Hali Ma-Tair was alone on a stone bench in the port town of Fiumicino. She sat there in a simple, faded blue dress with her leather bag and nothing else. She put a hand through her long, light brown hair and thought about it. What a foreign world, she had been dragged into. It seemed like only yesterday, a letter had come to her in simple Hebrew, requesting her presence by Ezio Auditore Di Firenze. The fact that he wanted to train her- that word of her special talents had spread to Rome , land so far from her own frightened her at first, but excitement had followed it soon after. Finally! After years of reading the legends, she would be able to become an assassin herself!

She didn't know a lick of Italian at first, but on the journey here, traveling on an Italian trading boat, she learned basic phrases such as "buongiorno" "grazie" and "merda". They helped a lot, but the language was such a stretch from her native Arabic/Hebrew, it all sounded like gibberish.

As she sat there, she wondered if coming to Italy was a good idea, leaving her large family behind to chase a dream that she only read about. Ezio Auditore had called her into Rome to train to be an assassin. An assassin! Something that seemed to only be a man's job was within her reach. Her father had egged her on, telling her that it was a once in a lifetime opportunity and that Allah was smiling upon her. She began to think of her large family by then; her siblings, her father and those that had gone before her. She started day dreaming

She was snapped out of her daze by a strong voice "Hali?" he asked politely – his accent fairly distracting. She nodded, standing up. A tall, olive toned young man stood before her. He had very dark, curly brown hair and brown eyes to match. He was dressed in white with hints of blue and a black cloak. On his left forearm was a strange contraption that you could not see at first glance. Oh, and he was handsome, very handsome, but Hali didn't let that get to her. He spoke simple Hebrew. "I am Christiano. I am here to take you to Roma" He wasn't too good, but at least he was understandable to Hali.

She managed a broken "grazie" and he led her to his two horses. Not exchanging any words, she got on the horse with his assistance and she followed him. It was a fairly quick trip to Rome, only about 15 miles. Once they got to the city Hali found herself gaping. Holy crap! This place is so big! So busy! Christiano snapped his fingers in front of her face and snapped her out of the culture shock. After putting the horses in their stables, he gently grabbed her arm and led her into the fray

The sights, the sounds, the people. It was all so different from the small coastal town of Ashkelon in the Mamel Uke Empire (modern day Israel). She smelled scents she had never smelled before. Some were utterly foul, others were sweet and savory. She saw things she had never seen before, like minstrels with their lutes and brightly colored harlequins. The buildings were magnificent and new-looking. Brightly colored paint was fairly distracting. Poor Hali was practically dragged along by Christiano.

Christiano led Hali to a square, where he sat her down. "Wait for Master Auditore" he said again in his broken Hebrew and turned around. Hali nodded and opened her bag. Dang, one piece of bread left and no money. She went to ask Christiano if he had spare coins but when she did, he was gone. Surprised at his sudden disappearance, Hali stood up and looked around. Where had he gone? This was a big square. No way he could have just disappeared in a matter of seconds! But then she remembered something. The Creed. What the letter had spoken of in his letter. The letter that had started this entire adventure. She looked around once more before totally giving up. She sighed and reached into her bag again – pulling out the letter that got her here. She reread it.

Hali Ma-Tair of Ashkelon,

You have not heard of me, but I have heard of you. A friend of mine that is a trader met you a few months ago and word of your assassin and spying ability has reached me in Rome. I was wondering if you would like to come and further your knowledge here with me in Rome, Italy. I understand that it would be a challenge because you do not know my language, but I know of people that speak your tongue and can teach you mine. I also understand the culture shock you might have, but I still strongly suggest that you come and train under me with my apprentices. You would truly be a worthy member of the team if even one part of what I have heard is true.

But to be an assassin, you must embrace the creed. You will learn what these represent in due time, but here is what they are, so that you may ponder them:

Stay your blade from the flesh of the innocent

Hide in plain sight

Never Compromise the brotherhood

The word brotherhood is fairly misleading, so I encourage you to think of it more as a guild so as not to feel left out. But Hali, even if you decide not to come to Rome, remember this,

Nothing is true. Everything is permitted

Please respond,

Ezio Auditore Di Firenze

Hali took a breath. Wow. She just couldn't believe that an assassin wanted her to train with him. She was afraid that she would forever be stuck as a housewife somewhere, with 12 kids and no life to lead.

She got up and looked around again, where was Mr. Auditore? Just as she was about to sit again, she felt a hand grasp her shoulder. Within the following two seconds, Hali twisted around and punched the owner of said hand right in the face. She stood in a defensive position as she man held his face "AH! CHE MALE! (THAT HURTS!)" The man held his face and took a breath "Hali?" he asked as he checked to see if he was bleeding. Hali gave him a confused look "Sei Hali? (Are you Hali?)" he asked again. She watched as he came up to her and she stood up straight.

The man was tall with a hood covering his face. He had a metal contraption on both of his forearms and a belt with a symbol that Hali recognized. The symbol at the bottom of the letter. "Ezio Auditore di Firenze?" she asked with her thick accent. The man chuckled and pat her head. She realized what she had done and began repeating another Italian phrase she had learned "Mi dispiace! Mi Dispiace!(I am sorry! I am sorry!)" she repeated in her best Italian, though her accent made it sound like "mi diplace"

"Do not worry" he said in fairly ok Hebrew "though I am impressed at your strength" he chuckled again, holding his jaw. "Follow me, Signorina Ma-Tair. I shall show you where you shall stay" he motioned her to follow. Only then did Hali realize how late it was. The sun was near setting, and the busy streets were beginning to thin out and quiet.

Once they got to the hideout, he showed her to a small, simple room. "Here is where you shall be staying" he said. Hali walked in. there was only one bed, with a small desk with two candles for ample light. She looked to him, confused

"Where are the other beds? Will I have to sleep on the floor?" she asked in genuine curiosity.

"What? No. this is your room and yours alone. You are not sharking it" he spoke calmly and properly- not knowing any simple prepositions like "aren't" or "you're" in Hebrew.

"My own…? Really?" she sat on the bed. It wasn't the most comfortable bed in the world, but it was certainly better than the mat she slept on back at home.

"Yes. I do not have many apprentices, only about 5 or 6. They all have their own rooms" he explained "just as you have yours". Have you never had your own room before?" he asked

Hali nodded "I have never had a bed, either" she commented- lying down on it. Her stomach then betrayed her by growling loudly. Ezio laughed

"Come come, I shall teach you about Italia!" he grinned and motioned her to follow him. She did so into a large dining hall. It was empty, all for one plate set up. "All of the other apprentices have eaten already, so you shall eat alone. I will get you some food" he took the plate and dashed into the kitchen. Hali sat down until Ezio came back with a plate of food. Hali didn't even ask what it was. She hadn't had a good cut of meat since her small goodbye dinner at home weeks ago. She scarfed down the meat and devoured the bread and vegetables. Ezio was near laughter. She ate like a boy! She looked at him awkwardly and swallowed her food.

"Forgive me, Mister Ezio Auditore…." She managed and wiped her face with her sleeve. "That was not very lady-like…."

"Do not worry! I am not concerned with your manners. Finish eating, and go to your room. It is time for sleep." He smiled and went to the door "Buoa Noite, Sengorina" Ezio said before leaving, Hali seduced that it meant 'good night' and continued to eat.

After eating she went to her room and began emptying her bag. She didn't have much. A piece of bread, a necklace from her father, a small vase, and a black string that she used to tie her thick bangs away from her face. she contemplated writing a letter to her family, it could wait until tomorrow. She had been the first to be able to travel such a great distance, so she worried that they were worried. She eventually let it go, and lied in her new bed. It was seemingly heaven sent. What a beautiful way to start her new life in Italy. She closed her eyes, and dreamed of her mother