door. However, before she even got a chance to grab her gun, her bedroom door opened and there he was, standing with a tray, fully clothed.

He just gave her a soothing smile and said, "Hello my darling. Would you like some breakfast?"

"How in the hell did you even get into my house?" Lisbon seethed through her teeth.

"Now Teresa is that anyway to talk to the love of your life?" He continued to sooth. She felt the blood rush to her cheeks as she looked at him in anger. He just placed the tray beside her and kissed her on the forehead. He was only trying to butter her up since he had, knowingly, just broken into her place.

"Stop trying to be cute." She warned. "It won't work on me. How did you even get in here?"

"My dear, I'm a professional killer," he started with a cool smile still plastered to his face, "I think I should know how to break into a person's home by now, don't you think?" He then put the tray on her lap and proceeded to sit down next to her on the bed. He had made her waffles, bacon, and eggs with a side of strawberries. Now that was sweet, she thought to herself. No matter how sweet, his last statement chilled her to the bone. She had always wanted him to stop the "killing business." It would make their relationship a lot easier then he thought it would, but he didn't understand that.

"I guess in a twisted and messed up sort of way, that makes sense." Lisbon answered. "Thank you though." He nodded at her, but every few seconds he would steal some bacon from her plate. She sighed in frustration every time he did so.

"What is bothering you Teresa?" He asked while nibbling on a piece of bacon. "Something is not right with you this morning."

"Well," she began, "aside from the fact that it is six-thirty on Saturday morning, it's the usual stuff." She put some eggs into her mouth, waiting for him to answer her. He tended to avoid the subject.

"Well my darling, you may not need to worry about that for much longer." She felt him rest his hand on the small of her back. She took his face into her hands and locked him into a kiss. When the kiss finally broke, all she could do was stare at him.

"Thank you."