Greeting! This is my first actual crossover! *excited squeal* It is a crossover between the two television series, Star Wars: the Clone Wars and Transformers: Prime. It's rated T because I'm paranoid :P. I hope you will enjoy it as much as I did writing it. Please give constructive criticism and well deserved praises.

Also, I made some adjustments in this chapter. I've made it more descriptive. You don't need to reread it to understand what's going on, though! I just wanted to fix things up. Now, for the disclaimers...

Disclaimer: I am Darth-Megatron-Vader-Jr-Jr. I have overthrown LucasFilms and Hasbro and now own everything. Mwahahahaha! *in comes George Lucas with a Clone Army* Now, I must tend to, ahem, legal procedures *races out of the room* Mommy!

As you can tell, I do not, in any way or form, own Transformers: Prime or Star Wars: the Clone Wars (but that will change once I completely conquer them! Mwahahahaha! *ducks as Starscreams shoots a missile* Can't a girl dream? Sheesh!)

War. Destruction. Death. That is what plagued our planet, Cybertron, our home. Megatron, in his quest for power, ravaged our planet till there was nothing left. Energon, the source of life for all Cybertronians, became scarce. Eager to acquire more Energon, Megatron lead his Decepticon warriors to the young planet of Earth. In order to protect the carbon-based life forms, I, Optimus Prime, with five other Autobots, journeyed there. After years of battles, Megatron suddenly vanished. Three years after Megatron's departure, we lost our comrade, Cliffjumper. In spite of his death, we gained three new friends; Jackson Darby, Miko Nakadai, and Rafael Esquivel. With our new allies in these children, we learned Earthen culture and, despite their frailty, they had proven to be strong assets. Despite our new friends, evil still lurks. Megatron returned to Earth shortly after the children's arrival. And thus, continued the war...

"Miko!" cried Ratchet, "I needed that!"

Miko blushed as she hid the metal do-hickey behind her back. Even though it was Saturday, Miko was eager to go out for the ride that Bulkhead promised her. So, she rushed over to the Autobots' base at seven o'clock in the morning. To the Japanese girl's great disappointment, Bulkhead was still powered down. Plus, to make matters worse, Ratchet was the only one awake. His orders were simple: Don't touch anything. However, Miko couldn't resist playing with a pole that had tentacles sticking out of it. Somehow, Miko managed to rip off one of the tentacles. With the doctor scowling at her, Miko smiled angelically. "Oops," she chirped.

Shaking his head, Ratchet groaned. "Honestly, Miko, you're worse than Bulkhead."

"And you say that as if it was a bad thing," yawned Bulkhead as he emerged from his room.

Turning to face the transformed SUV, Ratchet snapped, "It is when it concerns my tools."

For a moment, Bulkhead was silent. "Oh, right," grumbled the former Wrecker.

Satisfied with his verbal victory, Ratchet returned to his computers.

Suddenly, the door opened. In came a dark-haired teenager riding on his sleek blue motorcycle. Behind the two was a yellow striped Camero with a young boy wearing glasses. Once the boys leapt off of their rides, the car and motorcycle transformed into robots. The azul motorcycle was a stern femme named Arcee while the Camero was a young mech called Bumblebee. The dark-haired boy's name was Jackson Darby, commonly known as Jack and his younger companion was Rafael "Raf" Esquivel. Jack examined the situation between Ratchet and Miko. "Let me guess," said Jack, "Miko broke something?"

Ratchet grunted. "More like destroyed it."

Team Prime looked at Miko. With an innocent look, Miko whispered, "It was an accident?"

Everyone groaned. With a shrug of her shoulders, Miko tossed the damaged tool aside. She then raced to her guitar. With a loud thrum, Miko started playing My Fist, Your Face.

Voice filled with agitation, Ratchet shouted, "Stop that repulsive noise, Miko!"

Glaring at the medic robot, Miko spat, "It's not just any noise. It's music!"

"Whatever it is," growled the medic veteran, "Stop it!"

With a sigh of frustration, Miko stormed off. Worried about her behavior, Jack asked, "Hey, Miko! Where are you going?"

With a face that could kill, Miko roared, "Somewhere where I won't be criticized by grouchy old doctors!"

Once Miko left the room, Ratchet snorted, "Grouchy? Huh! I'm not grouchy."

Smiling weakly at Ratchet, Jack hoped that Miko would not do something rash. "Perhaps I should go and talk with her," thought Jack. However, before he could tear after the Asian, the computers flashed red. Studying the screens, Ratchet announced, "There's a spike of Energon in the Carpathian Mountains. Most likely caused by an explosion. And..." Ratchet paused.

"And, what?" inquired Raf.

"And, it seems that the Nemesis is there," said Ratchet confused.

"Why would the Decepticons be so reckless as to reveal their ship?" wondered Arcee, "Did the ship went rouge again?"

With a shake of his head, Ratchet replied, "I don't know. But, whatever ancient weapon Megatron is after, it is certainly extremely powerful."

"Then, we cannot allow it to fall into Decepticons' hands," stated Optimus Prime as he strode forward. "Ratchet, set the Groundbridge's coordinates to the Carpathian Mountains."

Immediately, Ratchet powered up the Groundbridge. "Be careful," he warned, "If Megatron is desperate enough to reveal his position, the artifact must be one of incredible power."

"Will do, old friend," assured the Autobot leader. Signaling his team, Optimus Prime ordered, "Autobots! Roll out!"

Once the Autobots transformed and vanished into the ground bridge, Ratchet sighed. "I have a bad feeling about this..."

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, there was a war. A war that tore the Republic apart. Once Keepers of the Peace, the Jedi became generals in the infamous Clone Wars. As the war surged on, the Jedi's numbers grew scarce and scattered across the galaxy. When older Jedi were slaughtered, the young Padawans took charge. Clone troopers were massacred faster than they were born. While the Republic suffered these losses, the Separatists were far from being victorious. Fuel for their droid army was becoming a scarcity, limiting Separatist attacks. In order for success, the Confederacy of Independent Systems must acquire a new energy source. If the CIS discovers a new power source, it would be the end of the Republic...

Speed. It was the only thing that calmed Anakin Skywalker, the Jedi hero of the Republic. Nothing can be compared to the rush of swooping and diving in deep space. No adrenaline rush could be compared to the thrill of watching the stars spin around you. Neither can it be caught or destroyed. Speed; it was the only sense of freedom Anakin could afford.

"Clankers, ten o'clock!" warned the Clone Captain Rex.

Rushing back to reality, Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker dodged the missile as it exploded.

"Thanks, Rex," smiled Skywalker.

"Anytime, sir!" replied Rex.

"Um, sorry to spoil the party," a voice cackled over the comm link, "But, I could use a little help here!"

Anakin smirked. "No worries, Obi-Wan. I've got your back."

"How comforting," said Master Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi, his voice full of sarcasm.

"Hey, guys!" piped up the young Padawan learner, Ahsoka Tano, "Not to intrude, but the Seps are receiving back-up."

"Charming," grumbled Obi-Wan.

"What's the ship's name?" demanded Anakin.

Ordering for a scan of the Separatist's ship, Ahsoka sighed. While Master Kenobi and Jedi Skywalker were blasting Clankers, Ahsoka was confided to the bridge of the Resolute. All she did was examine holographs and occasionally offer advice (which may or may not be acknowledged). The young Togruta wished that her master, Anakin Skywalker, did not order her to stay on the Resolute.

"Miss Tano," said Admiral Yularen, interrupting Tano's thoughts, "I think you must see this."

With a groan, Ahsoka strode to the light blue holograph. As the hazy image rotated, a name appeared on its hull.

"The Invisible Hand!" gasped Ahsoka. "Anakin! Obi-Wan! The back-up is Grievous! I repeat, Separatist ship is Grievous'!"

Firing Vulture droids, Anakin zoomed behind Obi-Wan's pursuer.

"What took you so long?" inquired Obi-Wan.

Anakin shrugged his shoulders. "Traffic," he muttered.

Before Obi-Wan could refute the comment, Ahsoka yelled, "Anakin! Obi-Wan! The back-up is Grievous! I repeat, Separatist ship is Grievous'!"

Anakin clenched his teeth. "Grievous," he hissed.

"What would Grievous be doing out here?" wondered Kenobi.

"I don't know," growled Anakin, "But, I'm about to find out."

Realizing what his former student was about to do, Obi-Wan snapped, "No, wait Anakin! I still have Vultures on my..."

However, Skywalker interrupted his elder. "Rex," Anakin ordered, "Take care of Obi-Wan."

"Roger that, sir!"


However, Anakin raced after the Invisible Hand. With Vulture droids firing behind him, Kenobi grumbled, "Blast! This is why I hate flying."

Standing on the deck of the Resolute, Ahsoka Tano observed the battle. Admiral Yularen stood behind her. Watching the Invisible Hand, the two were shocked to see the infamous ship steer away from the battle zone. Instead, it was heading straight towards the gray planet of Xzin.

"What would Grievous want on that planet?" mused Ahsoka aloud.

Yularen shrugged his shoulders. "That cursed cyborg does not need reason to fight," spat the Admiral.

The Togruta glanced at the Human. "Grievous may be a monster," she said, "But, he is not wasteful, especially with the shortage of energy."

Yularen's brows creased. "Xzin has no powerful energy, no useful resources, and no form of intelligent life forms," the war-worn man stated. "In fact, this battle was an accident."

"There are no accidents," said Ahsoka gently, "Only the way of the Force."

The Admiral grunted in defeat and left the Padawan learner. Staring at the onslaught before her, Ahsoka sighed, "I have a bad feeling about this..."

There it is! My first chapter of my first crossover! Please, tell me what did you think (even if it's just grammar errors or saying how much you hate it or how you can't stop reading this story! :D). I live to learn! ;D