So, here's the second chapter.

I'm going to be going back to CHB, before the gang at Shibusen arrives. Oh, and there will be a few OC's here and there. (nothing like an OC of Percy's sister, ya know, just some random Athena kids, maybe an Apollo kid here and there. Aphrodite, Ares... you get the picture.)

"Come on, Percy," Annabeth Chase nagged at her best friend. "We're going to be late for dinner." She went over and stood by him.

Percy stared out towards the sun. He leaned over the sturdy edge of the dock, his feet dangling over the edge. "I can't stop thinking about what happened."

A few days back, Percy and the twins from the Apollo cabin, Kimberlie and Zach, had went on a mission to stop a few rogue followers of Kronos from terrorizing the mortals in a town in Mississippi. The mission went great, until the twins underrestimated the smallest monster. Kimberlie went in for a hit with her dagger (she had ran out of arrows), but was too slow to hit the chink in the armor. The monster turned, when Kimberlie's dagger was just centimeters away. His tail hit her, and knocked her out cold. Zach went over to help his fallen sister, but that's when the monster revealed its true nature; it was a manticore. By the looks of it, a very deadly one.

Percy was busy handling the bigger baddies, so he didn't notice the manticore throwing very poinsonous spikes towards the twins. It wasn't until he completely destoryed the other four monsters that he noticed the Apollo twins in a corner, their faces purple an swollen from the poison. Immediately, Percy knew they were dead, but he didn't waste time in avenging them. He quickly slashed the unexpecting manticore into yellow dust, then sprinted towards the two, hoping, praying to every god possible that at least one of them was alive.

They looked even worse up close. Zach had multiple spikes sticking out from the back on his neck and back. He had tried to protect his sister, but when he was dead, he slumped down, and Kimberlie took the rest of the blows. She had spikes longed in her temples, and one small one was even on her eyelid.

Percy was plagued with nightmares from that one scene.

Anabeth placed one hand on his shoulder and gave it a reassuring squeeze. "You did the best you could. It wasn't your fault."

"Yes, it was!" Percy huffed. "If I had... If I had noticed that they were being attacked hard earlier, I could have saved them. It's my fault Zach and Kimberlie are dead!" He kicked his right foot, and the water responded. But he had kicked a little too hard, and the angry waves of water rushed into a unsuspecting canoe. "Sorry!" Percy called, as the canoers tried to get back into the canoe. That earned him a few swears thrown his way.

Annabeth bit her bottom lip. "Percy..."

Percy sighed, then got up. His feet were completely dry, and didn't leave any footprints as he walked with Annabeth to the dinner pavilion.

Everyone was there, being served turkey burgers and vegetables by wood nymphs. A few stares were brought towards Percy and Annabeth's way, but no one said anything. Percy and Annabeth parted ways as the daughter of Athena went to go sit by her half-siblings.

Percy plopped down on a seat at his table in front of a plate of food. He grabbed the turkey burger and took a bite. Mmmm, ketchup, cheese, and pickles. Just the way he liked it.

After finishing the burger, he began to play with the carrots; moving them around with a piece of celery into the ranch. The son of Poseidon wasn't really in the mood for vegetables. He sighed, then took his plate up to braziers and threw in the best looking pieces of celery, and the only carrot without ranch (which, luckily for him, was the best-looking one). The air around him smelled like s'mores and freshly mowed grass.

"Poseidon," Percy muttered, taking in the smell.

Uh, hey, Dad, Percy thought. I know you're busy, and all, but I need to know; will you be sending help for this? The war, I mean. Everyone knows we can't do this alone. So, send some sort of mermaid, or mutant octopus up here. Please?

Percy took his place back at his cabin table.

Chiron stood up. He raised a chalice filled with some sort of concoction (it was bubbling over the top) and said, "To the gods!" Percy raised his empty glass and repeated his mentor's words.

Percy took a look around camp. There wasn't nearly as many people here now as there was when he first came here. The Hermes cabin table had a few extra seat. The Ares table wasn't as loud. Percy glanced at the Athena table to see Malcolm drenched in water, from head to toe. Malcolm caught the son of Poseidon's eyes, then gave him a murderous glare, his gray eyes cold and steely.

Malcolm got up to go to the braziers, and on his way he "conveniently" walked by and whispered, "Thanks, Perce." His voice oozed with sarcasm and hostility.

"Hey, anytime," Percy replied, equally sarcastic. He watched as Malcolm put in half of his turkey burger and muttered, "Athena." He also said a few other things Percy couldn't hear, which meant it could not be very good.

Malcolm walked away, grumbling about owls and water. Percy shrugged, then stuck a carrot covered in ranch in his mouth and began to nibble on it, like a rabbit.

After dinner was over, everyone filed in towards the amphitheater. There, they sang a few campfire songs, and passed around marshmallows on crooked sticks to everyone. The giant fire was glowing a dazzling yellow, almost as bright as Apollo's sun chariot.

When the last song was done, every strapped on their armor and grabbed their swords. Percy put on his red-plumed helmet, then met up with Annabeth. "You never did say who else was on our team," he said.

Annabeth smirked. "Look around."

Percy took a look. Clarisse and the rest of her cabin were putting on blue-plumed helmets, as was the Aphrodite and Demeter cabins. He could see the Apollo and Hermes cabin marching this way, wearing helmets matching his. "What is this, a repeat of my first game?" Percy asked Annabeth. Annabeth smirked, then put on her invisibilty cap, disappearing from sight. "Thanks for the answer," Percy muttered then joined his team by the campfire.

"Tonight," Dionysus announced, "it will be red against blue, blah, blah, blah. Just don't go killing each other. We need all the people we can get for the war coming up."

Percy internally cringed. His sixteenth birthday was just in a month and a half, and the closer they got to August eighteenth meant they got closer to war against Kronos. Which also meant, many casualties were in store for camp. Which also also meant, Percy would, no doubt, be to blame.

"Wow, the first time Mr. D has ever told us not to get killed," Annabeth commented beside Percy.

Percy jumped, almost falling onto Malcolm (luckily, Percy caught himself before that could happen). "Ah! Annabeth, don't do that!"

"Sorry," Annabeth replied sheepishly. She took off her hat, revealing her messy, sweaty hat head (and of course, her body became visible too). She ran her fingers through her hair, then replaced her cap.

"Heroes!" Chiron stamped his hooves onto the ground. The noise echoed as everyone entered a silence, and waited on orders. "Everyone knows the rules. No maiming, no killing, no offensive language." He shot Clarisse The Look. "Prisoners are not to be gagged, but may be bound with rope, and only rope." He glared at the Dmeter cabin, who whistled innocently. "Flags must be displayed in plain sight. Decoys are not allowed." He looked back at Mr. D. "I think that's about it."

Mr. D nodded. He snapped his fingers, and a Diet Coke can appeared. He took a sip before saying, "Well, you know what to do!"

Everyone raised up their swords, yelled a battle cry, then headed towards the woods; red to the left, blue to the right.

"Let me guess," Percy said to an empty space he hoped was Annabeth. If not, he would be in for a load of embarrassment. "I'm stuck on border patrol. Again."

Thankfully, that spot was Annabeth. The daughter of Athena scoffed. "Naturally."

Percy groaned. "When am I not going to be border patrol?"

Annabeth moved towards the flag's area. "Let me know when you're not a son of Poseidon who, get this, can control water. And border patrol is best done with someone who can control water."

"Yeah, yeah. I get it. You don't have to rub it in my face anymore," Percy said. He took out his pen, Riptide, and uncapped it. A shimmering broze sword appeared in his hands. But there was something different about Riptide today; it vaguely glowing an eerie blue. It hummed with power.

"Nice sword you got there," the other person on border patrol, Eric, said. Eric was new to camp, and a son of Hermes. He had dark brown hair and bright blue eyes. He wasn't as fast as his other siblings, but he was the most cunning out of the bunch. He once played a prank on the Aphrodite cabin and made it look like the Demter cabin did so. Percy wasn't sure why Annabeth chose him to be here for border patrol. Not only was Eric not very fast, he also wasn't that good of a fighter.

"Yeah," Percy agreed. A counch shell roared in the distance. "Best get ready for the other team."

Eric nodded in agreement, and heaved his own sword and shield farther down the creek.

Percy was on his toes, waiting for someone to cross when he heard a loud splash. "YAHOO!" Someone screamed, then another splash followed. "The great black star has arrived!"

Percy scrunched up his eyebrows in confusion. What was going on? He left his post on border patrol to investigate. "Cover for me, Eric."

"U-uh, okay," Eric stuttered. He must admit, he was a bit terrified of those Ares kids. Especially Clarisse. When she dunked his head in the stable floor (since she couldn't take anymore chances of there being another sea brat), he was absolutely petrified. How could one like her possess so much strength?

Meanwhile, on the other side on the creek, Annabeth had just breached the enemy's defense, and was about to head towards the flag when she heard splashes behind her. What is Percy doing?

She headed back towards the creek, but accidently stepped on a twig. It snapped.

"Liz, Patty!" a posh voice yelled. A pink flash appeared, then disappeared as quickly as it had appeared. Annabeth peeked out of the bush to see three kids about a few years younger than her; a girl and two boys. They were all holding different weapons.

The boy with blue hair and a Japanese-looking sword was muttering something to himself.

"Great, we get to listen to that again?" a voice asked. Percy, on the other side, jumped back. Where was that voice coming from? No one's mouths moved.

"Shut up," the kid in the soaked black suit said. Percy had no clue why someone would be wearing something like that here, especially during the summer. "You two, be ready for soul resonance if it's anything bad."

Is he talking to those pistols in his hands? Annabeth wondered.

The two in the bushes waited for what seemed like forever. They waited, until Percy could not stand it. He came out of the bush, sword in hand. "Who are you guys?" Annabeth facepalmed.

The guy with the blue hair turned to him. "Who the hell are you?"

Percy looked to his right. "Um, I think I asked you guys first." Annabeth visualized right beside him and slapped the son of Poseidon.

"You Seaweed Brain!" She yelled.

"What did I do this time?" Percy asked, rubbing his red face. Annabeth can slap pretty hard when she was angry.

"What did you do?" Annabeth mimicked. ""'I think I asked you guys first'. Really, Seaweed Brain? Really?"

"Well, what else was I supposed to do?"

The three meisters watched the two demigods bicker. Soul's images flashed in Maka's scythe. "Um, is there a reason why you two are fighting right now?"

The two demigods stopped yelling at each other. "Wait, which one of you said that?"

Soul twisted until the eye on the scythe looked right at them. "I did!"

Percy gaped. "A talking weapon? What the-?"

Maka sighed. "I think everyone should turn back to weapon form. These guys don't seem like much of a threat." A giant wave hit her in the face.

"Not much of a threat my ass," Percy told the ashy-blond girl.

"You caused that?" Death the Kid asked. "I've never..."

"Well I'll be damned," Soul said as he transformed back into human form. He stood next Maka, with her coming just to his forehead. His white hair was flattened down from the water that hit Maka in the face. "You're those demigods Lord Death told us about. Which means..." He looked around. "Lovely camp you got here."

"'Lord Death'?' Annabeth asked. "You mean Hades? I haven't re-"

"No," Kid interrupted, "Lord Death, meaning my father."

"You're a son of Hades?" Annabeth inquired.

Kid sighed. "You seem like a smart girl. Perhaps you would make more sense of another name for my father: Shinigami-sama." Annabeth's eyes widened to a point where they might pop out of her head.

"I don't get it," Percy said scratching his head.

"Percy, you Seaweed Brain! 'Shinigami' is Japanese for 'death god', and '-sama' is a suffix given to those of high ranking and respect. So that means..."

"My father is a literal personification of death, and is very highly respected," Kid finished. "Not some 'Hades' or 'Thanatos' or 'Osiris' or any other death god you could throw at me." The son of Death's pistols began to glow a light magenta; the same glow Annabeth had seen before. In their place, behind Kid, was two very different looking girls. One had short, bright blonde hair and was wearing poofy shorts and white boots that went to her knees. She was the shorter of the two, and looked the most childish. The other girl was taller, and had a more serious demeanor about her; she seemed much more responsible. She had bronde (brownish-blonde) hair with slightly darker eyes than the other girl's. She wore long pants and the same boots as the other girl, just you couldn't really see past her ankle. They both wore the same cowboy-style hat and red bellyshirt covered with a grey, unbuttoned longsleeve jacket that only went slightly past their shirts.

"Kid, I didn't know you knew any mythology," the taller one said.

"I don't. I only know the basics about any mythological death god. Any shinigami is require to know said knowledge."

Black*Star sighed as Tsubaki turned back into human form. "I was looking forward to the fighting. I wanted to show these two that I was too big of a man for them to handle."

Percy walked over to Black*Star and stepped in the creek. Black*Star only came up to his armpits. "Really,'cause it seems to me you're a bit of a short fry."

The blue-haired ninja gripped Percy's camp shirt. "Do you have a death wish?" He demanded angrily.

"I was only stating the obvious."

"Hey, stop it you two! We really don't know who these two are, and you're already fighting them!" Maka said. Black*Star loosened his grip on the son of Poseidon's shirt, who walked backwards towards Annabeth. "So, introductions."

Percy started first. "I'm Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon. And this is my best friend, Annabeth Chase."

"Daughter of Athena," Annabeth finished for him. "Goddess of wisdom, battlle stra-" Percy covered her mouth with his hand.

"There's no need to tell them something that would put them asleep." Annabeth licked Percy's hand. "AH! Ewwwww!" He whiped his hand on his shorts. "Was that necessary?"

Annabeth smirked, then turned away from Percy.

"I'm Maka Albarn. "I'm a scythe meister, and this here is my Weapon, Soul Eater." She pointed to the wahite-haired boy.

Percy studied him closely. "Is that hair natural, or dyed?" Annabeth sighed, then dragged him away.

Black*Star pointed a thumb to himself. "And I'm the great Black*Star! No one can defeat me! Ahahaha!" Black*Star smiled big.

His weapon stood beside him. She was a good foot taller than him. "And I'm sor- I mean, I'm Tsubaki Nakatsukasa. I'm Black*Star's weapon. And I apologize for his behavior..."

Annabeth smiled. "It's fine."

It was Kid's turn. "I am Death the Kid. These are my twin pistols, Liz and Patty Thompson."

"Death the Kid?" Percy asked, one eyebrow raised. "Didn't see that one coming..." he mumbled to himself.

"So, why are you guys here?" Annabeth asked. "You don't seem to be around here."

"Where is 'here', exactly?" Kid asked. "And my father sent us here to help you for a war."

Percy's eyes widened. Thanks, Dad.

"That's good," Annabeth commented. "We need all the help we can get. And as for your location... Camp Half-Blood. Long Island, New York."

There's members of Camp Half-Blood, and their amazing powers.

*Insert random SFX*

And there's the seven most powerful members of Shibusen.

*Insert another random SFX*

The prolouge is complete. Now the real story can begin.

^^I'm sorry, I just had to put that there. :)

So, tell me what you think of this so far. Please, give me CC, Flame me, or all I care. Just as long as you review.

~Percidia Jackson